Reviews for Flirting With the Enemy
emae-bespredel chapter 1 . 10/12/2022
Good evening. I wanted your permission to translate your work. Flirting with the enemy. If you don't mind, I'd like to translate it into Russian :)
Waiting for your permission! Well, or refusal...
Guest chapter 21 . 2/27/2021
I was going to leave my review till the end but honestly? This story has gone down the drain. I gave several questions first:
1. Why did Voldemort KISS Lilly? He is incapable of affection and seriously that is a BAD ship
3. Why did you not include side along apperation? This story would have been so much easier if you had stuck to cannon
And now I have some more things to say that aren’t questions
1. Quite frankly your grammar sucks
2. There are so many plot holes I can’t count them
3. It’s too complicated you have about 5 side plots going along here
But over all it’s ok I guess
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13/2019
Lily is in Gryffindor...
Not tryna hate but my ocd or whatever the heck it is won’t let me not correct this.
Otherwise this story is really good, great idea and well though out.
Finishedconfused chapter 34 . 7/4/2019
Hey there. Spent three days reading this and honestly I've never been more confused in my life. I liked the original idea for its time, but it just circled into unrealistic moments and quality went down hill. I ignored major plot holes and major inaccuracies that were before book 5, but in the last number of chapters I've been plodding through just wanting to finish it, feeling tired.
I loved the beginning but you focused so much on trying to make it complicated and shock factors that it hurt the quality of the story.
Thank you tho for the first half of it. It was original and good fun to read.. Thank you for spending many years on this. Hope you all the best in your future and you have a great life now.
Somebody chapter 34 . 3/22/2019
AlI could say after this is I love it. It has a great plot and just thank you for making it. It has kept me company during long hard school nights, even though I’m not supposed to even be on my phone. Thank u again and pls ur a great author can u pls write an epilogue, I’m literally on my knees begging u.
Nobody chapter 17 . 3/19/2019
Does this story just not have side apparation?
DONE394 chapter 1 . 10/12/2018
Guest chapter 34 . 3/19/2018
Okay, so I know that it’s been years since you’ve written this final chapter, but I need to review because this was AMAZING! I’m super impressed that you stuck with this story for so many years. It took me 3 days to read this, and I’m as fast reader. Your story is the best Harry Potter AU I’ve ever read. I hope you see this. Also, you said you were 21 in that last chapter, and so you’re like 30 now, and that’s mind exploding. I hope you have a good life right now, you deserve it. Contact me please:
Guest chapter 4 . 1/21/2018
Why doesn't james just transfigure lily a pair of shoes... He was good at transfiguration right? And lily is good at charms, maybe she can convince james to let her put cushioning charms on their shoes or clean them up with a few scourgifys... and James could send a message with his patronus to Sirius to pick them up with a portkey or something. Lily should just tell james why she was a death eater. Just some ideas, you're doing a great job I love your writing style
Acciopotterevans chapter 30 . 11/25/2017
What the fuck happened at the begging of chap 30. Holy shit. Am I still breathing? I think I just had heart attack. Oh god
SophiaSkylarRose chapter 2 . 7/11/2017
Wow, what lifeless, bland, horrifically ungrammatical characters! I tried to read for the plot, I really did, but I couldn't make it past chapter two. Really, is it that difficult to learn the proper difference between "your" and "you're", as well as when it capitalize? For instance, This is not proper capitalization; You do not capitalize after either a comma or a semicolon. The dialogue is uninteresting and situation unrealistic - why doesn't James just portkey? Or apparate? Both of those options make more sense than walking alone with a potentially dangerous prisoner. Furthermore, would Dumbledore be so idiotic as to schedule a meeting with a spy right before a meeting with a reporter? He rarely has back to back meetings, as shown in the books. All in all, I'm incredibly disappointed. I really expected much better, but I suppose a good plot does not behoove good writing - and it says a lot about your writing that half the reviews here use grammar more awfully than you.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/31/2017
Oooh things are getting more interesting
bluesaffron chapter 34 . 5/1/2017
Ohh my! I definitely think my fellow passengers are wondering if I've gone insane, but i cant help it! So im on a long ,boring and lonely journey of 7 hours by train and i had nothing in particular to do so i thought to read a fanfiction and somehow stumbled upon your story and that was starting of roller coaster of emotions you lead me through . I have laughed , cried , prayed , cursed .. never minding whatever the rest of the world was thinking. After that I'm drained and thought about sleeping but alas i cant think of anything else. I'm imaging all these scenarios and what would have happened if there was a sequel *hint*hint* or maybe just that highly anticipated epilogue.?! But since there isn't anything else im left to my imagination, until then...
In love with you...xox
BellatixLestrangeisthebest chapter 34 . 1/7/2017
It is an amazing story & I wish you well in the future
cherryblossom0103 chapter 34 . 12/11/2016
This story has made me so happy, and has made my family look at me strangely as I moan in happiness and squeak "Oh I love this author" on the living room sofa. Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this!
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