Reviews for Exposed
avagurl chapter 8 . 12/28/2020
They are really working hard at surviving.
Love their teasing.
avagurl chapter 7 . 12/28/2020
Love these two getting along. Can't wait to see how that goes.

Quite the hit the area took.
avagurl chapter 6 . 12/28/2020
Oh. No. Again.
Hit them with a log.
I hate people like that.

Did love the joking around about the wood.
avagurl chapter 5 . 12/28/2020
Oh, no. Turn the lights back on.
Good story.
avagurl chapter 4 . 12/28/2020
Wow. Kind of eerie how you wrote this. So much truth to what a pandemic would look like. I live in a remote area, sort of, and we thought we were "safe." Didn't stop the TP and hand sanitizer hoarding. It was well into the fall when I started worrying.
I wish I would have read this when it first went on my TBR list.
Really interesting.
So happy Bella quit her job. And over a cheating asshole boss.
Loved it.
avagurl chapter 3 . 12/28/2020
Wow. Are they buying out hand sanitizer. It was around in 2012.
avagurl chapter 2 . 12/28/2020
Sweet Edward. What a neighbor.
avagurl chapter 1 . 12/28/2020
Liking it so far. (The end of the 1st year of the Corona virus)
DrakiSwan chapter 1 . 12/28/2020
Alguien mas releyendo en tiempos de COVID-19?
musicnlyrics chapter 26 . 12/8/2020
I don’t remember what I searched to find this, but I’m glad I did. I’m reading this with all the COVID mess happening, and all I can think is that at least we aren’t as restricted as Edward and Bella!
Such a great job with characters and details—so worth the read! Thanks for sharing!
americannight99 chapter 26 . 11/17/2020
I so love this story, it's the 2nd time I have read it. it really gives you alot to think about with all that's going on right now in the world. I would love to know what happens in the future for them. if they ever find his parents and Alice.
tickledpinkstamper chapter 26 . 11/17/2020
Oh my gosh, I just reread your story. It amazes me how some of your AN we're spot on with what is happening right now in the world. As I sit here in my home under quarantine because all of my family, but my youngest child has contracted Covid-19. We are still puzzled how the boy has tested negative twice. Thank goodness we are all on the downside of the virus and most of us have had a mild to almost nonexistent case. My second child has it the worse, because she got her flu shot the previous week. She has to give herself breathing treatments and use oxygen. It funny how both my husband and I were high risk and ours have been mild. Still scratching our head trying to figure out how we came in contact with it. I never leave my house and I was the first to get it.
Anyway thank you for your story it entertained me today.
twilightstuff chapter 26 . 11/13/2020
Enjoyed re-reading this.
Surprising how timely some points have been.
Best wishes in real life.
SoCalTwiNurse chapter 26 . 11/3/2020
The end...I couldn't believe I got to this chapter without realizing it was the last one! You updated so long ago so maybe there's no epilogue ever coming but I really hope you do one! Also, like everyone else, I couldn't believe everything you wrote is basically what's happening in 2020 minus the craziness of no power, military takeover, etc. (2020 isn't over yet so here's hoping you didn't predict everything). I loved this story and I agree that reality is their story probably won't be wrapped up so perfectly but I'm DYING to know what happened to Edward's parents and to Alice. They lost their 2 other children and it's heartbreaking that they don't know Edward is alive or that they have a granddaughter! Ugh...please do an epilogue!
SoCalTwiNurse chapter 25 . 11/3/2020
This type of drugs, in a fucking forest, no absolutely terrifying! I'm terrified of giving birth as it is but reading this was absolute terror! But she did it and Edward did it and OMG it's a girl!
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