Reviews for Harry Potter and the Grangers take on the world |
dixonjason403 chapter 1 . 11/22/2024 ...why are you writing a fanfic is youre this bad at writing? you skipped the "learn how to spell" and "learn grammar" steps. |
Primus2021 chapter 11 . 11/4/2024 I'm honestly surprised Harry didn't write a couple of letters to Madame Bones and Rita Skeeter about how Dumbledore illegally confiscated his private property and gave it away to Snape who then illegally used it, without giving them any compensation for it. That's theft. |
AkerinSilver chapter 64 . 10/16/2024 I have loved readin this sic but i am sad that you have been uable to finish it |
Tricorvus chapter 2 . 10/6/2024 Your grammar and spelling isn't all that bad. I wouldn't worry if I were you. My eyesight is going and I can't see the keyboard as I'd like to, so I can't type as I'd like. Also with my ADHD, I can't read an analog clock. You'd be surprised how often that comes up in insults. So I'm 60 and can't read a clock with hands. I can read hieroglyphics since I was 13. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. This is a great story, you're tying up a lot of loose ends quite well. rock on |
G Fawkes chapter 1 . 10/5/2024 I'm going to go ahead and stop, right here. Citing "it took them six months to formulate a plan' (para), but the Ministry had already issued an arrest warrant BEFORE they broke in to the D.O M. Where were they hiding, and how did they not get caught in the meantime?! And yeah, I tried, but I AM kind of a Grammar Nazi, and it is bothering me! |
tricorvus chapter 19 . 10/6/2024 Not gonna lie, this chapter has some absolute gold hilarity in the CoS. Rock on |
tricorvus chapter 11 . 10/6/2024 Please please please work in a Steve Irwin quote about a dangerous creature, oh please. I'm sorry that's where my mind goes when I see "Aussie bloke". Your story continues excellent rock on |
Ultach chapter 27 . 8/21/2024 Execute your beta for treason! How the hell could anyone miss the repeated misuse of conSerVation every time you should have written conVerSation? Felonius conduct! Travesty! Crimes against humanity! Seriously bad grammar too! By the way, I'm really sick of the hundreds of examples of sentences with missing or duplicated words. Couldn't you try Word/Grammar checking before posting? ? ? |
Ultach chapter 14 . 8/21/2024 I beg to differ! Remus' circumstances are hardly 'unique', as I instance Doug, another werewolf. I suggest that you amend that sentence to 'individuals with his PARTICULAR circumstances. Ciao. |
Tuckersdad chapter 64 . 7/30/2024 great story please update |
Jael73 chapter 12 . 9/5/2023 I was really liking the story until this chapter. Jinxing Snape once, fine. But Harry knows Snape’s story - and yet is willing to be the man’s bully just like his father? And then to give him permanent dementia? Sorry, but that’s a bit gross. I didn’t see your Harry and Hermione as evil. Now, it feels like they’re only using their knowledge for personal gain and revenge. :( |
Alwin-nl chapter 12 . 8/31/2023 Doug needs to go. He’s getting greedy - to the point of demanding money instead of it going to orphans. Obliviation would be suggested. |
Alwin-nl chapter 7 . 8/31/2023 Your writing style makes me feel are severely dyslexic. Your beta isn’t doing a very good job. |
Gear master chapter 3 . 6/30/2023 I do hope that the spelling gets better |
BlindFaunusGirl chapter 64 . 4/14/2023 Interesting story, hadn't expected the twist this chapter. I hope you continue the story at some point in the future. |