Reviews for Quietus
SakuraSasuke chapter 94 . 1/31
Does anyone know why this fanfic is no longer on AO3? This is the only fanfic I like and now I can't read it in full :(
sakurasupremacy chapter 19 . 2/2
Ive just discovered this wonderful fic and didnt know if its okay to leave reviews since its been posted a long time ago.. but oh god how i love this fic already! Decided to type my guess that Sakura has her past life dreams when she drinks the ambrosia! Also that shirtless sasuke scene was hot af sksksks and i felt like he was flexing a little since he knew sakura was there hehe
annemisakisaka chapter 117 . 1/20
hhhhh i've read this for the nth time and the feels are just the same that was a total cliffhanger! can't wait to see what happens next will SuiKa follow kisame? i hope so.
Long time fan chapter 117 . 1/13
Any chance of an update?
chickenugttz chapter 117 . 1/8
l love your writing do much. please dont ever give up on this story. i will wait forever and a day till its complete (but i really dont want to have to )
WriteWritingWrote chapter 117 . 1/5
Thankyou so much for the updates and your amazing story telling. This fanfic was one of the first ones I have ever read back in 2014. I took a break, life happened, and now I have finally reread and have become completely up to date with your series 10 years later. Thankyou so much for all the hard work. Honestly I binged it, I couldn't put my phone down. And finallllyyyyy Sakura is back in the lime light. I can't wait for your next chapter. Please take care and thankyou!
mxiedust chapter 96 . 12/30/2024
I couldnt find the smutty part on A03 anyone knos whre i can read it?
vitoriadomingues35 chapter 105 . 12/26/2024
Eu estava gostando da história, mas só tem desgraça.
Des-C-Kudi chapter 117 . 12/22/2024
Hello author-san, I am one of your biggest fans since teenage years. When I started reading Quietus I was a undergrad University student. Now more than ten years later I am full grown up with a busy schedule. Over the course of the years I have reread Quietus so many times... unfortunately you lost me around chapter 100 because nowadays I suffer from severe depressions and it is hard for me to focus long enough for reading. Just wanted tell you a reason why some of your fans are no longer reading Quietus. I wish I have the energy to read it all over again but right now it is not possible. But I remember how happy I have always been whenever you posted another chapter. You were also an active member on tumblr when Naruto was still ongoing. I loved reading your rants whenever a new chapter was released (my fav one is when Sakura saved Sasuke in the sand dimension. Can't forget your delightful analysis, made fangirling so much more fun). I remember reading a notice of you that you no longer continue Quietus. I can totally understand you- writing should be a source of happiness and not feel like work. So much time have passed since you posted the first chapter. Maybe now you are married, have your family, busy with other stuff etc. I just wanted to sincerely thank you for making thousands or strangers all over the world happy with your writing- people you don't know and who have only one thing with you in common: being an avid SasuSaku shipper. One day when my health will be better I will reread Quietus for sure. So pls don't delete it until then... May you always stay happy and healthy. lots of love from one of your biggest fans from Germany 3
My favorite chapter 117 . 12/16/2024
Hello. I want to say thank you for such a wonderful fanfic as Quietus! I did not sleep nights and days reading it. I read it twice in a month! It was amazing. In several moments I cried like never before! Everything is described in such detail. All the characters' feelings, all their emotions. My favorites are Hades and Persephone, Thanatos and Hypnos, and also Poseidon. Hypnos's subtle sarcasm and humor is just a masterpiece. It's incredible! I am very much looking forward to the continuation of this story! And with great hope that everything will be okay with the Uchiha brothers. Lady Hecate's sacrifice shook me to the depths of my soul. So dear author, I ask you not to put this story on the back burner for too long ️ my heart will not withstand the long wait. For the last week, I have been refreshing the page every day in the hope that a miracle will happen and a new chapter will be released. From now on and forever I am a fan of this incredible fanfic ️ I want to wish you endless inspiration and the fulfillment of all your planned works
vitoriadomingues35 chapter 87 . 12/15/2024
Meu deus, eu estava vivendo ou apenas aguardando esse momento?
Tô me tremendo toda
vitoriadomingues35 chapter 86 . 12/14/2024
Sou nova por aqui, e vi que essa fanfic foi publicada em 2011.
Vai aqui de paraquedas e sinceramente, NENHUMA fanfic está acima dessa. Nenhuma!
Eu nunca li algo tão incomum de forma positiva, pois essa fanfic é diferente. Ela parece que faz parte de mim e até em sonhos eu lembro dela.
Autora, você é a maior.
rinablues chapter 45 . 12/11/2024
rinablues chapter 39 . 12/10/2024
AAAAAAA the kiss and AAAAAAA the past! I have nothing more to say that amazing storytelling!
rinablues chapter 36 . 12/10/2024
It’s been years since I started reading you work, I never got to finish it sadly but oh my god, I love love loveeee this chapter! thank you so much! Not sure if you’re still able to read this review but your talent, oh HOLYYYY
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