Reviews for Glimmer Darkly
CynMar Rom chapter 24 . 4/19/2023
This story was much sweeter than I expected based on the premise. I loved it!
Thank you for sharing!
atouchofcitron chapter 24 . 8/21/2022
god i loved this so much. can't believe it took me so long to read! thank you so much for this.
pudget12 chapter 24 . 4/21/2022
I don’t know how I have never read this story. It is everything I could ever want with vampire Edward. You took the Twilight Saga and turned it into an absolutely beautiful love story. You way with words is perfection. I went through so many emotions reading it. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for such an incredible gift.

Also, thank you so much for not adding a baby…
OwensMama chapter 24 . 1/12/2022
Loved it! Better than the original thank you! -Kara
LillianBroderick chapter 24 . 10/8/2021
Lovely. Thank you
WingsOfEyeliner chapter 24 . 8/31/2021
That was beautiful! I love how he can read her mind when they’re close emotionally. Such a gorgeous story! Thank you for sharing. Loved every minute ️
WingsOfEyeliner chapter 5 . 8/24/2021
Doing a read/reread of all of your stories and found this one I never read before! I’m so intrigued and I think (hope) Edward is back? Not sure about his parents…. I have questions! Lol loving this story. Except Jake. Don’t love Jake ;)
twiclare chapter 24 . 4/14/2021
A lovely story. Thank you for sharing!
twiclare chapter 23 . 4/14/2021
Brilliant, they’re closer than ever!
twiclare chapter 22 . 4/14/2021
A beautiful wedding, just what they wanted.
twiclare chapter 21 . 4/13/2021
It’s great that they are able to prepare things so smoothly and confidently.
twiclare chapter 20 . 4/13/2021
I’m so glad that she wasn’t begging the tribe for permission.
twiclare chapter 19 . 4/13/2021
I really hope that they get the opportunity to do things their way and something doesn’t force her change, or, at least not in addition to Aro’s time constraints.
twiclare chapter 6 . 4/10/2021
I’m loving this so far!
Magda95 chapter 24 . 1/20/2021
This story is so very lovely, i really felt part of a great love story ...

also, i had not read a story before in which edward turns while b&e are already a couple, what a simple and yet totally new idea ... and the execution with the two timelines works very well ... thank you for sharing this story, reading it was a joy
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