Reviews for The Search
readicted chapter 31 . 2/11
Been reading fic for many years, and so it's rare to come across something different. I'm fairly certain that this is the first fic I 've read featuring the Cullen's from Essex. I enjoyed reading about your seaside town. A Edward Senior of modest means. A piano teacher. All of that was different and refreshing. Then Bella's condition was new to me. Never heard of it. Today in rl, I saw if referenced, and solely due to reading this fic, did I know what the condition was and why it was relevant. I also can't recall reading about another Exective SearchWard/Head hunterWard. I like that you made Charlie and Billy compassionate toward Bella once they knew the truth. I liked that Jessica wasn't the typical Edward-chasing 'skank' and Rose wasn't mean spirited. And Air wasn't evil. I enjoyed the journey between Edward and Bella in finding their happiness. Thank you for sharing your story.
HollBeth chapter 31 . 7/28/2024
My eyes are stinging…

I’ve been - the past few months - revisiting and rereading some favorite fics since it’s been more than 11 years since I (mostly) stopped (there are WIPs I’ve been keeping up with). And in rereading I’ve seen Rex’s I never saw, and do I’ve reread, but also newly-read, and I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out how I missed this beautiful story all those years ago. Regardless, I’m simply thankful I found it now.

Beautiful writing, touching wisdom, heartfelt love, terrifying action, and very satisfying citrus…you really packed it all in and I loved it so much. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story.
HollBeth chapter 30 . 7/28/2024
I’m an American. I have been to and LOVE Seattle. But…

Our country is so screwed up. Maybe all countries are. But I’ve experienced the screwed-ness of this one my whole life and I’ve had it. I’m desperate to get to the UK, where my heart calls me. Where it might take me the rest of my life to be fed up with my new country’s screwed-ness. That is MY wish, MY dream. For that, it’s hard to imagine giving that up to go to the ugly American USA.

*sigh* As long as they’re happy if they do that…

Lovely, lovely chapter. Thank you.
HollBeth chapter 29 . 7/28/2024
Oh. My. Gosh.

You just broke my romantic brain with that last line. That was so much better than the most perfect thing I could have imagined.

You are brilliant.
HollBeth chapter 28 . 7/28/2024
Oddly, I think a total lucid breakdown from Jake (more than his nod of agreement that he needed help) would be the only extra thing I wanted - not so that I could feel sorry for him - no way in hell - but so that I could feel hopeful he can fix himself.
HollBeth chapter 27 . 7/28/2024
I knew it was coming, but I still find it hard to believe she wouldn’t check for who was at the door.
HollBeth chapter 26 . 7/28/2024
I love this Edward so much. He is so open and has gained so much wisdom by allowing himself to change and see differently - and helping others do the same.
HollBeth chapter 25 . 7/28/2024
Six chapters left and still no Jake…this gives me hope that when he DOES surface it won’t be drawn out. I hope.

And yes, poor Esme. What a miserable man Carlisle is to close himself off and never let stuff go.
HollBeth chapter 24 . 7/28/2024
I can’t say I find them pretty, either, least of all mine, but I do find them extremely fascinating. And not finding them pretty doesn’t mean I find them ugly…they just are what they are, and they have a job. They male and female parts. This was good progress, though!
HollBeth chapter 21 . 7/28/2024
Ah…it was satisfying hearing Rose admit exactly what I said before - he was clear and she shouldn’t have hoped it would be something different. And what I didn’t say before - why I still didn’t like her - was her unprofessional and immature client poaching. If for no other reason, that was worthy of staying mad at and not trusting her. I’ll let it go now that everyone else has (and Rose knows I was right, lol).

I have sadly always expected Jake will show up in London, and I’m surprised he hasn’t. I hope this doesn’t morph into a drawn out kidnapping/assault situation, though. I’m not sure I would buy Jake being organized enough about the crime to actually get away with it. We shall see…
HollBeth chapter 20 . 7/28/2024
…aaaaand there it is. Emmett and Rose. Maybe she’s alright, but again - I could never put effort into that friendship if I was Bella, not once I knew their history. Ew.

Unpoplular opinion: I disagree with Edward thst he thought he should apologize to Rose. They both knew what their thing was and there were never discussed rules or expectations. She caught feelings and that’s not unheard of, but he never broke a promise or misrepresented himself to her, and she never told him how she felt.
HollBeth chapter 19 . 7/28/2024
Oh why oh why do people have to drink all the time? I admit being drunk is a hoot, but being after-drunk never is. It’s just not worth it. The numbness is temporary. I hope she’s okay…
HollBeth chapter 18 . 7/27/2024
I kinda think the “I love you” knowledge should have unlocked her homerun park…and maybe it will actually help. She tried to relax but then still expected the pain and then there it was. She has to train her mind to stop expecting it. Among other things, I’m sure.
HollBeth chapter 17 . 7/27/2024
Okay, maybe Rosalie isn’t “bad,” but quite honestly after knowing their history, that’s just one friendship I wouldn’t allow myself. There’d be plenty other people I could be friends with, so it’s not like avoiding this one person means I have no friends. It’s too messy. She would just be a person I know, but not a person I have a friendship with. Mostly out of respect for Edward’s discomfort and Rosalie’s prior feelings.

I’m mature, but that’s just weird. Also Rosalie, relative stranger, “warning” Bella? Like no human on the planet is capable of change and all relationships are exactly the same even when the players change? Like, because he did that to Rose he WILL do that to Bella? I’d be saying, “thanks, but I don’t know you and I don’t need your advice, I’m not you.”

I guess this means you’ll bring Emmett over so they can fall in love and we can all be okay with it, but still. Ew.
HollBeth chapter 16 . 7/27/2024
Oh I know when things aren’t canon all bets are off, and I’ve read so many fics and had to deal with this, but I always get serious ick when Edward is ever with Rosalie or Alice. They’re just siblings or friends forever in my mind, and it grosses me out. Why not name that character Chelsea or Heidi? Kate? Victoria? ANYONE else except Rosalie! *shudder*
It also sucks she actually loved him even though she knew the deal. Oh well. At least we don’t have to read about it in detail.

I guess that’s the peril of fanfiction - there are just some canon relationships no fiction will ever reasonably overcome for me! :)

Loving this story so much, though. SO. MUCH.
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