Reviews for Against the Moon |
Guest chapter 101 . 9/28/2018 It's nice to see his mother isn't so perfect after all. Her remark about Remus's father's insecurities made me realize Remus is a lot like him. But I can't help but wonder why his father can't stand up for his own child. Even though I can't say I was surprised his mother was the one to take matters into her own hands, but it's actually sad. Well, at least according to Pottermore, his father was able to speak his mind when he wanted to. It just seems his wife is somehow able to cope with it. I am not sure where you took the information about this sort of treatment, I suspect people with HIV had to go through this, though. Remus's desire to spare the healer all that distress was unexpected, because I personally would have been angry. It often made me wonder how he always seemed to think it was understandible that people avoided him, as if they had a right to be nasty to him because of something that wasn't even his part of his character is a mystery to me and it's particularly prevalent in that scene with the healer,' I won't hurt you'. Now really...Maybe his father's behaviour had something to do with Remus's own attitude or maybe different people react to similar situations differently. |
Guest chapter 100 . 9/28/2018 Well, now it's clear where Remus learned to deal with people like Severus Snape. That was an amusing chapter. I'm a bit fed up with Sirius, though, who said that the opposites attract must have been drunk. I've only noticed that there's a sharp contrast between Remus's parents. His father seems like a real person whom one is likely to meet in real life. His mother seems to be too good to be true. People often criticize Molly, but the fact she wasn't perfect doesn't make her a bad mother. The problem with Mrs. Lupin, at least to me as a reader, is that I can't help but see her as some sort of saint while it's in fact impossible to be like that. I don't know how I feel about it, it's just that you sacrifice one character to show how wonderful another character is. It might become a problem because she appears in the story quite often, with the characters that are less prominent it wouldn't be so obvious and noticible. She is the only one who is shocked by Mrs Black's behaviour. Even Mrs. Potter seems to be able to explain away this event. I guess I could never fully accept this fandom notion that Sirius's mother was abusive, resorted to violence, and restricted his freedom. But take this with a grain of sault, because I don't like teenage Sirius at all and I do think he enjoyed annoying her and disobeying her. I'm not saying she was nice and he was a horrible child, only that fandom maybe is a bit too dramatic where she's concerned. |
Guest chapter 99 . 9/28/2018 I do think that instead of Remus giving his mother a kiss, she would be the one to do that. Rowling's men are quite typical, only Remus and Arthur are more gentle. However, there's nothing to suggest Remus is physically affectionate in the presense of others, unless he's experiencing some strong emotion (hugging Sirius in the shack). Sirius's role is still very prominent. And it kind of takes the fun out of the story when he knows what they are going to do to help him, so I'm personally rather disappointed by this turn of events.I'm glad he went swimming, though. But his role as a sort of nanny still amazes me. |
Guest chapter 98 . 9/28/2018 Remus's mother is a saint. Mine wouldn't be all that happy if she had to drive to such a place. This made me think she probably didn't have time to have much fun when she was younger. But they could have thought of something even when Remus was younger, most parents do. I still can't imagine Sirius proudly showing his baby cousin's pictures. But the whole idea seems peculiar in light of what we know. In the other story I've read about this it didn't feel so odd, I don't know why. Oh and the puppy shippers would enjoy that scene with Sirius and Remus. When I read that part, I realized the fandom ruined it for me because of wolfstar because it can be interpreted as a perfectly innocent thing. On the other hand, maybe it can't, since they mention the word adorable. Poor Remus, though. It's strange his mother doesn't realize he can't show his body to his friends. I mean, surely she knows how it makes him feel. But I can sympathize since I know a thing or two about feeling damaged. I don't understand why Sirius says Andromeda can't have much to do with her in-laws. I suppose it makes everything more dramatic, but I don't think it's necessary. For all we know, Ted's mother might be a really nice lady, like Mrs. Lupin, and maybe Andromeda gets from her what she didn't get from her own mother. To me this part seem unnecessarily dramatic. |
