Reviews for The Duty
ai12love chapter 36 . 1/14/2019
This was a beautifully written well paced section of greatness. It’s been so many years and it’s still great. Even if it only got 1-2 more chapters to end it at gaaras birthday. It was just enough of the same as the anime to do well and just enough different to have the fan base to lock on to. I think we were one chapter shy of them taking another step in their relationship but at the same time I understand life happens and you lose motivation. Hopefully you can give it new life if you see a new desire in the fandom, I know I have after a similarly lengthy break.

Best wishes and contact me if you ever need a beta.
minseolyg chapter 36 . 11/17/2018
Hello, I've read this story a few years back and I remember the amazing writing. The flow and progression of the romance was so well put together that I have never forgotten it. I feel like every chapter is gets better and better in terms of writing improvement and plot development. I also commend you on your ability to add canon scenes into this story, it does make the story much more believable. Thanks!

P.S - Excited to hear about that AU for Gaara/Sakura was a possibility! You are a phenomenal writer with the ability to realistically do Gaara/Sakura! Keep writing!
CherryShikaDai chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
Hello, I've read this story a few years back and I remember the amazing writing. The flow and progression of the romance was so well put together that I have never forgotten it. I feel like every chapter is gets better and better in terms of writing improvement and plot development. I also commend you on your ability to add canon scenes into this story, it does make the story much more believable. Just a short little review on how what I loved so far, but expect longer and descriptive views from me soon. Thanks!

P.S - Excited to hear about that AU for Gaara/Sakura was a possibility! You are a phenomenal writer with the ability to realistically do Gaara/Sakura! Keep writing!
pollvxx chapter 17 . 11/7/2018
waaaitt a minuetee...
does it mean, shikamaru is sakura ex? or am I imagining thingss?
wei1004 chapter 36 . 10/23/2018
it has been 5 years, are you going to continue this story? i just found this amazing story and i really excited for the next chapter but now i feel so hopeless T_T
Hakkuchi chapter 36 . 10/17/2018
Really enjoyed the story. It's nice reading a story where they don't jump each other in chapter 1. I hope to read more. Thank You!
findingwhimsy chapter 1 . 10/11/2018
This is a wonderful fic! I can’t believe I only just discovered it. Such a shame it’s not complete. I hope you come back to this one day.

I love all the characterizations because the world seems became so detailed and alive.
monochre chapter 7 . 9/27/2018
I miss this fic so much I'm having a good laugh
Sakura Kazahana chapter 36 . 8/29/2018
Oh, such a cute one. I really hope you come back to continue it.
Nanami chapter 36 . 8/23/2018
Awesome job, please continued.
KuriKashi chapter 1 . 7/27/2018
Wow this looks really fun and interesting! Well done!
AnonymousInkk chapter 1 . 7/13/2018
This is the best GaaSaku fanfic that I’ve read so far... but it’s kinda sad that this fic was abandoned and never got to be finished...
Guest chapter 1 . 6/25/2018
Update please please update please
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
Please please update please
Guest chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
Update soon please
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