Reviews for Against the Moon |
![]() ![]() "you don't like werewolves, do you"...Good lord! I held my breath after this line. I know she's right, but I can tell from personal experience that as time goes by, it becomes more and more difficult to give people that benefit of the doubt. Given Remus's character, I'm sure he'd agree. This chapter is such a contrast to the previous one. You can tell a joke, but you can also pull at my heart strings, and that's not very easy, I assure you. And James's line...It should be put in dictionary under the definition of the word friendship. I loved Sirius in this chapter. He is so in character. And Remus and that box! I want that box as 's no better present than something that shows how much he has learned. And that transfiguration tip. Are you secretly attending Hogwarts? |
![]() ![]() Docile is just the word to describe Remus. But this chapter made me think those two aren't exactly a good influence on Remus. First time jitters...indeed. And Sirius has problems with his alphabet, doesn't he? working through the staff in reverse. Right. And that bit about transfiguration was really interesting. I was angry at them for interrupting McGonagall. I bet I'd enjoy your insights into history of magic as well. I wonder, though, what will make them befriend Peter. They don't even seem to like him, and I refuse to believe he was as stupid as people make him out to be. And Remus...that sort of desire for approval might not end well. Now I know why I was sorted into Ravenclaw. Even if this meant I had no friends, I wouldn't have risked interrupting a class. I wonder what my opinion of Remus will be after reading this story. He's enjoying this. Though I suppose it's quite innocent at present. But I guess he enjoys their approval even more. Is it only my imagination or does his behaviour really is similar to the way Peter behaves? That's no good, no good at all. His fear after the incident during transfiguration seemed very realistic, though. I wonder how I'll reconcile this young Remus to his adult version. That is one of the reasons I dread that marauder prequel. We shall see. And there's the da da lesson to interrupt... |
![]() ![]() I just love Edgar! It doesn't hurt that I love Edgar from Wuthering Heights too. the head boy express,lol. What a line! a battle of wits between you and the door...I have no idea how you come up with such lines, but I love them. The person who thought it was a good idea to have astronomy in such weather should be hanged. JK never mentions this class, except when they have their owl. And James and Sirius are good friends. When they weren't bothered by Remus's refusal to go with them, I thought the friendship was over. And Remus is constantly worrying they might withdraw their friendship at any moment. But he was worrying about this even after five years. The wizarding society really needs help. |
![]() ![]() "at your age you ought to know better sort of family" has to be my favourite line. I have to say that Remus's desire for approval and a strong determination to enjoy it is very familiar. I just knew we were alike! It's wonderful to have a character I can identify with, and wonderful someone finds his qualities that are familiar to other people. As one person once said, it makes us feel less alone when we realize others have the same struggles we do and thus we are drawn to such characters. If JK never wrote that prequel everyone is so desperately wishing for, I won't be bothered, because this is exactly what I wanted. Thank you, dear author. And to think someone has just said that people who read gen fic that doesn't have romance miss something...I'd love to know what that something is. Snogging most probably. And God bless madam Pomfrey. For a moment I thought Lucius would figure it out. I'm just as paranoyed as Remus, I guess. And it's a hundredth time I kept wanting to give Remus a hug. I love that child. |
![]() ![]() I've just realized I have no sense of humour,lol. Sirius was really nasty. You use the canon information really well. Slughorn's behaviour here was a little odd. I'd imagine he would vanish the mess and send Peter to the hospital wing, but wouldn't seem bothered by the incident. I loved the line about Peter not waking up in the pool of his own blood. Compared to what Remus goes through, that accident seems funny. But I think it was fitting that Sirius was the one to do it, since he definitely has a mean streak. I only hope they won't be mean to him all the time because then their relationship would make no sense. And Remus learns how important it is to take charge. You have analyzed him, haven't you? That's how fanfic should be written. I've never thought of where he got his talent to take charge under stress. I just took it for granted, but it's true he had to learn this somewhere. |
![]() ![]() I've forgotten about that incident with a broomstick, though I can't remember whether the girl who laughed at Snape was identified enough to let us know it was Lily. I wonder about Remus's excuses, though. I think he used to tell them his mother was ill and he went to visit her, so his injuries weren't so visible most of the time, otherwise they would have guessed his secret pretty quickly since they live in the same dormitory. I think it's fanon that Remus is good at charms (not that I think he wasn't good at this subject), but he should become quite good at defence as well because he became a da da teacher after all. It's interesting you brought those two together through their shared dislike of Snape. Oh and I bet it won't be the last time Remus doesn't scold them for their bullying of Snape. Though I think you could have added his thoughts that he enjoyed having them as friends and was worried they might shun him if he said anything. |
![]() ![]() The boys' conversation with Dumbledore seemed a bit odd in places. I don't think Sirius would openly comment on the fact Dumbledore knows Remus or that Remus would reply to Dumbledore's remark with "I dare say." But scrumptious sounds like such a Dumbledore-ish word. I'll have to remember it. It's nice Dumbledore is concerned about Remus. I have some doubts about Sirius's behaviour, though. I don't think he was all that disappointed that he was sorted into Gryffindor. But I loved that you showed he has inherited his family's attitudes towards muggles and so on. People seem to think he was some sort of genius who was born knowing that discrimination is wrong. The truth is that someone had to teach him that. I personally don't think Remus would be offended by what Dumbledore did. He is smart to realize that some people had to be told about his affliction. I even imagine he would be grateful to Dumbledore because Remus didn't have to come up with an excuse as to why he didn't have his book with him. I also believe other teachers had to know this since there are such things as tests which Remus could take in advance in order not to miss them. |
