Reviews for The Boy Beyond Time |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oooo, this is very intriguing! Awesome story, great plot, lots of interesting things coming together! You've woven BttF and Doctor Who together very well. I love how Marty changing history has more repercussions for him than we ever saw in the films. I hope he's alright! And what would the Doctor do to fix it? The TARDIS brought him to Hill Valley, so something hinky's definitely going on. I do hope you update eventually. It's sad to see such a great story abandoned. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I love this story so far! Just kinda read everything in one go. First time ive really looked at Back to the Future fics. I really get this story because in BTTF Marty did change some stuff so surely that would have some affect on his memories and everything. Definitely going to be keeping a look out for youre next update I cant wait to see what happens next! Keep up the good work :D |
![]() ![]() ![]() I know I'm showing my age when I say I remember when BttF was a box office smash...when I saw it for the first time, it was in a theatre. And I was a teenager... Good story. |
![]() ![]() ![]() This is a really fun story- write moore soon please! :) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Okay, this sounds like it is leading to more bizarre shit and this came to mind for some reason. On a Saturday morning, October 26, 1985, 1:15 a.m to be exact, Doc Emmett Brown and Marty McFly and preparing to do temporal experiment number one. Meanwhile, in an alternate reality, the DeLoreon has been overused so much that it has visited so many years in time that it has begun to warp reality to the point that some sort of "Time Lord" riding in a blue 1960s British Police Box TARDIS shows up to try to stop it. After finding out what is going on, the "Time Lord" tries to take a trip in time only to end up going for a wild ride and end up at the Twin Pines Mall on October 26, 1985 just moments after the DeLoreon reappears with three sonic booms completely temporal experiment number one. Instead of the Libyans showing up, Doc and Marty see the Blue Police Box materializing out of thin air with Doc going, "What the hell?" Then the doors open and the "Time Lord" comes out and goes over to investigate the DeLoreon with a sonic screwdriver. The Doc seeing what is going on says, "What the hell do you think you are doing?" The "Time Lord" then says, "This infernal contraption needs to be dismantled". Doc, surprised at what he just said, replies, "Dismantled? What the hell are you talking about? Its my car!". The "Time Lord" says, "Yes, I know, but it needs to be dismantled immediately!" Marty, quite puzzled at this, asks, "Why the hell should Doc dismantle his own damn car?" The "Time Lord" turns to him and says, "I'll tell you why, this infernal contraption is responsible for royally screwing up history by first going back to 1955 and preventing your parents from falling in love. Then it heads to a few dates in 2015 where it goes back a bit and screws up your kid's going to jail by sending Butthead's gang to jail instead..." Before he can continue, Marty asks, "Butthead? Who the hell is Butthead?" The "Time Lord" doesn't answer, but continues "And then old Butthead Tannen steals a damn sports almanac and takes this infernal contraption back to 1955 again to give the almanac to his young self who used it to win bets at sporting events and creates a Pleasure Paradise in courthouse square. This infernal contraption is then taken back to 2015 again where it goes back to this year again, and then to 1955 again only to end up back in 1885 where it screws up more history by preventing Clara from going over into a gorge, and instead falls in love with Doc here and conceives two children, Julies and Vern... The Doc upon hearing that, butts in saying, "What in the name of Sir Isaac H Newton are you talking about? Julies Vern is the name of an author I like to read in my spare time!" The "Time Lord" continues, "The gorge is supposed to remain named Clayton Ravine, but the prevention of Clara going over into the ravine leads it to being named Eastwood Ravine instead..." At that moment, Marty asks, "Who the hell is Eastwood?" The "Time Lord" continues with more, "Before that, this infernal contraption gets buried in the Del Gato mine adjacent to the old Boot Hill Cemetery for 70 years where it is found in 1955 and taken back to 1885 again to prevent the Doc here from getting shot by Butthead's ancestor, and then to this year where it was supposedly destroyed by a train, but then an infernal train appears to cause even more temporary problems appearing in just about every year from 1855 to 2055, literally screwing up the timeline royally as we know it. And the dismantling of this infernal car will prevent any of that from ever occurring." While this talking is going on, it is loud enough to be ringing throughout the parking lot and Biff Tannon in his bed in his house nearby is waken up by it as his window was left opened, and leaving him wondering what is going on out there. Biff is about to yell out the window something along the line, "Shut the hell up you assholes, people are trying to sleep", when he hears Butthead Tannon being said and says to himself, "Who the hell does he think he's calling butthead. I'm going over there to punch that son-of-a-bitch's lights out and then maybe I can get some sleep. Now, where the hell did I put those brass knuckles". Back in the parking lot, the "Time Lord" continues talking, "And Martin here because of so many changes in the timeline caused by the screw-ups in history, remembers too many things and things he doesn't, and has been seeing a psychiatrist since he was nine, for delusions, disassociation, and schizophrenia..." Upon hearing that, Marty responds while flipping out a bit, "The name's Marty, not Martin, and I'm not seeing a goddamned shrink because I'm not crazy". The Doc then says to the "Time Lord", "That's all weird and confusing, but I have no idea what the hell you are babbling about. If you don't mine, I am taking a trip in my car." He gets in the DeLoreon and drives off accelerating up to 88 MPH before disappearing in three sonic booms. The "Time Lord" seeing what is going on, rushes back in the Police Box to follow him. In 1995 is when the Doc arrives and stops the car. He reloads the plutonium and after he does, the Police Box materializes and the "Time Lord" emerges from it and goes up to