Reviews for Bright, For Lack of a Better Word
SoloMoon chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
""Dude, we've talked about this," Dean says his head falling back in a sigh.

"I'm all the way over here," Castiel says but takes another step back just as a precaution..."

LMAO. Loved the interaction you created between the two of them. So perfect. You really capture both Dean's self-deprecating machismo and Cas's omnipotent innocence, which can't be easy to do. I also really liked that this fic had such a good balance of comedy and tragedy. I was so sad on Cas's behalf thanks to your description of his damaged Grace.
Rosawyn chapter 1 . 9/7/2011
:) I really liked this. It put a smile on my face, especially at the end.
Frelphegor chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
I'm not very good at reviews, but I like that :D
Moonlit-Mistress chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
ahslakfjalsk This was beautiful, and amazingly well written