Reviews for Against the Moon
Salovi chapter 102 . 4/25/2018
I feel so much for Remus’s dad right now.. the sorrow and guilt that he’s been carrying around for years is such a terrible thing.
Salovi chapter 101 . 4/25/2018
Oh no, not again. I wish Madam Pomfrey could come just for the moon to take care of Remus.
Salovi chapter 100 . 4/25/2018
Whew. That was intense. Poor Sirius. Ugh the Blacks are so awful.
I remembered something I meant to mention in a previous review, about Peter’s sister Mary! I had assumed she was younger, but the comment he made made it seem like she was older. Perhaps she’s a squib?
Salovi chapter 99 . 4/25/2018
Yay! He went swimming! I'm so glad he finally revealed his scars to James and Peter.
Salovi chapter 98 . 4/25/2018
It's so brilliant to see them all happy together. Ohh, but that ending. Remus, baby, I want to hug youuu
Salovi chapter 97 . 4/25/2018
Ahhh how fun! Sirius is a delight; I love his comment about framing his masterpiece lol
Salovi chapter 96 . 4/25/2018
I loved this chapter so, so much. Remus confessing to his mother and his mother comforting him was just gorgeous to read. His father's hopeless desperation is breaking my heart. And James and Sirius are there now!
Salovi chapter 95 . 4/24/2018
Seeing the owl post office was fun! Sirius is going to work nonstop on those essays and finish them in record time, haha
Salovi chapter 94 . 4/24/2018
Remus’s mother is just the best!
Salovi chapter 93 . 4/24/2018
Oh, it’s nice to see that Professor Meyrigg has family to take care of her. And young Quirrell! I was surprised when it was him, and kind of sad thinking about what the future has in store for him. I wonder what becomes of Brynna after this.
“I shall take you as my squire!” made me laugh :) and I still can’t get over the pictures of baby Tonks, going home with Remus! Delightful. The ending was so ominous..
Salovi chapter 92 . 4/24/2018
I can see James and Sirius being the life of the party so perfectly, it’s like I’m right there with them.
And oh! That’s what I forgot to comment on a few chapters back! My heart is breaking for Remus, and that memory he had of kicking his mother. How awful and, just, heavy.. and then Peter! Coming in with that story! Beautiful moment.
Wow. This was heartbreaking. Beautifully written, but so so sad.
Salovi chapter 91 . 4/24/2018
Ahh the ending of this chapter is adorable! I always find myself getting to the end of each chapter and forgetting everything that I wanted to comment on and being so excited to move onto the next chapter that I barely manage a sentence. So sorry for the quick and underwhelming reviews!
Salovi chapter 89 . 4/24/2018
I love seeing kind, sweet Remus keep Professor Meyrigg company.
Salovi chapter 88 . 4/24/2018
I’ve been waiting to see how this lesson went! I’m glad that Professor Meyrigg made a point to be fair; she clearly knows Remus’s secret. But the ending, ahh! I hope everything is ok
Salovi chapter 87 . 4/24/2018
Yes, Gryffindor! I liked Speckles at the end, so cute. And Sirius got off easy as far as punishment for what he did and he still snuck out of detention! That little hooligan
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