Reviews for Sins of My Past |
edward1932 chapter 89 . 12/14/2017 Wow! Great story. I loved reading it. You have a great imagination. I also liked that the story length. Thank you for taking the time to write this and sharing. I am looking forward to reading more of your stories! Thank you |
edward1932 chapter 60 . 12/12/2017 I am really enjoying this story and happy that they are together again! |
Twiheart1901EC chapter 3 . 12/3/2017 This story is already so captivating. I want so many different things to happen but I don’t even know if they’re possible. I can’t wait to read the rest. I’ll keep a box of tissues near by for sure |
Mary farese chapter 71 . 10/25/2017 I've read this story countless times and this is my favorite chapter, thanks for sharing this great story! |
XxLittleMissMidnightxX chapter 77 . 10/19/2017 You know I'm constantly surprised by how venomous people can be. I've been following your stories since Unloved Unwanted Divergence and only by your graciousness, did I receive a copy, after contacting you out of the blue. I just wanted to thank you for your unending patience and strong will to keep on writing. Because you truly are amazing at it. I do however want to point out to ALL people who are, in their entirety, too critcal... Take a chill pill. Fanfic is where we all can come together over a shared obsession. If you are not liking the fic you're reading then stop reading it. Whether it's too much like a fairytale or the characters are not up to your standards. Just stop flipping reading it. That's what I do. Makes sense, right? Stop trying to tear the writers down, it takes an immense amount of courage to put your creativity out. Okay my rant is done. :) Thanks again for sharing your amazing skills. |
childofdarkness08 chapter 1 . 9/30/2017 Am I the only one whos not liking Carli all that much? I don't hate her, but I don't like her. |
Bevey99 chapter 36 . 9/24/2017 I figured the creeper would back and wreak havoc, but also thought it would be near the end of the story. There are a lot of chapter left to read, can't imagine what you are going to put them through. |
Bevey99 chapter 24 . 9/19/2017 Can't imagine where this is going with over 60 chapter to go. |
Bevey99 chapter 23 . 9/19/2017 Planes, as in multiples? I know of the billionaires in town have 2 planes. [1 business / 1 family] [I know his pilot really well]. But he's BILLIONAIRE and more than likely has more money than Trump. My point is people don't usually have multiple planes. |
Bevey99 chapter 20 . 9/18/2017 What happen to client confidentiality? 'Pretty sure he could be disbarred for revealing th finer points of those 2 cases, plus his initial $10 retainer. |
Bevey99 chapter 16 . 9/18/2017 ? Why are there outtakes in the middle of a story? Seems odd and throws off the timing. |
Bevey99 chapter 5 . 9/18/2017 Wow, I don't know what to say. My first thought she has the funds why would she choose to stay blind. I would desperately want to see my daughter. |
Bevey99 chapter 2 . 9/17/2017 Well that's a different twist - good job. |
Guest chapter 5 . 8/12/2017 How can he even say that he loved bella that whole time? He says hes used so many women that he cant even count them. How is that love? Edwards a piece of shit. And I'm imagining that his number is in the 300's...which is the most disgusting thing ever. You cant be with that many women and come out unscaved. I assume hes had a shit ton of stds. We are all aware that you can gets stds WITH a condom. crabs and herpes come to mind |
Mary farese chapter 89 . 7/10/2017 I read his story years ago but it wasn't finished, I thorouly enjoyed the ending. I really liked all the twist and turns of the story. I skipped all the sex scenes, but other than that I really enjoyed the story |