Reviews for Sealed Legacy
RatherFabulous chapter 22 . 10/26
This Naruto is a combination of cheesy neckbeard and super-saiyan.
I'm kind of still in this just to see if the you that's writing this in later years will have improved over the you who had never had real, expensive wine, or an actual girlfriend.
Master777vip0000 chapter 1 . 10/6
Hello, fellow pedos. I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman. I’m 61 years old and I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032. I sell child pornography, ten videos for one dollar. Method of payment is via PAYPAL. You can choose any video you want in the catalog that will be provided to you. I have pedomom, rape, anal, oral, etc. And if you enter my Telegram account saying that you come from fanfiction, I will give away pedophile photos of little kids naked and having sex for free.

Visit my Telegram channel: Master777vip0000

You can email me at ginabar at gmail dot com!

DT.A.9.RE chapter 22 . 10/1
Bro weaponized talk no jutsu damnn
Danny R Williams chapter 48 . 9/25
Very good story.
Enjoyed from start to last update.
Sory needs to be updated.
DT.A.9.RE chapter 10 . 9/19
Emotional damage no jutsu xdddd
Guest chapter 48 . 8/31
Y la parte dos
PaleFeed chapter 2 . 7/16
this is horrible. And why do you keep putting people’s age, they’re in the same class they are the same age
Nightwing2013 chapter 48 . 7/14
This is a great fic! I love it! Hope your muse returns soon!
Guest chapter 48 . 7/5
Continuaras esta novela
dianop27 chapter 48 . 6/24
Plz continue this story
DarkHunter10 chapter 4 . 5/30
and THIS sasuke ISN'T boring? It's so CLICHE' that it's WORSE then canon...
DarkHunter10 chapter 2 . 5/30
It TAKES 32 chapters JUST TO GET BACK TO CHAPTER 1?! You gotta be kidding me, you'll have forgotten what you've written by then and NOTHING will makes sense!

Sarutobi didn't know what caused the sudden change in personality? Ummm your mean reading smut?... Well, there is this little thing called "puberty". That effects both boys and girls, but effects everyone a LITTLE differently... If naruto is a LITTLE young? Well, considering his life and the HUGE amount of YANG (life) chakra sealed in him?... It's NOT that big a deal... I don't even see HOW sarutobi would be suspicious or wondering (unless he read the script).. Especially when you consider the "sexy jutsu" and what COULD be done with that...You have to wonder, how perverted Naruto REALLY IS!

Well actually naruto and the uchiha's match ended in a DRAW as well... You had the first round go to naruto, the second to the uchiha, then you went on... That's a DRAW. 1 win each... You then said OTHERS forfeited or drew... So what? Everyone else had to fight once? But naruto had to fight till he lost? That's not good storytelling. If it was just ONE round.. Naruto WON.

I think I agree with Shikamaru's first statement about the "matches"... If they're doing this now, wtf is the point of the "final test"? Except DO IT ALL AGAIN. They aren't "learning" anything.. Which is what I assume "the academy" is FOR... Soooo.. It's what? A over-glorified "babysitting" area? Just seems in 99.9% of these stories all the academy is for, is... "hold onto these kids for a few years, until they become interesting". You might as well just throw them all into "medically induced comas" until they are graduation age. Accomplishes about the same thing. They learn about the same amount, either way too.

As far as saying the uchiha is "angered by Naruto's actions"... That's like saying "the uchiha breathed in and then out."... The uchihas' are so mentally SCREWED in the head... "angered" is their perpetual, natural state... They are like rabid internet commenters.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/14
Ill be honest honoka should of been a uzumaki in the canon story naruto should of been able to find Remnants of the uzumaki clan besides nagato and karin
Danny R Williams chapter 48 . 5/1
Great story but has been way to long since i was last up[dated.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/3
Great fic, I hope you finish it someday. However, I hope you don’t plan to create a harem between naruhina and her 8 yr old sister!
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