Reviews for Roses in December |
persiegirl20 chapter 33 . 5/22/2023 Dear Author, I know you started this 12 (!) years ago and stopped writing chapters for it in February 2017. You did sorta promise you only lacked 2 chapters. Do you think those will ever happen? |
Ancient Galaxy chapter 33 . 1/30/2023 So, I decided to randomly stop by at my old Fanfic account and revisit my fav stories from yesteryear, and I noticed an update to this story that I last reviewed in 2015! Just to let you know it’s still great and I remembered the plot after all this time! |
oqjk chapter 1 . 1/18/2023 Great plot and very well written, I just wish I read the reviews saying this wasn’t finished before I started it. The ending is more or less bittersweet than good and it left me depressed lol otherwise good story. But again, I wouldn’t have read it if I knew it hadn’t been touched for the past six years. |
VIVIAN STEVENSON chapter 33 . 4/24/2022 Abandon don't read. Invested 33 chapters and left incomplete. Why, or Why Kurt and Blaine forever |
Guest chapter 33 . 4/15/2022 Wright more please |
Guest chapter 26 . 11/5/2021 I'm rereading this and had to add another comment: I finally know what a tractor trailer is! We've been watching Heavy Rescue 401 and they use that to describe a rig with a trailer.. so a big lorry! And here I was picturing a tractor with a trailer on a farm. I knew this was coming, but still.. *shudders* Nev |
Stossle chapter 33 . 11/3/2021 I loved this story. It had two things I worry about first person POV in fanfic and amnesia but in your deft hands it worked. In fact the POV was absolutely vital to the story. I completely understand the pressure of unfinished works (I have a ridiculous collection). I guess it’s just about trusting ourselves that we don’t need to be perfect. But really it doesn’t matter. I can imagine the ending (which you promised is happy). Thank you and great job! |
bitbybit chapter 33 . 2/28/2021 I am completely riveted with this story. Amazing work! Will you continue it? Blaine is obviously not fine. What is being NY and repressing his feelings going to do? |
Lad1661 chapter 33 . 2/27/2021 So glad I found this story again. I wish it was completed. Well, hope you are ok and I will wait patiently for you to be inspired to complete this wonderful story. Thanks. |
Nevrandil chapter 33 . 1/24/2021 I guess you could end it here in a sort of 'open to interpretation' sort of way , but Blaine is not fine at all and I would love to read the rest of it. I loved this. The angst and suspense were excellent.. well written, too. That moment when Kurt came back to the door Thank you for sharing this Nev |
Nevrandil chapter 27 . 1/24/2021 My suspicions have been confirmed.. not sure why they attacked Seb, though.. Hmmm.. Nev |
Nevrandil chapter 23 . 1/24/2021 I had my suspicions... Also, Mike Nev |
Nevrandil chapter 18 . 1/24/2021 So..that's all sorted, BUT I'm pretty sure Seb or one of his creepy friends has overheard Blaine on the phone to the cab company... the shit's gonna hit the fan soon, I'm sure. Wonder if we'll see Dave again.. Nev |
Nevrandil chapter 3 . 1/24/2021 I'm usual not a fan of 1st person povs, BUT I'm glad I gave this a go.. Though I'm trying hard not to cry Nev |
Guest chapter 33 . 1/21/2021 I love this story so much! And I really hope you keep your word and finish it! *prays* because I can’t deal with it only having 2-3 more chapters |