Reviews for Exposed |
Lizzie Paige chapter 7 . 6/17/2019 I love that last sentence...we battle separately but together. |
Lizzie Paige chapter 6 . 6/17/2019 Uh oh, this is scary! |
Lizzie Paige chapter 4 . 6/17/2019 I can’t imagine how she’d be feeling. |
Lizzie Paige chapter 3 . 6/17/2019 much this chapter and the virus is here! I’m loving this so far. :) |
Perfextskies chapter 26 . 6/10/2019 Its amazing i love it |
Suzy-Chapstick chapter 26 . 3/21/2019 I just finished this fic and it's completely awesome! I don't want to spoil it for anyone reading the comments, but boy do you know how to rip out my heart. |
PVV chapter 26 . 1/26/2019 Well, this is the 2nd or 3rd time I’m re-reading this and I have to say that you are wonderful with words! I loved your Bella and Edward and the way you make me become so absorbed in everything that is happening in the story! Thank you for this story! And I do hope you will give us the privilege to read more of your stories in future! |
Nina chapter 26 . 1/3/2019 I read this story once a year |
Guest chapter 26 . 12/11/2018 Haven't read this one in a while! Always love it and always feel empty when I'm done, wish there was more. |
Jensindenial3516 chapter 26 . 11/30/2018 Thanks! |
Guest chapter 26 . 8/25/2018 so they fix up a cabin in the woods and that's happily ever after huh? Strange |
Guest chapter 25 . 8/25/2018 In this chapter Edward had tears running "hows" his cheeks. LMFAO spell check should never be the only editing tool! |
Guest chapter 16 . 8/25/2018 what the fuck is "antibacterial killer"? |
Guest chapter 15 . 8/25/2018 Bella would literally just stay in the house and fucking starve to death, I have lost all respect for her. |
Guest chapter 11 . 8/25/2018 I don't understand bella. Her plan is to what? Just sit there and die? Shes a stupid bitch. I would have long since broken into everyones house and took everything worth taking. |