Reviews for Bride of the Water God
Guest chapter 36 . 10/15/2024
I love your story , it's Soo heart warming with a hint of comedy thank you soo much
RingOnyx chapter 36 . 11/9/2022
This is amazing! I like your story and ahem, here I am looking for some lovey dovey
RingOnyx chapter 31 . 11/8/2022
They always underestimate us really
Guest chapter 33 . 6/28/2022
Effing drama alert!
Guest chapter 32 . 6/28/2022
I freaking love the physco bird killer version of her
Guest chapter 31 . 6/28/2022
Pls pls makemore
Guest chapter 29 . 6/28/2022
I freaking started last night and I'm on chapter idek it so good
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27/2022
I freakin loved it
ICHIKA90 chapter 1 . 10/8/2021
nice sis
AfricanFire chapter 35 . 9/25/2021
I feel really bad that Sakura had to leave her little sister...I almost cried. But good story
dadada0203 chapter 36 . 9/4/2021
Love love love this story! The world building is amazing, and I really like how you show SasuSaku’s relationship in this. They are always teasing each other but with love, feels like most adult relationships. Thank you so much for sharing!
mira.eo chapter 8 . 7/21/2021
"Sasuke already knows me intimately."
Guest chapter 35 . 8/14/2020
OHMYGAWD! I just finished reading this story and it was amazing!
Thank you soo much for uploading it
soshichic chapter 35 . 2/22/2020
OMYGOSH! I thought it would follow the plot of the Manhwa with the same name. I'm glad I was wrong! I just hope there would be SasuSaku babies.
soshichic chapter 9 . 2/22/2020
I can imagine SasuSaku in regal clothes. ooh the hotness will boil the water
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