Reviews for Against the Moon
Salovi chapter 120 . 4/27/2018
I love seeing Remus excel in Defense Against the Dark Arts! And I’m glad he finally got those notes.. it’s nice seeing him start to form a friendship with Lily.
Salovi chapter 119 . 4/27/2018
Oh, Remus made that comment about a parent speaking so terrible to their child and now Severus thinks he knows what it’s like in the Snape household. I’m glad Remus didn’t tell on him though because it’ll only get his friends in trouble. And I bet it was Dorcas who made that loud sound to cover up the worst of the howler!
Salovi chapter 118 . 4/27/2018
I really want to mend this rift between Sirius and Regulus before it gets any worse!
Salovi chapter 117 . 4/26/2018
Oh my. You would think the teachers would be able to do something about those howlers!
Salovi chapter 115 . 4/26/2018
Bless you, Betta. Love that girl. And the Marauders, being such strong and gentle protectors for Remus
Salovi chapter 113 . 4/26/2018
I love the friendship and trust between Remus and Sirius. And I love that both James and Sirius’s first thought at the end of the lesson was to insist that Remus didn’t have to do the essay and that they would do it for him.
Salovi chapter 112 . 4/26/2018
My Ravenclaw is showing, but I so want to take that Ancient Runes class! Fascinating
Salovi chapter 111 . 4/26/2018
Ahhh hahah the American Divination professor is hilarious. And I'm so here for Sirius being so enthusiastic about Muggle Studies! Love it
Salovi chapter 110 . 4/25/2018
You write some really excellent dueling action!
Salovi chapter 109 . 4/25/2018
My poor baby Sirius! Remus is such a good boy, wonderful friend! That super awkward carriage ride! Professor McGonagall! Regulus in Slytherin! This was a fantastic chapter
Salovi chapter 108 . 4/25/2018
Oh no Sirius baby! I like Regulus and I wish he had a brighter future ahead. Imagine if he had been sorted into Gryffindor as well.
realityisnoplacetolive chapter 134 . 4/25/2018
I’ve been reading this story over the past few weeks and have just reached the final chapter now and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this. I would have eagerly read it all in a couple of days but I made myself stretch it out so I could savor it. The characterization is fantastic - everyone is so richly developed and I love how I can really understand everyone’s motives and reasoning. Thank you so incredibly much for sharing your imagination and what had to be incredible amount so of your time to create this masterpiece. I can’t praise it highly enough - you’re a brilliant writer, and I can’t wait to read more of your works 3
Salovi chapter 105 . 4/25/2018
My heart is warm and happy! This was beautiful and wonderful and I’m glad Remus can let go of some of these secrets
Salovi chapter 104 . 4/25/2018
I like how Remus’s mother is helping him study for potions. And Sirius is there! Did he sneak away?
Salovi chapter 103 . 4/25/2018
Oh wow, I liked this chapter. It was so interesting to get some background on the Pettigrews. Peter is someone I always wanted to know more about in canon. Mary is a delight, and I wouldn’t have guessed the answer to the mystery of Mr. Pettigrew.
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