Reviews for Against the Moon
Guest chapter 51 . 5/6/2018
I have to say, I'm really enjoying your fanfic. But one thing I dislike is how you made James so prejudiced against Remus being a werewolf especially seeing as in canon, James was perhaps the most understanding of the marauders and even said "Remus, you fold your socks. forgive me if I'm not trembling at the sight of you" If anyone would have been initially prejudiced it would have been Sirius, perhaps unintentionally due to blood purist upbringing. thank you
Guest chapter 134 . 5/4/2018
Yet another beautiful chapter, as always. I am SO excited for the next update. I want to see more angsty Sirius stuff - James's reaction to the revelation will be interesting, and Walburga Black's reaction to everything...
Well, yeah. It's been a while since the last update, and I desperately hope that you haven't abandoned us! This story is AMAZING. The plot is great, the style beautiful, the character development engaging and the action tense.
Salovi chapter 134 . 4/28/2018
A new mystery! And it involves Professor Van Dorn, YES I need more of that crazy American hippie wizard. And I’m glad that they managed to pull off a second heist of the potion ingredients.
And, well... here I am at the end of the posted chapters. I have to say that I am so, so very grateful to you for the time and effort you put into crafting this gorgeous work, and your willingness to share it with us. I’ve read a lot of fanfiction, but this story has claimed the top spot for me. It has stolen my heart. I love and care about these boys so much. I honestly really wish I had this story as a book; something to hold in my hands and revisit again and again. But anyway, thank you, and I hope I can read new chapters of this story in the future.
(By the way, I hope you don’t mind the 100 review alerts I must have sent your way lol)
Salovi chapter 133 . 4/28/2018
I loved James and Sirius in this chapter: their retaliation, the fact that they skipped over Judith at Remus’ insistence, James grandly pronouncing “I have spoken!”
Oh. Oh no. I have one more chapter to read and I am hesitant to do it because once that’s done... that’s it. And then what will I do? I love this story, I could read an entire seven book series of these boys ;)
Salovi chapter 132 . 4/28/2018
Yes, Remus! My boy handled that wonderfully and I am exceedingly proud! Also furious at those awful Slytherins. Surely he could go to a teach for help removing the ink?
Salovi chapter 131 . 4/28/2018
Ahhhh little Professor R.J. Lupin is making me so giddy! I adore him and seeing him take to the role as teacher so early in life is simply lovely.
Salovi chapter 130 . 4/28/2018
Haha Remus would’ve been a good member of S.P.E.W.
I like how you showed the guilt he felt about ruining Narcissa’s good clothes, and tying that to his poverty.
Salovi chapter 129 . 4/28/2018
I like seeing Remus interact with friendly people outside of the other Marauders. It was nice to see him talking to Charlotte.
And Professor Van Dorn! Mack! I love him so much, he’s absurd in the best way. “You’re a prince among third years” hahah
Salovi chapter 128 . 4/28/2018
I really like how you portrayed the conflicting feelings that Remus had upon seeing the shrieking shack. And gahhhh Peter, how dense can you beeee but then he was so sweet it made up for it
Salovi chapter 126 . 4/27/2018
Hahaha “my main girl Minerva” made me laugh out loud! What a character, I love him
Salovi chapter 125 . 4/27/2018
Sirius needs to stop trying to explain things to Remus on the days around the full moon, haha. It was a surprising turn when Culpepper found them!
Salovi chapter 124 . 4/27/2018
I’m interested to see how Sirius’s story makes sense in the context of potions class, haha. It seems like maybe they’ll sabotage the ingredients until Slughorn moves them elsewhere?
Salovi chapter 123 . 4/27/2018
That. Was. Amazing. Peter! I’ve never liked Peter as much as I do right now. I feel like this will make such a difference for Remus going forward if he can eat and keep his strength up before a transformation.
I am getting near to the last chapter of this story and I’m starting to panic, thinking about how that “next chapter” button will disappear all too soon. This story has drawn me in and stolen my heart and I could happily read it neverendingly (which I’m pretty sure is a word I just made up?)
Salovi chapter 122 . 4/27/2018
YEsss my boy Remus inventing his own spells, I’m so proud! I loved that, thought it was brilliant. Really hoping along with Remus that Regulus wears the gift
Salovi chapter 121 . 4/27/2018
My boy Remus racking up the points! I am loving it! I hope this doesn’t draw to much attention to his absences though..
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