Reviews for He's a Keeper |
![]() ![]() Wkdfkdf I love this fanfiction! I died at the ending where france felt broken since iggy left him. ;_; poor francy But siriously you've done a good job! Some parts made me tear up and some made me laugh, oh and the sex parts where very well done like Iggy and Alfie having sex in the farm hay stack oh god. XD And at the end I fangirled my heart out when feli told Alfred about Luddy! I wish there was more, like how life is with Arthur and Alfred living together and Mattie and Katja! and of curse Feliciano and Ludwig3 Oh and You made me support UkaraineXcanada now :3 thank you XD |
![]() ![]() ![]() I totally forgot to write about one very important thing, so I'll do the 1001th review, too. It's one of my favourite moments in all of Hetalia - both canon and fanmade - that Arthur made the decision to move to America to be with Alfred. I've moved 16 times in my life, across 5 different countries and 3 continents. And I see people in real life, on TV, in movies, in books, in manga, etc. - all complain about moving home and leaving a place behind and everything changing. Man the heck up, people! Yes, it can be scary. But it's worthwhile. And the fact that Arthur made the decision to leave England to be with Alfred is something I found to be brave, bold, courageous, adventurous, risky, hopeful - and so many positive things I love to associate with Arthur. I was so proud of and happy for him when he decided to take that challenge and mvoe to America, to be with the man he loves. That's something some people have to do, and I'm glad I got to see Arthur be bold and be one of those people. Often it's Alfred who does all the chasing, Alfred who calls the shots, and we never get to see Arthur being the daring person that he is. But in "He's a Keeper" we got to see him make a big, life-changing decision, in order to be with Alfred. Something scary but which he was more than willing to do for love. He was amazing, and I just loved him for that. Thank you! (Also I realise I made a lot of spelling mistakes in that acrostic poem. I even said "JRSALF" instead of "JRSAFJ." Obviously I was thinking "Jealous Rodeo Star ALFRED!" I was too excited at the mere thought of him to remember to finish his whole name... So I apologise for my dreadful spelling mistakes. That was a very shoddy 1000th review. You deserve so much better! HAVE MERCY ON YOUR HUMBLR FAN!) |
![]() ![]() ![]() This story is so beautiful it inspires me to write poetry. But since I hate poetry, I will only do a haiku and an acrostic poem. A haiku inspired by "Hes a Keeper" Alfred and Arthur They make me really depressed I want love like theirs. An Acrostic poem inspirred by "He's a Keeper" This fanfic - Hell, it's not a "fanfic" It's a "story." Stories like this don't come along every day. I am so happy I got to read this one. See it and read it and love it as you were updating it, To make me feel like I was part of the whole wonderful experience! Honestly, it's been an honour being a fan of this sotry. Even though I didn't write it, I still feel like I achieved something wonderful by reading this story. Because it made me come alive, maybe? England - I mean, Arthur - and Alfred's story made me feel like I was living all these things, too. Suddenly I knew what love was, and what it was like to live on a farm... Truly magical! That's how it feels to read your story. Sometimes I genuinely teared up because their love was so lovely. To be honest, it made me sad because I don't think I will ever find someone to love like that. Obviously that's YOUR fault! Reading your fic made me fall in love with the charcaters, so now I can't love a real person! Yes, and JRSALF means I can never love anyone, either. Even though it made me quesiton my future romantic prospects, Verily, I am glad I read "He's a Keeper." Eager as I'm sure you are for me to finish this poem, I'll stop here. But just one more thing: Really really really, from the bottom of my hear, thank you for this story. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I liked the sex. I mean, in a barn? On a farm? Arthur on top? Alfred's first time? He previously confessed that he's been waiting for "the one?" Hell. Yes. Best sex scene ever. Also it was a "sex scene" not "smut." Not that I have any problem with smut, but when it comes to something with a full on story, it's awesome when you can see the sex scene be a part of the story and character development, it's not jut about fanservice. