Reviews for Messages
Altariel chapter 4 . 5/13/2002
Your visual images are very striking - the messages set on either side of the sword, and your characterization of Faramir is spot on. Very much looking forward to the next chapter and the resolution of yet another cliffhanger!
Ranger chapter 4 . 5/12/2002
This is really a good story. You write very well. You also seem to have captured Faramir's personality quite clearly. I hope you continue the story soon.
Forget Yesterday chapter 4 . 5/12/2002
*Squeals* YAY FARAMIR! *g* He's my favourite! *contented sigh* Gosh I love this story. The quality has remained the same throughout- very high. Often on fanfic I'm tempted to skip ahead or skim, but your story really keeps me interested. Your characters are likeable and un-cliche, and I really like your writing style. As usual, please please continue this, and soon. It's one of the best Lord of the Rings fanfics I've read. It may even be THE best Lord of the Rings fanfic I've read. Please continue. I LOVE this!
Altariel chapter 3 . 5/7/2002
Shakes, so sorry I didn't comment on this chapter when you posted the draft. I'm really enjoying this story. Your prose is terrific - not just competence in a second language, but real style.

What I like about this chapter: Beldil's lesson on delivering messages (and then proving that he practices what he preaches); Mablung's character coming through in his message; the descriptions of Henneth Annun; Anakil's view of the Captain.

Looking forward to more parts, and soon.
Ranger chapter 3 . 5/6/2002
This is a very good story. Rangers are my favorite characters (obviously). I hope you will continue.

Your English is very good. I have seen very few errors. In fact, your grammar and spelling are much better than most of the writers here. The only correction that I would like to point out is that the device used for horses is a bridle not brindle, but this is a very minor point. I am very impressed. Keep up the good work.

I will keep reviewing if you keep writing. I love a good story.
Snitter in Rivendell chapter 3 . 5/6/2002

so what has caused faramir to worry? get the next chapter up soon!

Snitter in Rivendell chapter 2 . 5/6/2002

this chapter was lovely though not as good as the first...not meaning that it was bad...just lack of action...but this chapter was great in its own right...nice dialoge and what not

snitter ;-)
Snitter in Rivendell chapter 1 . 5/6/2002

exciting first chapter! loved the describtions and everything...the fight was great! very suspenseful...right on! very cool little fic ;-)

Alon chapter 3 . 5/6/2002
Sorry it took me so long to review this. Wow, this is just great. I'm really enjoying it. Sometimes it seems like the best stories arise from just a brief mention, doesn't it? I'm really looking forward to reading more about these characters. And I have a sneaking suspicion about Anakil, but I won't tell yet in case I'm right. I don't want to spoil anything. ;-) peace...
Maledisant chapter 3 . 5/6/2002
Nice nice! Very good introduction of Faramir. Anxious to read more. The sooner the better *wink wink*
Maledisant chapter 2 . 5/4/2002
Very interesting and nicely written so far. Good descriptions, very good dialogue. I'd like to see more soon.
Forget Yesterday chapter 2 . 4/30/2002
EEE! I STILL love this! Same comments as the first chapter, really... please continue soon! I really like where this is going!
Maledisant chapter 1 . 4/28/2002
Dangit, I read this yesterday and then lost it before I came to reviewing. Let me just say that I am utmostly happy to have found it.

Your story is beautifully worded, with little details that make it rich but not boring. It is also very interesting so far, and I am very curious to read more. Keep it up ~~ Maledisant
Forget Yesterday chapter 1 . 4/26/2002
Oh wow! *Jumps up and down yelling*

This is the best Lord of the Rings fanfic I have come across! Beautifully written and actually captured my interest. Much much less predictable than most of the stuff on fanfic.

Well thought-out, unrushed, but the story moves at a good pace. I like the way they talk too, sounds almost Tolkien-ish without making you sound like a try-hard.

EEE I love this so much!

And thank you for not having Anakil turn out to be a chick/obvious love interest. That's what ALWAYS happens. *Damn mary-Sues* :D

Please do continue this, I would really like to find out what happens next!
Taith Ant chapter 1 . 4/26/2002
Very good! I'm already eager for more!

Well written and an original idea as far as I know, bravo, keep up the good work!
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