Reviews for Champ
The Bad Singer chapter 1 . 2/21/2018
This is surprisingly familiar to how I feel about a Youtuber I abandoned years ago. He was there during my Sonic phase. Only during the past two months had I been getting a little more into Sonic by finishing the Archies comic finally, and trying to find good fan fiction. It’s weird. One day we can be super into an activity, and then the next, we grown out of it. It isn’t really by choice either. We want to still enjoy what used to interst us, but then we just can’t anymore for no clear reason. This fanfiction is something that I feel like could become important in the far far future, for showing us how it’s like to grow up.
TammyHybrid21 chapter 1 . 4/7/2012
I done that once *stares off in space remembering* and then I ran into a pole.

I was the laughing stock of my school for an entire week. I'm always daydreaming I was only the laughing stock because of the pole they didn't care about me zoning out.
Unknownlight chapter 1 . 8/27/2011

This was...amusing. XD I kind of see my own style within this, I like it.

So let's now throw a little bit of irony into this situation. Just to annoy you. ;)
iammemyself chapter 1 . 8/26/2011
Nice one. Very interesting and unique.

People just don't play Sonic games in general. None of my friends have played Sonic, and they barely even know who he is. One of them thought Sonic was a racing game, and that's why she didn't try it.

Anyways, very good job, I really enjoyed it.