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Another general comment: I don't usually give a toss about Arthur's family. It's a shame that they're not more fleshed out in canon (all we really have to go on is that some brothers exist) because they could be really fantastic in fanfics - either on their own, or to add to Arthur's own story. But since they're not canon, I consider them OCs and tire of them very swiftly in most fics. But you definitely made them real, important characters whom I could picture in my head. They weren't just easy tools the writer was using to bully Arthur and give him a reason to be insecure and angsty. They were his family. So the affect they had on Arthur's persnality and life was real, something I could see and udnerstand. They were just as big a part of Arthur's life as Alfred, and when Arthur's brother died, it was a big deal. Usually I would think "Yay! No more of that OC." But in He's a Keeper" it was like "Woah. How is this going to affect everyone?" And Alfred's dad is another one. I find gakuen stories really hard to write because you need to write about their parents but...ew! OCs! I hardly ever stumble across parent OCs that I can stand. But in He's a Keeper it was just like "This is their life. This is Alfred's dad. He's a person." It never once crossed my mind that he was an OC, I had to actually REMEMBER that he was a character you made up and wasn't canonically an important part of Alfred's life. They really fit together. So thank you for being able to write OCs! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Seeing as I don't know which chapters I did or didn't review, I can't exactly leave specific reviews for certain chapters. So I'll have to be general and just talk about overall things I liked. First: FARBOY!ALFRED. As you may or may not be aware, farmboy!Alfred makes me asdfghjkygblarghblarhblarghblarhgIswearI'mnotusual lythiseasybutgetinsidemenowfarmboy!Alfredblarghbla rghblargh. I loved when they went to the cinema and he specifically said he was a farmboy, not a cowboy. I was just a hair's breadth away from licking the screen. One of my favourite fantasies ever for USUK is just the two of them living on a farm together. No drama, neither of them has to have a very interesting job, they don't need to have tons of kids and dogs to make it uber cute. Just them deciding to get married and live on a farm. How perfect is that. I think it's because my favourite video game is Harvest Moon - it got inside my head. Anyway, that whole scenario is my favorite "future fantasy" for them. I would never have planned on writing it, because it's just a seet image in my head. And although you didn't show us that whole future, you showed me how they GOT there. And the chase is teh best part. The future where they just live happily ever after doesn't need to be explored and tainted by anyone writing abot their peaceful life together. THey can be left alone. So you wrote the perfect fic to show me my perfect future fantasy, and then left the ending wide open so I can imagine them being happy together forever. Thank you! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Dude. You are 5 reviews away from 1000 and I am going to get you there! Since I just re-read this fic two weeks ago, it's not exactly cheating. I will write down some of the things I was thinking as I was reading, but ended up being too lazy to type out on my phone as a review. I think I already reviewed a lot of these chapters, though... I will just keep going until I find chapters I haven't reviewed yet. But in general, I have to say that this story struck a real chord with me because, hot damn, it had letter-writing, texting AND emails. If it weren't obvious from the stuff that I write, I have a juge obsession with fics that deal with how they communicate. It's not something I care about in regards to any other characters, manga, anime, novels or movies or ANTYHING. But when it comes to USUK I'm just addicted to seeing them communicate from afar. So with the first chapter of this fic I knew I was in for something good. |
![]() ![]() Alfred is so cute and innocent in this story, great twist on the way he's portrayed! |
![]() ![]() This chapter's ending, whyyy? ;; I hope something works out for them |
![]() ![]() Although it's a drunk iggy, it's still so fucking cute and fluffy OTL |
![]() ![]() ![]() The ending is pure gold! The entire story is in fact pure gold! |
![]() ![]() ![]() I read this whole story in one go, and I loved it so much that words are not enough. Beautiful and perfect and so many things I cant explain. Thank you for writing such an amazing story :D |
![]() ![]() This sadness is making me cry. |
![]() ![]() I think something died inside of me when reading the ending of this chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Dear Christ when I read that Scotty/John died... I became really angry for some reason. I flipped over a table and I scratched the wall like fucking Belarus. Then I heard my brother Gil, in the shower so I flushed the toilet and he got burned! I kinda did that one for anger and revenge. He ran out the shower butt naked and covered in soap. Wickedly awesome! I'm sad that he's dead though. I wanna hug my English cousin. His name is Arthur and he has a brother that looks, and acts like Scotland. He just went back to the UK so I'll just hit him up on Skype! Sweet irony... |