Reviews for The Duty
Cupcake chapter 51 . 5/31/2024
I understand where both of them are coming from Gaara is right there are things people must do to protect their home as a ninja Sakura should be aware of this. But Sakura is right as well where do you draw the line. But if Sakura becomes Kazehime she can make those changes to stop action like that from happening. I really hope they fix it in the next chapter
mugglemiracle chapter 51 . 5/27/2024
Why, author, why?! Nah Kidding. I guess I sorta expected something like this to happen since the last chapter, though I was hoping for the opposite. **long suffering sigh** Wow. This hurts. Imagine how this must also cut deep for Gaara and Sakura. But alas, perhaps this is what they need, a test of their the depth of their feelings; if they truly love each other or their feelings was just a result of extenuating circumstances. Afterall, they are both too young and too inexperienced in love even though they're both battle hardened. Gaara and Sakura should both use this time apart to reflect, Sakura on whether she's ready to relinquish her citizenship and uproot her life(if it comes to that) or not, and Gaara on how much he's willing to defy his council to protect Sakura. For sure, this is not the only stunt the Suna's council will pull. Being ready is an understatement because even if the kages aren't doing anything underhanded, they councils no doubt are! This must be the political ramifications of getting involved with a kage as Tsunade-sama put in the beginning. This is just Suna by the way. If Gaara and Sakura's relationship reach the altar, the other councils of these hidden villages will cause a ruckus (I think Tsunade, in her own way, approves of and trust that Gaara will take care of Sakura) So yes, as much as I hate this "break up," it is not always rainbows and sunshines! GaaSaku all the way! **counting the days til the next update and seriously crossing fingers that author (PLEASE PLEASE) put an end to our misery**
MaxiMillion77 chapter 51 . 5/27/2024
Ah, she’ll be back. Dont worry Gaara!
Uchiha Misaki chapter 50 . 5/19/2024
thanks for the update. The "get pregnant mission" needs to be brought up to the Kages. I hope Sakura does not blame Gaara for these girls actions.
ateicck09 chapter 1 . 5/19/2024
Helppp i cant find u on ao3
Guest chapter 50 . 5/17/2024
Gaara needs to put that presumptious little bitch Matsuri in her place. There's no doubt she's responsible for stirring up a great deal of any negativity towards Sakura. Plus who does she think she is to talk like that to her Kage? Her only status comes from having been his student. Unless he allows it , she's not high enough up Suna's food chain to question the Kazekage.

So those two idiot kunoichi just sparked an international incident attacking the Hokages apprentice in the shower unprovoked. The one is already in trouble with Kumo, now her and her friend are screwed. Well, if you're going for any kind of realism they should be. And what a foolish reason to do it too! I'm a bloodline their and I got caught because I couldn't manage to desert. She quite literally screwed herself over but she's blaming Sakura for her own stupidity. Everyone's going to be stink eyeing Mist now! Attempted bloodline theft compounded by attempted murder of a Kage's apprentice. Not a good look.
MaxiMillion77 chapter 50 . 5/17/2024
This chapter was crazy. I can’t wait for the next one. Pleas don’t take too long for next one! I want to know what Sakura means by that! And as for Shikamaru, every time Garaa calls him he thinks he’s gonna die. That’s hilarious!
MaxiMillion77 chapter 50 . 5/17/2024
This chapter was crazy. I can’t wait for the next one. I hope you don’t take too long! I’m dying to know what happens happens next now!
mugglemiracle chapter 50 . 5/16/2024
I've always been on a waiting mode for every chapter of "The Duty." So much so that every day, I make it a point to check for an update. I actually read this chapter seconds after it was posted haha. I'm not gonna lie... I thought I'd get to read some action as Gaara promised! But the cliffhanger made me ask out loud, "OMG! Are they gonna break up?" Just like Gaara, the statement gave me a sense of foreboding and I really hope it doesn't happen. Please, please, please! I would rather have rude interruptions to their private time here and there, but not from jealous b****es who chose Sakura as their scapegoat or something. I hope this survives their relationship. Come to think of it though, if it doesn't, then it's not worth fighting for. A relationship between two shinobi of their stature and coming from two different villages is very complicated for it doesn't just involve their personal feelings, but there are political repercussions. Sakura, especially, better steel herself! Argh, I am overtaking myself! To think that Sasuke hasn't even made his appearance! For sure, he will bring a whole new set of complications himself! I love Kazekage and Sakura pairing, so please be gentle with us author! GaaSaku all the way! More power to you author and congratulations on your new name!
mugglemiracle chapter 49 . 5/8/2024
Katsuyu is an absolute buzzkill for Gaara! She's so funny I swear I'm gonna roll in stitches! Please include a line or two in every chapter. She's so entertaining! Anyway, this scene between Gaara and Sakura looks like they're almost saying their vows to one another. I hope their relationship survives the war and the inevitable political maelstrom it will go through once they're back in their respective villages. I have faith in their love though, but no doubt they're gonna face a lot of obstacles, and one by the name of Sasuke. It's getting exciting to see how things will play out once all three of them meet. And Of course the war! I hope Madara gets beaten the soonest possible time! Thank you for the update author! more power!
Uchiha Misaki chapter 49 . 5/4/2024
great chapter. I always love a jealous Sasuke.
Luvspike67 chapter 1 . 5/2/2024
I remember reading this when it firat came out. I would check at least a couple times a year for an update. Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us! I remember waiting for when Sasuke shows up during the war. I’m curiouse how you will paint the knteraction and to see what kind of reaction he has to Gaara and Sakura together.
ninsarewiz2 chapter 48 . 4/22/2024
I swear Baki will be scarred for life one day when he stumbles between Sakura and Gaara doing the nasty! Haha. He seems to have the knack in catching them in compromising situations. Aww.. We're done playing house... it's so fun while it lasts, and now it's time to face reality... there is still the threat of war and Madara and Gaara and Sakura back to their stations. What Sakura said about doubling birthday presents in the future is so comforting because it tells how Gaara is so much a part of her life and her future she and he will try to build, looking beyond the war. Argh! I can't wait for this war to finally be over! Thank you author for the update! More power
MaxiMillion77 chapter 48 . 4/22/2024
Can’t wait for next chapter!
Guest chapter 46 . 3/28/2024
I’m so happy to encounter this story again. It was a favorite of mine back then. The plot is getting more exciting, can’t wait to see what is next ️
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