Reviews for Against the Moon
PineNutPesto chapter 134 . 12/21/2017
Yeah, Lucius is gonna have to learn how to apologize...

It's fascinating, you know, how good you are at this, Stoplight. I mean, we all know how it ends - Lucius and Narcissa marry and have a kid. But somehow, despite this foreknowledge, you manage to make their separation tense. I had to keep reminding myself that this match would go through, and that it wasn't permanent. And I loved it. You're wonderful at pacing and tension. :)

What's the meaning of Sirius' interest in the Zodiac Killer? Does he see echoes of his own parents' amusements, or those of "the zealot from Croydon"?
justagirlwholikestowrite chapter 48 . 12/17/2017
This was my favorite chapter so far. The fact that you've stayed dedicated to this fic for so many years is stunning, and I hope that you have published a book by now because your writing is extraordinary. I find that not a lot of people write Madam Pomfrey as being caring and stern and you do it so marvelously. If writing is your dream I hope you pursue because you are phenomenal.
Guest chapter 95 . 12/17/2017
Just a note to say thank you! You genuinely have moved me to tears with your writing time and time again, I hope you know how insanely talented and appreciated you are. It’s so rare to find depth like this these days, and your story is an absolute haven for it. Thank you again for bringing something so beautiful to the world 3
Guest chapter 134 . 12/12/2017
All day, every day, I wait for your update. This story is like the most addicting drug, only much more potent.
Marauderess5 chapter 134 . 12/6/2017
Whew! After a marathon few weeks of gluing my eyes to my computer screen, I've finally gorged myself on all 134 chapters of this masterpiece. I just wanted to pop in to say: you are fabulous, these characters are fabulous, and I care more about this story than sanity should allow. I have also talked about this story non-stop to my Harry Potter friends and family, who are planning on checking it out as well if only to shut me up. I hope things are going well IRL for you and I look forward to additional updates!
timetrees chapter 129 . 12/3/2017
his permission... JAMES...
Oscar chapter 134 . 12/3/2017
Love this omg! When will chapter 135 be out?
Jerry Side chapter 122 . 12/3/2017
That was a really good scene at the end there! I greatly enjoy your scenes with Regulus and Sirius, since their relationship is really an unknown within the background story. I’m glad it is getting flushed out. Good job!
Colette chapter 134 . 11/30/2017
I must say, I wouldn't have thought to incorporate the Zodiac Killer into the story, but if anyone can pull it off, it's you. However, I noticed you haven't updated in a while. I hope that life hasn't pressured you to stop writing. I know that it gets a little stressful sometimes. :)

In case you're in a creative rut or just in need of some motivation to continue the story, I thought I'd share a few ideas and some concerning questions that might steer you into your own ideas of where the story should go. Of course, you don't have to use any of them, it won't hurt my feelings. Like I said, if anyone can pull it off, it's you.

The Zodiac killings have inspired many novels, movies, and televisions shows. What makes them interesting is the author's perspective and how the story is told. So, what I guess I'm trying to say, is that it must be unique, which I don't think will be very difficult given the nature of the story, though I would strongly suggest either...

A. loosely basing the story of the murders on facts (since we don't actually have many. The crimes were unsolved) and adding your own magical twist to them. A few things I noticed, which I'm sure you did too: the famous cross circle symbol looks like an astrological zodiac or a compass, which are both used to depict time and place, sort of like a map, which the Zodiac Killer, for the sake of the story, could have used to hide the locations of his victims or where he planned to kill next. This is all awfully depressing. Anyway, it's set up so that the marauders would make a similar connection if, lets say, they were studying Zodiacs or star charts in Astronomy or even better, in Divination. Also, How is MACUSA reacting to all of this? Especially since the Zodiac Killer is you know, a No-Maj? I bet there would be a lot of tension within the magical community between those devoted to the stature of secrecy and others who believe in protecting the nonmagical world.

B. focusing on Mr. Van Dort. He's such an interesting, eccentric character, but we hardly know anything about him! Why did he come to America? How does he know Dumbledore? I think, if you really wanted to, the Zodiac Killer plot could be less about the murders and more about him. Maybe his fascination with the newspapers are more complex than the marauders first think. Maybe he worked for MACUSA before teaching at Hogwarts. If he did work for MACUSA and for some reason defied magical law, exiling him from society, this would explain why he came to Europe. Sadly...

I hope this helped. It was really fun for me. :)
FitzDizzyspells8 chapter 17 . 11/30/2017
I can't get over how good this story is.
Moonsong Melody chapter 53 . 11/29/2017
please update soon. I really need another good fanfiction to update.
Anon chapter 134 . 11/29/2017
Just finished another readthrough, and I'm happy to report that I still adore this story, and chapter 92 still makes me cry every time, and Sirius and James' snark, especially in later chapters, is one of the many things that make me laugh. I still love your original characters and the way you bring life to the ones we all know. I love your dialogue and I love the vocabulary used by our young Marauders. I hope you're doing well-I hope that you're not still wasting away in Bibliographyville, but that you've at least been getting on well with whatever academic writing you're doing, and of course I hope that the near future provides you with the time and energy necessary to write for pleasure, but even if it doesn't I hope you aren't too stressed by everything, and that the coming holiday season will be full of joy for you! Much love and many thanks for all that you do here.
I.Appeltje chapter 134 . 11/28/2017
Whew! Took me 2 weeks to read all the chapters, but it was totally worth it! I love the way you write and the progress of the story. In my opinion you could include this in the real HP series :D Everything fits, down to mentioning the names of characters who sometimes show up in Rowlings work.
I truly, truly love this fanfic. I hope you won't abandon this sometime soon, cause it's a real gem among the other fics!
Guest chapter 134 . 11/27/2017
Please update again soon! I love this story and you're such an amazing writer. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Sophia the Scribe chapter 134 . 11/23/2017
Just managed to get through all of this...and loved it! I'm especially enjoying watching Remus grow as the years pass. Can't wait for you to continue!
Sophia the Scribe
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