Reviews for Mother of Horsemen
candice00 chapter 26 . 1/17/2015
It's been years, I keep coming back to this fix in the hope you post. Maybe a short note to say how you envisaged the rest of her story?
Glory Bee chapter 26 . 5/28/2012
What an incredible story Rociriel! I plead with you to continue it!
Tari chapter 26 . 7/28/2008
I just wanted to know if Mother Of Horesmen is complete. (I hope not.) I have really enjoyed reading it and would love to read more.

I couldn't send you a personal email as this site won't recognize me. It must be a problem at my end. I don't know how to fix it.

Tari chapter 26 . 4/15/2008
Am I correct in assuming there will more chapters coming? Is there a way you can let me know when you post again, or will you put a link on Henneth_Annun. I want to continue reading as I dearly love your story. I must know what happens to Readfah next. Has she finally found her mate. I hope so.

Well done.

Tari chapter 22 . 4/9/2008
No apologizes are necessary. I don't care if your story is canon or not. I love it just as it is.

Thanks for a great read.

Tari chapter 14 . 3/25/2008
What a heartbreaking chapter. My heart aches for Readfah and Elrond. However, if he didn't wed Celebrian we wouldn't have the twins or Arwen and that would be a tragedy.

This is an extremely well written story. I am enjoying it very much.

Tarisheelf chapter 5 . 2/22/2008
You may not think you,re a Dwim or Isbeau, but I think you do a terrific job. You're a much better writer than I am.

TariElfLady chapter 2 . 2/19/2008
I just read the first two chapters and am totally hooked. I loved the part where Elrond thinks back to his childhood and what he wished he could do so once again. Readfah is delightful. I wouldn't mind being half-elven myself.

Since I'm reading during my lunch hour at work, it will take me a while to catch up. But, catch up I will.

Wonderful tale

Alalaes chapter 26 . 1/29/2008
There is nothing else to say except...AMAZING! I especially love how you mention Maedhros, it adds mystery and suspense. Your pacing is fantastic as well. I hope there's more to come and I eagerly await your next update!
Isabeau of Greenlea chapter 26 . 1/2/2008
Nice to see you still working on this one, Roc. A very interesting portrait of Helm-my goodness, but the UST was there, at least to my way of thinking! Please don't keep us waiting so long to find out if he and Readfah get something going!
Quiess chapter 26 . 1/2/2008
I just found this piece and I have to say that I love it.

I think your attention to detail and history involved in Middle Earth is awesome and I absolutely love Readfah - although the situation with Elrond and Celebrian.. I've read a couple novels with those kind of happenings and I have to say it leaves me heartbroken for the one left behind. Your story was no exception, and even though I do not find Galadriel's daughter distasteful, I still quivered with disgust when her and Elrond did the deed; my reaction was more for Readfah than my own dislike.

As a horselover/rider I have to say that I get a clear mental picture everytime you describe a certain horse or how they look - you do a wonderful job with everything regarding the horses. Keep up the awesome work and hope you continue to work on this beautiful piece. :)
WingedWithFireyMana chapter 26 . 12/29/2007
Wow. Couldn't stop reading. Never have I been so involved in a Lord of the Rings book since I read the Silmarillion. No, since I read The Two Towers, for this has horses, Elves, humans, and good writing, better than I've seen in a while from this section. Thank you.
box chapter 25 . 11/26/2007
AH! This is truly a masterpiece!...and I have to admit, it would be REALLY nice if you updated the story, since I'm sure that I'm not the only one who enjoys reading this, it has definitely been a while since I last read a story that a) I haven't read before and b) has been one that I have truly enjoyed reading..well not one about Elrond/OFC, please, update soon!
ScottishFaerie chapter 25 . 10/6/2007
WOW! this story is one of the best that I have EVER read. You have a true gift.
A.E. Hall chapter 25 . 5/26/2007
Still reading...Still enjoying. I hope you're able to get past your bottleneck and bless us all with an update!
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