Guest chapter 97 . 9/28/2018 That was amusing. But Sirius still annoys me to no end. He seems to think he can boss everyone around and it irritates me. I suppose he needs parents like James's or Remus's. But there's something so childish in his behaviour. I still can't understand how Remus can enjoy all this when he has to do all the dirty work. Remus's mother reminds me strongly of Ellen O'hara- a perfect mother and wife, who never complains and does all her womanly duties. I was worried about what Sirius might do at the post office, thankfully, Mr. Lupin seems to have thought about this, too. I'd love to try a typewriter too. |
Guest chapter 96 . 9/27/2018 Whenever I read a chapter where Remus is shown cooking something, I can't help but wonder how he felt about Tonks's inability to perform household spells. In fact, his mother is almost perfect, and I can't think of a woman who would meet that standart. Remus's reaction after he told his mother about professor Meyrigg and her baby was unexpected, though. I didn't even think he'd tell her all this. But as I've said, it helped them both. Who knows how long he would have kept quiet about it. And I'm still surprised he started talking about his little sister, Remus isn't the kind of person who opens up easily, at least I think he isn't. And I've remembered why I dislike Sirius so much- he makes such tactless remarks that he could compete with Ron for the title of the most tactless human being in Britain. I haven't noticed this behaviour in adult Sirius, so maybe that is why I find it so shocking. And I can't stop worrying about the Lupins' finances. It's all nice and good when you have friends to stay, but I can't shake off that depressing feeling I had the last time they were staying. I also find it interesting that Remus adopts the role of a care taker when he's with them. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, I'm just surprised he's happy with it. To me it was somewhat painful to even read about it. Remus's thought about his father wishing his son was as healthy and clever as Sirius Black was very fitting, I can tell from personal experience it isn't uncommon, but it's a curse. Well, not everyone is as lucky as James Potter. It again makes me think misery, sadness and dispair aren't exactly shared equally among the human population. |
Guest chapter 95 . 9/27/2018 Well, I suppose when one spends as much time with Sirius and James, one does pick up some tricks. Now I'm bitter, because I wouldn't be able to speak like that even at the age of 40. I wasn't surprised Remus's father was the personification of the word dispair. I suppose Remus inherited his determination from his mother, at least the offer they should make supper suggests this. I was again reminded of the Little House on the Prairie- all this house work seems like a scene from that book or TV series. It also occured to me that there's something gentle or,er, feminine in Remus's behaviour. He certainly does things no man I know would ever do, like bringing a stillborn baby to his teacher or trying to comfort his father. But it's nice to at least read about a man who has more emotional maturity than a teaspoon. |
Guest chapter 94 . 9/27/2018 I really loved the awkwardness between Remus and his father. And I do wonder whether there's anything that could stop Remus's mother if she had decided she was going to achieve her aim. This quiet determination is impressive. She is like Meyrigg. If Remus had said he had trouble dismantling a car engine, she would have just said they would have to work on it. I can't say I'm looking forward to seeing Sirius so soon, because he annoyed me when he was staying there last summer and I'd love to have some quite time with Remus and his mother. But I never could understand his fondness for those two boys. |
Guest chapter 93 . 9/27/2018 You've just made one of my dreams come true. I've always wanted to read a story about such a relationship between a teacher and a student. After she gave Remus that book, I thought it couldn't get any better. But it did when she gave him her address. I could say this was brilliant, wonderful, spectacular...but it wouldn't be enough. It's interesting that we want something sometimes, but we think it can't possibly exist, and suddenly we learn it does exist. I'm sure I'll reread this chapter many times. It's always the loud ones who are noticed and popular, but I wanted a story about a shy, quiet student, who was noticed and liked by a teacher. The touch of humour at the end was great.'you are taking me for granted' was the funniest line. I love Remus, Meyrigg, and you because you've just given me what I've always wanted. |
Guest chapter 92 . 9/27/2018 Oh my God. I had to stop reading for a while because it was too much. I don't know how you've managed to write it. The only thought that kept occuring to me was that there's a lot of pain and misery in the world, and for some reason those who are the best and kindest suffer the most. No one really gets what they deserve. I hope she'll survive. And Remus...I have no words. I want to nominate him for sainthood. |
