Reviews for More Than Words
BethMasenCullen chapter 11 . 7/31/2021
He is so sweet!
BethMasenCullen chapter 6 . 7/31/2021
ooooh they are inching closer!
BethMasenCullen chapter 2 . 7/28/2021
Oh I'm pretty sure Edward is onto her... how long before she figures it out? Lol!
BethMasenCullen chapter 1 . 7/28/2021
Oh this is gonna be fun... I can feel it!
Lillywhite1 chapter 15 . 4/24/2021
Thanks for writing this wonderful story!
HappyEndingLover chapter 15 . 4/1/2021
Great story!
BellaTesoro chapter 15 . 9/10/2020
I needed this refreshingly sweet story. The world needs a little fluff to help ease the fractured parts falling all around us. Thank you for keeping your stories here for us all to enjoy. Your work serves an important service. Thank you.
BellaTesoro chapter 14 . 9/10/2020
Their 'first' was perfectly them, a little awkward but flirty and sweet.
BellaTesoro chapter 13 . 9/10/2020
I thought Edward's idea of dressing up as two HP characters was a good idea. Wonder what Bella will decide to wear.
BellaTesoro chapter 12 . 9/10/2020
What a keeper, he bought all the HP books and then he snuggled up with Bella and they took turns reading the first book together...and then he kisses her, holding back so not to spook her and she knows and asks for the kisses he wants to give her...and then he promises he'll give her as many kisses as she wants...(he's so swoon worthy)
BellaTesoro chapter 11 . 9/10/2020
I sort of love that they are having this little falling in love with each other with the eyes of the school witnessing it all. It's so sweet, like the lunch in their private corner of the library and finding they both like the same sandwich.
BellaTesoro chapter 10 . 9/10/2020
Bella's "Show me" to Edward's plea to give him a chance to show her how much he loves her was perfect...
BellaTesoro chapter 9 . 9/10/2020
Oh man Edward was honest after Bella came clean herself that she'd figured it out finally when she asked him if he meant it all, and he admitted he loves her, that's got to count for something in his favor.
BellaTesoro chapter 8 . 9/10/2020
Oh so Bella thinks that the reveal is only one sided and Edward doesn't know he knows who she is. I'm thinking she overreacted a teeny bit when it dawned on her after seeing The Stand missing and she filled in the dots. But shows she's as Rosalie said, she tends on to see the whole of things perhaps. I think it shows she's refreshingly honest and open. So I see why she'd be a tad bit upset about all this.
BellaTesoro chapter 7 . 9/10/2020
Oh so Edward knew from the beginning and kept up the ruse just to flirt with her and get to know her...yeah he ought to be worried she's be pissed that he kept this going so long. But boy what a fun story this will be to tell the grandkids some day. Rosalie is very perceptive!
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