Reviews for The Last Word is Always Goodbye
Bushwah chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
Uh... that's a dead link...?
All-Knowing Alien 2 chapter 2 . 2/18/2008
I liked the first chapter, but I can't seem to access the rest of the story. Perhaps you could PM me? Many thanks in advance.
IndeMaat chapter 2 . 3/29/2006
Two brilliant stories. I loved them.
Bookworm85 chapter 2 . 11/18/2003
I like what I can read on FFN, but I can't access the rest of the story on the other page. Would you mind e-mailing it to me at ? I love PPC, and your version is great.
Starbrat chapter 2 . 7/23/2002
LOL! Always glad to read of more Mary-Sue carnage. Keep it up.
Melilot Millstone chapter 1 . 6/6/2002
*applause* More PPC! I love the way Amy and Brent act together :) Please write more!
Tamsin FlameArrow chapter 1 . 6/3/2002
Another PPC fic! I can never get enough of them! *hint hint grin* ::Glomps AnyAmy happily::

dhrachth chapter 1 . 5/28/2002
Love the story! It's well written and clever. Using an actual fanfic gave it that extra je ne sais quoi, although that was wicked, very wicked. I'd love to see more, but I fear the powers that be might remove the story at anytime. Mocking another user is the type of thing admin doesn't really take to. But since it seems to me to be done with humor rather than malice I heartily approve.
Ocarina Rune Scholar chapter 1 . 4/30/2002
I take unholy pleasure in seeing Mary-Sues killed. Not that I hate them particularly, but the PPC in every form does it so WELL!

...Lovely spinoff. I like how the characters are always so different, but the mission is still the for me...marvellous! -ÓRS
AnyAmy chapter 1 . 4/30/2002
Thanks everyone who reviewed. Amy and Brent are currently busy with another job; hopefully they'll be done by this weekend.

Daemon Woman, it's, well, rather unnerving to know someone's watching. I suppose the PPC *does* need some form of IA. However, I'd like to contest the charges. I mentioned nothing about Galadriel being a queen. Amy was having a weird mental image (as well as delusions of grandeur). As for the Powers, I am certain I read something about them being, um, Englished as gods. (Not in the religious sense, of course, but if you wanted a favour from the weather, who would you ask?)

Yikes! That was too long. But I appreciate the criticism. If I deserve to be embarrassed, feel free to point and laugh.
Curumarth chapter 1 . 4/29/2002
Hee, hee. Liking it please continue with the Mary Sue killing.

But I'm going to get you on a small breach of canon. Galadriel was in fact not an Elvenqueen, so says Tolkien himself in a letter.

Oh yes and Manwë and the other Valar were not Gods.
Carami chapter 1 . 4/28/2002
Ah, impressive. I'm in the process of writing my own PPC spinoff. Maybe our characters could run into each other- I like yours. And I don't think mine (Ruby and Eric) would be too happy about the killing of the horse and wolves (read my fic for elabortion).

I'm thinking about starting a website for PC and the spinoffs, since there're so many. Whaddya think?
Miss Cam chapter 1 . 4/21/2002
Aaaw, but you're most welcome to drop in on the great pool party me and the mini-Balrogs are having.

Looks like a good spin-off of the PPC! Only thing was you might want to introduce the Sue a bit earlier, so we readers know what we are in for. Otherwise, well done!
KT Welsh chapter 1 . 4/21/2002
This was fantastic! Really, really funny and more importantly, very well written. It flowed well and kept my attention throughout - with some of the fics on here I get bored after about three lines (Amy & Brent should definitely get to work on those!). The attention to detail was fabulous too. I love it when people take care with their writing - that's what makes things worth reading.

I think my favourite line was "I'm Brent," he told her. "But you can call me Brent." - I don't know why that amused me so much, but it did - but it was pretty hard to choose, the whole thing was so great.

I think I've gushed enough (which is very uncharacteristic of me - normally I manage to remain reasonably calm and coherent when reviewing!. Suffice to say, I want more!
Beloved4 chapter 1 . 4/21/2002
OMG, that was really funny, please write more!