![]() ![]() It seems I have something to say after reading each chapter, and this doesn't happen often. First, you write Dumbledore so well, preserving his speech patterns. The things he said seem like something Dumbledore in canon would say. At first I thought Remus's speech to Dumbledore was quite lengthy for Remus, but then you made it clear he was scared. Madam Pomfrey is our unsung hero, and not because she took care of Remus, but because she was kind to him. Remus's gratitude to Dumbledore was very touching, we can see why he respected him and was so loyal to him later in his life. But when I think Remus will tear all those furniture...His fear and homesickness seem very realistic. He's just 11 and yet he has to go through things no child should have to go through. But his fear reminds me he's only a are quite a few characteristics in this chapter that continue into Remus's adulthood, like fear of being discovered, his gratitude, stubbornness. I could hug Remus's mother for that first sentence in her letter. Maybe it's a good thing she's a muggle because she didn't grow up hearing wizarding prejudice, in fact I wonder how his father reconciled his attitude towards werewolves with the fact his son was one, but that he was still only a Sirius and James were worried. That was touching. McGonagall isn't my favourite teacher, but that scene with the book... I just love it. I don't know whether Remus is your favourite character, though I hope he is. Not many people who like him write him so well *applauds*. |
![]() ![]() May I strangle Slughorn? I know he's important for the future books, but I knew there was a reason I disliked him. Oh and that defence teacher too! And here we see how Remus Lupin starts learning to hide his thoughts. I never thought this started in childhood. It's nice you don't portray these lessons as something wonderful and fascinating. But still, the line about Remus having to learn to hide his thoughts will haunt me, I just know it. |
![]() ![]() You chose an interesting direction for their relationship. I've had the impression that Sirius and James liked each other from the start,but James's disdain for pure blood supremacists apparently got the better of him. And Sirius can recite his family tree, how charming and weird. I suspect Remus won't be very devoted to his prayers in the future. It's interesting you have Sirius and James sort of defending Remus. I always suspected he might have social anxiety, but never gave it much thought. There's something so poignant in those situations where I see this actually expressed. And that bit about Remus's secret...It's actually true. But it does make me wonder what would have happened if... I also liked that you made the prefects take their duties seriously because in JK's world they seemed a bit like decorations (none of them ever offered to help). |
![]() ![]() Now this was superb. I loved every word. Snape's characterization was spot on. And Remus...he is such a kind boy, like my cousin, who also doesn't have real friends. The world is unfair. This scene reminds a lot of the one with Harry and Ron. I only think that Remus's thought process was a bit too mature, or maybe he's just well-informed on the subject of his possible/impossible education prospects and what his father did (writing to Dumbledore offerring to withdraw Remus's name from the list). It's interesting you have his mother telling him to pray because I somehow thought he didn't believe in phrase "clumsy galatry" about sums up Severus Snape's,er, romantic side. I loved Remus's attempts 'to pretend he was brave'. But when he shies away whenever he feels disapproval, I can't help but want to hug him because he reminds me a lot of myself. Iwas like that, still am. And yet, I can see the signs of the man he's going to become. If he only knew. Just a few days ago I ranted about how no one characterizes him properly, and here I'm reading this fic. |
![]() ![]() I'm sure you've heard many great things about this story of yours. I don't usually leave a review after reading only one chapter, but I do have to say I love your writing style. It doesn't seem like a fanfiction. And I do love little Remus. It seems all the stories I like I usually find by accident. Yours was no exception. You have no idea how many times I wanted to scream, "don't go, stay inside". You are good at creating suspense, and this always attracts me in any story. Remus's "you can sleep in my bed tomorrow night" made me laugh. I don't know whether I'll finish this story, but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your first chapter. Such Marauder stories are a rarety and Remus being my favourite character, I'm very picky when it comes to his characterization. But I do have to say that having read a review where a reader praised your Remus characterization, I realized I had to give your story a try. The only thing that seemd a bit strange to me was Remus' willingness to go outside at night. I'd think he would be more hesitant to do that. I'm not four, and yet not even a herd of teddy bears would make me do what he did. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I love this fic soo much! It is by far the best young marauders one I have read! Scratch that, probably the best fic I have ever read! All your characters are perfect, I love all your OCs that fit seamlessly into the story, and the whole thing is just so perfect! I love how you have mysteries thrown in there, like Meyrigg and sirius’s home life and Peters dad. I mean I hate what Peter did in later life but this makes me want to give him a big hug I wish he could stay with them through the war. PLEASE KEEP WRITING |
![]() ![]() ...Of course you write Remus fic as well. What are the odds that the same author writes my favorite angsty DS9 character and my favorite angsty Harry Potter character? (Granted, there are some similarities) I'm already enjoying the setup for this story, so I think I know one of the things I'll be doing as I wait for another chapter of The Viewless Winds (not that it's ever been a long wait!). |
![]() ![]() God how I love this story. When I'm having a rough time in the real life it offers me better consolation than any human company. I am so grateful you have written this absolutely magnificent piece of work and I do hope you will continue with it at some point. I (and I'm sure other fan's too) can wait as long as it's necessary. I hope the real life doesn't get too hard for you and wish you all the luck in the world. |