the Doc saying, "You are going to dismantle that thing right now". The Doc in shock on how the "Time Lord" followed him responds, "Not on your life, this is the discovery of the century". He then gets back in the DeLoreon, changes the time circuits again, and accelerates to 88 MPH and disappearing again in three sonic booms to reappear in 2007. Again, the Doc stops the car to reload the plutonium, but as he does, the Police Box appears again as the "Time Lord" has followed him through time again. The "Time Lord" emerges again and comes to the Doc saying to him, "No, it is the screw-up of the century, of next century, and of last century. Stop time traveling and dismantle it immediately before you cause something disastrous". The Doc surprised again, gets back in the DeLoreon and does the same thing again, but this time goes back in time to 1975. When he arrives, so does the Police Box with the "Time Lord" coming up to him saying, "Stop screwing around and dismantle that infernal contraption". The Doc gets back in the DeLoreon and does the same thing yet again and goes back in time further to 1970. In 1970, the Doc arrives and does yet another plutonium reload, but then the Police Box appears with the "Time Lord" again coming up to him. This time, the "Time Lord" decides to try to take matters into his own hands and goes into the car to mess with the flux capacitor using the sonic screwdriver. The Doc seeing what he is trying to do, says, "Get out of my car". The "Time Lord" ignores him and continues with what he is doing. Doc gets more annoyed and says, "Get the hell out of my car", before yanking the "Time Lord" out. The Doc quickly gets back in the car and sets the time circuits for 1962. He then accelerates up to 88 MPH leaving the "Time Lord" behind again, and disappears in three sonic booms again. This time, he ends up in London in 1962 and goes, "Great Scott, this isn't Hill Valley, its London. He stops the car and hides it somewhere to fix whatever the "Time Lord" has done in the back. While to Doc is busy making repairs to whatever the "Time Lord" did, the Police Box again materializes somewhere out in the street with the "Time Lord" coming out to look around. At the same time, the Doc leaves to go get something he needs for repairs, but when he comes out to the street and sees the Police Box and "Time Lord", he says, "Great Scotts, not again". He heads back to the DeLoreon, but instead of getting in the leave, he goes into the back to get out some sort of detonation device to use. Afterward, he sets it to go off in a short while and runs around to where the Police Box is and knocks the "Time Lord" back into it and unconscious before tossing the bomb in as well. The Doc then leaves and goes to find what he needs, gets it, and then returns to the DeLoreon. With having what he needed, he fixes the damage caused by the "Time Lord", resets the plutonium, and gets into the DeLoreon. Just after the Doc sets the time circuits for a few minutes after he has just originally left 1985, he starts to accelerate to 88 MPH just as an explosion takes place in the Police Box followed by some temporal ripples happening there. He then says to himself, "I need to remember to tell Marty that we need to go back to London in 1962 to dismantle a police box", and then accelerates to 88 MPH and disappears in three sonic booms again. Back in Hill Valley in 1985, a few minutes after the Doc has left, he reappears in three sonic booms to find Marty still there. After stopping the DeLoreon and getting out, Marty asks, "Who the hell was that guy we were dealing with". The Doc replies, "I honesty don't know, but he seemed crazy chasing me through time. I outta go back to London in 1962 to dismantle his police box so he can't use it to come after us again." Upon hearing him, Marty says, "Wait, what, you saying he also had a time machine? This is heavy". A moment later, Doc starts packing everything up for the night and says, "Let's go home, we're continue this another night." They both get in the DeLoreon and drive off leaving nothing behind. Minutes later, a tired Biff Tannon shows up and sees no one and nothing there and says, "I could have swore there were a couple butthead's here talking strange things. Oh well, might is well go home and get some sleep!" He turns and heads back home for the night and that is all I have come to mind. |
![]() ![]() ![]() This story seems like it's going to turn out to be just amazing. I like how you've intertwined everything, the past and the present, and you went into the repercussions of changing timelines like all of these changing memories. I can't wait for more! |
![]() ![]() Really great fic! Everybody's pretty much in character, except the last couple lines in chapter 4 (when the Doctor shows up and he, Marty and Doc Brown have a confrontation) were a little confusing to read. Please continue though, it's really interesting! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Awesome! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Wow, this is the best story I ever read! Make more! |
![]() ![]() That is like one of the best fanfics I have read! Keep writing please! |
![]() ![]() This fanfic is so awesome! |
![]() ![]() ![]() The Delorean, not safe? THE PLOT THICKENS! |
![]() ![]() make more chapters! |
![]() ![]() This, this right here, is beauty. This is honestly one of the best-put-together and best-written crossovers i've every read, and it combines my favorite show and one of my favorite movies! I shall now perform a happy dance ;) |
![]() ![]() ![]() This is completely and utterly fantastic. Back to the Future and Doctor Who are my absolute FAVORITE time travel things and you've combined them... in an absolutely fantastic way. I think I see where everything is headed even with all the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimeyness. ;) I'm *really* curious about what was going on with what I'm assuming is Future Marty meeting Rory (who hadn't met him yet) back in 1977. Wondering what he meant about the rip in Doc's lab. Maybe something to do with the TARDIS? I hope you haven't abandoned this gem. It's absolutely incredible and my mind is racing to see what you'll come up with next. I wonder if Rory will reveal to Marty that he's no stranger to time travel. And I wonder just what the Doctor found out by scanning the flux capacitor. I REALLY hope you'll be able to update soon. This is just completely and utterly fantastic! I can't wait for more! Please post more soon! I love it! |