Guest chapter 91 . 9/27/2018 *applauds Remus for his O in dada*. 'you are worthy of consideration, Rmus Lupin' has to be my favourite line. It's the second time she'd given him sensible advice. But the beginning of the chapter...I have no words to describe it. I had no idea she lost the baby after Remus's second transformation. She didn't ask for help an he still thinks it's his fault? *shakes head*. But his joy about his da da mark was so genuine. It was so great to know Meyrigg made him feel at ease so much that he could even joke about the transformation. Lovely, wonderful, great. Oh and he thinks she had taken leave of her senses *laughs*. It's more likely that the rest of society had taken leave of their senses. Btw, I loved that McGonagall arranged the exams around the full moon. I bet the astronomy teacher had the sense not to argue with her. |
Guest chapter 90 . 9/27/2018 There are very few original characters I like, but your professor Meyrigg is on my list. I shall cry because I know she'll have to leave next year. That compliment to Remus was so wonderful. I bet if 10 da da professors told him he was their best student, he'd think they all were just trying to be nice. I loved the description of da da exam. But his worries she'd hate him after learning the truth were painful to read. Little does he know that she already knows everything and doesn't give a damn or rather, that she admires him. I hope she will tell him this because his astonishment would be so amusing. And madam Pomfrey *giggle*. Some boys...changing linens...Oh dear. I love your sense of humour. I really love that Remus is the one Meyrigg wants to see. There's that view that McGonagall was fond of Sirius but didn't show it, so I enjoy reading about a teacher who likes a diligent, quiet, compassionate student. Whenever I meet an original character I like, I know I'll enjoy the story. And that scene with Remus and Peter...why does no one appreciate Remus? Peter is an ungrateful prat. |
Guest chapter 89 . 9/27/2018 *sob*. 'you're going to be my example...' I've always wondered what it would be like to help someone who isn't a relative, and not because of some coincidence, but because that person thought you were the one whose help she/he wanted. It's good for both of them. And he even brought her all his games. I've always known Remus is a wonderful child. But he should stop thinking that even his sister would be ashamed of him, though I can't say I'm surprised and I,well, I just understand him. But I could read pages and pages of him spending time with Meyrigg. I just love good relationships between a student and a teacher. Though I suppose he won't go there after what had happened. I wish he would,though, maybe helping her would help him, too. I even think he should tell her all about it, she can understand. Her reaction to him bringing all those things was interesting. Either there's another secret or she was just surprised. Long live good teachers! |
Guest chapter 88 . 9/27/2018 I enjoyed this chapter immensely. That scene with Remus and Lily was great. I agree with Lily, he is a better friend than they deserve sometimes. Their debt to him is far greater than his to them just at present. HIt just shows how much he values friends. Meyrigg is a treasure. 'I won't let you down'. She knows, and he has no idea. I would love to know how she became so open-minded. She even realized she should use the appropriate pronouns. Poor woman, though. 'it was happening again' could only mean a miscarriage. But the irony of the whole situation! The one others said shouldn't be even allowed to apply for a job helped their teacher, and it is Remus who seems to give her courage to bear it. Lovely. If only they knew. I also loved that James and Sirius forgot Remus should be with them. I wouldn't be surprised if this happened again. And Remus isn't even hurt *sigh*. |
Guest chapter 87 . 9/27/2018 A few thoughts: I really enjoyed the part with Lily and Snape. They had to have something incommon besides the fact they were friends when they were children. However, Slughorn's behaviour doesn't seem to resemble his behaviour in canon. He might show strong favouritism, but as far as lessons go, I can't imagine him not being able to follow the course syllabus properly. I don't think McGonagall would go as far as paying attention to what Sirius Black has to say. After hinting that 'she had left logic behind' he would be very sorry indeed. She might like Sirius, but she isn't the sort of teacher whom students can contradict. However, I love that she is supportive. I've never noticed much of this where Harry was concerned. I loved that Peter had a chance to shine here. You gave him a personality, other u authors don't even bother with him. I loved who didn't have wives who worried over them' part. If only he knew. And the part where he thinks he'd do anything for Dumbledore was brilliant. We often say people change as they grow older, but in Remus's case we can see that he retained many of his character traits he had as a child. I'm happy Remus isn't fond of Quidditch all that much, so I could sympathise with him when he wished to be in Sirius's shoes. For some reason the mention of him sitting on 'the fifth step of the boys' staircase' amused me. The truth is that it's in character for him to do that. He is always happy just watching. |