Reviews for The Prisoner's Cipher
Lord Barinthus chapter 3 . 3/3/2017
He had an ingenious escape plan, but why allow himself to be confined in the first place? Can't wait to find out!
johnjohnho chapter 9 . 1/31/2017
Well this was an interesting experience. I've read stories about madness before, but nothing like this, so bonus points for originality.

The ending is missing something. This is one of the few stories where I agree with Harry's death, so it's something else. Hermione's story line however did leave some big plot holes unanswered.
johnjohnho chapter 6 . 1/31/2017
That's an interesting concept. While I don't really agree with this philosophy, it's still interesting.

One thing I didn't like is how you dumped the backstory. Harry has no reason to show most of those pensieve memories. To prove his point, at most he had to show the last two, rest of them should have been shown parallel to first 3 chapters.
MoonWave3884 chapter 9 . 1/17/2017
I am absolutely and utterly DESTROYED. You're an amazing writer.
back2front chapter 9 . 12/20/2016
bloody hell! that was intense! amazing story gripping from start to finish.
thebombhasbeenplanted chapter 9 . 12/13/2016
I'm the reviewer below, I realized that if I'm lucky enough to get answered to, I should at least give an username.
bombbeenplanted chapter 9 . 12/13/2016
I have a couple of issues with the general story-line, especially the ending.

First things first, despite how chaotic HP might have gotten, he still could cleanly see his goal, he still had the high intellect and foresight. He should have and must have seen the guilt issue coming, he knows what being whole felt like and he can easily tell right from wrong even if he isn't able to care either way. I'll assume that he expected it, hence the "lever" in the schema. I suppose it may have been why he warned AD at all. So the question is why. Why would he bother, why would he work so hard toward regaining his wholeness if he already know he will kill himself right away? I understand he doesn't need reasons or even find reasons to do things, as he is inhuman and chaotic, but this plan of his has been a special case, it's been thought-out and developed carefully. I'll assume he believes in some form of afterlife and refused to die without a proper soul, otherwise he would have either killed himself or let himself die as he was dying anyways.

Then, there's the HG situation (the ending). He regained his wholeness, good and bad, emotions, coherence, the whole package, more or less. He feels so bad that he kills himself. But he is also clever and aware enough to realize just what situation he put HG in; we can only assume he killed RW, he made her wanted by the Ministry and likely public enemy #2, he made her tear her own soul appart (and she's supposed to heal with time by basically being happy and fulfilled). He took her whole life and smashed it to pieces, her general comfort is gone forever, and as deep as possible in her being there's a physical fissure if not worse. HP whole again, would realize that she had nowhere else to go, nothing else to do but be with him, at this point. But he kills himself, she's taken away, and I can only assume she will live on the run, get caught and thrown in prison eventually, where her damaged soul will rupture and leave her either empty or dead in a very short time. I can't really see how this works from HP's point of view, she's still fine and she needs him, he knows that. The only argument is his guilt, and the real HP would swallow this guilt and live through it, for her at least, when the other choice is basically letting her go down the same way he did, toward a sure, painful and lonely death.

I really enjoyed the fic immensely, this is not a rant or me focusing on the "bad" point, you have all the praise possible from me for the rest of it, it was really top notch, paced perfectly, incredibly engaging and touching. The end though, I want to understand it. Am I wrong? Is HG supposed to go home, find a RW only wounded somehow, explain the unbelievable story to the minister and they just drop it and let her live happy? Or is it about the part where HG is inherently "stronger" than AD & HP and will survive this through her convictions and stuff? Doesn't explain how she can escape her so-called crimes and the ministry. Or is there something I missed? HP definitely gained back his humanity.

Lastly, thanks for the story, it was brilliant.
x2leoj chapter 9 . 12/4/2016
Not going to lie, skipped through a lot of it, seems like Mysterious!Complex unstable Harry is not my cup of tea, fantastic writing skills though.
x2leoj chapter 4 . 12/3/2016
Yes i like this Harry, his demeanour/general bad assness. The combat scenes are fantastic, the way you describe the spells and impact they have is truly amazing. His plan to break free was very cunning, though one would have to wonder, why get captured in the forst place? Let the mystery continue.
omh666 chapter 9 . 10/9/2016
Huge props on this story. And even greater thanks for the awesome read.
Scabbers1957 chapter 9 . 9/28/2016
Holy molie, this was just bloody epic. It's good to see a original story for a change. I'll add this to my story favorites.

Paskuda chapter 9 . 9/28/2016
I find it impossibly difficult to discover some decent works as of late, even those that have billions of reviews are full of shite. So I was pleased to find this one, it's the second fic of all I've read that has Harry actually committing crimes of what he's been accused and held prisoner for. Can you believe that? And as of Azkaban stories there are none whatsoever. It always features the innocent lamb Harry. So thank you for this story, it was really enjoyable. As for the ending, it left me slightly confused at first. For the last couple of chapters I was positive that Harry's plan was not to retrieve his own soul but Dumbledore's, using Hermione for good measure (I doubt he could feel anything for her or Ron, or anyone else, before the ritual, except for Dumbledore maybe) and the last cycle of runes was just an insurance if he was not dead after the procedure, as it was going to left him a mindless animal. But than happened chapter nine, and the only theory I'm left with is that the whole point of the ritual was for finding and bringing back Dumbledore and finally finishing them both. He might have changed his mind after the successful procedure but it was too late at that rate.
ATiredDude chapter 9 . 9/22/2016
Wow. I just finished reading this, so I'm still reeling, still thinking, still identifying exactly my emotions. What I know for sure is that this is my favorite out of the literal hundreds of stories I've read on here. I felt a lot of emotions while reading this, a wide margin of it being awe and sadness, but there was happiness to. I will forever remember this, and as I shakingly leave I must say this. Thank you. Thank you for writing and sharing, that was a spectacular experience. I hope you have a good day.
Ibskib chapter 9 . 8/18/2016
In part it's nice to see this completed, but I'm not really a fan of how it ended, just as things became a bit hopeful, it ended with despair and a fade to black, with that kind of ending it should have been placed under the tragedy genre, this chapter could also have used a tad more proofreading:

Leglimency - Legilimency

desperation desolation - desperate desolation

it's most prodigal pupil - its most prodigal pupil

casting veritable - casting a veritable

loose your soul - lose your soul
Ada1229 chapter 9 . 8/2/2016
The Harry of this story felt a bit like a magical Hannibel Lecter. Also this feels unfinished. I'd kinda like to know the aftermath as you imagine it. Also Harry gave Hermione Stockholm Syndrom which is feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.
The conditions to bring about such a thing are as follows

perceved violence upon one's self, Hermione thought Harry was the killer (and rightfully so) which was backed up by him attacking Aurors including her husband, so sh had no reason to believe that she wouldn't hurt her.

Some small kindness from the captor, in this case he kept her alive and relitively unhurt.

Isolation from others aside from the captor, in this case he locked her in a room.

Percieved Inability by the victim to escape, In this case she believed the room to be inescapable due to the numerous locks both magical and non.

Now these situations don't ALWAYS produce Stockholm Syndrome victims but considering she got to be pretty sympathetic to his situation and then at the end actually mourned him I'd say thats Stockholm Syndrome at its finest
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