Reviews for Shadow of a Black Soul
Ligeila chapter 13 . 11/3/2010
Should one review if the story is no longer updated? the everlasting question I guess but a useless one for I am doing it anyways. To prove that someone is still reading ;).

I love this story and I wish I could read it to the end. Vampire lore is very convincingly done here, thank you for that. The wording, the settings and the real history woven with fiction - a master peace.

I'm very happy I found this, made my day in a way, thank you and cheers.
SAB6 chapter 13 . 6/14/2003
Very indepth and well written story. I love what you have done.
Feral-beast chapter 1 . 6/7/2003
I love this story, I wish you would update more often, it's been so long since this latest that i had to skim some of the older chapters to remember everything.
DSDragon chapter 12 . 6/5/2003
So, let me get this straight... Buffy and Spike have sided with Legion, because he's likely to WANT to die once he's killed the others anyway? Am I getting that right? I get kinda lost in all your words, but that's what I've untangled from them.

I love this fic!
Quinara chapter 11 . 4/19/2003
Genius. True fanfiction.
helly120 chapter 11 . 2/12/2003
S*** Decius. As always a fantastic piece of writing! Incredibly detailed and moving, I know you always take to update, and I can see why but please tell me that soon you will update!
DSDragon chapter 11 . 2/3/2003
WOW, Decius! This is great! I'd had no idea how intricately you've woven this storyline back when I first started reading it! I hope it's not finished yet! PLEASE tell me there'll be more soon!
Capitalist Vixen chapter 11 . 11/21/2002
before i had finished this chapter i felt like screaming the ansewer to the computer! Thankyou for letting Spike live! or unlive... please updates soon!
fastpilot chapter 11 . 11/20/2002
It's stupendous. It's fantastic. It's beautiful. It's perfect. I swear it could not be better done.

And I had not to mark but one day. I throw myself prostrate before my monitor in supplication.

But a whispering heresy circulates in the back of my mind. An insurrection I cannot put down. The willing suspension of disbelief is fractionally overthrown, and I minimally contemplate the embarrassing impossibility that the last line of Vampires, whose (most likely) only two members will inherit all the First's Legacy, will be innanely named-the Order of Buffy?

Thoikaris, Akhenaton, Aurelius, Jounn'I-to Buffy, what kind of a name is that? It's name for a french trimmed toy poodle, fer cryin' out unprintably.

Well, it's all Joss' fault. ;)

Shuddering in shirithee.

My awe is undiminshed.
Crux chapter 10 . 11/19/2002
Have to say, one of the most wonderful stories I've read this far. And don't take my words too lightly, I don't usually dance around throwing these kind of compliments to everybody :).

There are a few grammar mistakes, but one barely notices them. You just get sucked into the story itself.

You really rock. Keep up the good work, you certainly have the talent for it.

And update soon ;).
darkravine chapter 10 . 11/19/2002
Love this ... this chapter was especially moving. The last few lines between them was heartbreakingly sweet. And Angelus and Faith involved now too? Can't wait for the confrontation!
misa3 chapter 10 . 11/19/2002
Stunningly wonderful as ever. Thank you for writing this gorgeous fic.
Vision4 chapter 10 . 11/18/2002
Wait...that's it? Now, I promise you, had I the intent of making you wait for a review to add to the 33 you have received thus far, I would wait and sit and think my comments out thoroughly. However, time is of the essence, and if updates truly are few and far between, then farther than fewer I say! Brilliant and charmingly dark are the words I would use to the reader who inquires of this story, truly magnificently brilliant and dark. Lovely. Keep this story going, Decius, and please don't keep the readers waiting too long... -Vision
fastpilot chapter 10 . 11/18/2002
The quality is maintained. I know how hard that is for me. I must have written the first chapter of Empress ten times by now. Your chapter 10 inspires and enrages me, and it very hard to know how long I am likely to have to wait for the next one.

I hope Buffy's tragically room temperature fists beat them into the ground, the four Lords of the Lines. I hope she drains with the fangs she should not have. But I also hope there is some way for Faith to be saved. These last several years, I feel she has been steadfast. It grates she's likely to know no better than the "peace" of the void.

Once again, if the next is as good as this, I'll happily wait a long time for it.

But I will mark the days.
fastpilot chapter 9 . 10/9/2002
If the time elapsing between now and your next post means more of the same, I'm fine with that. There are a lot of soda pop fic's I've enjoyed very much. I can't wait for the next post. Don't mind spelling errors, or faults in grammar, I just want more, sooner.

I'll so happily wait for more like this.

I'll risk sounding silly, and use alcohol metaphors to describe this piece. This, to me, is the fanfic equivalent of the '95 Cadenhead bottling of Talisker single malt. It's the mason jar from my grandfather's cellar, one embalmed peach couched in lightning, that if I take a sip just at New Year's might still be around for my kids to enjoy.

It has the rich potent feel of careful craft.

Please keep it up.
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