Reviews for KiBlind
Anonymous chapter 19 . 12/21/2021
This was a wonderful story! So descriptive it was like reading a manga with my imagination, but even more so! Crazy how a story written on the internet around the time of my literal birth stands up tall as even better than 90% of the stuff I read, and that's saying something!

I just want to say thank you for that experience!
Curse Of Kings chapter 15 . 7/15/2020
Um... Where did the fire come from, again?
Ty Rose chapter 19 . 10/6/2018
I really loved the chance to see the entire gang actually fighting and defending on fairly even footing. The dialogue on the satellite really captures how a lot of us feel about the z-gang I think... poor guys always kind of have ‘their moment’ stolen away. I LOVED the epilogue... such a sweet yet open ending to a fast paced story. Awesome.
ldsjfsdkfja chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I read this fanfiction years ago and to this day it's been one of my favorite DBZ fanfictions I've ever read! It was so full of adventure and I loved how you used SO many of the characters! I loved the teamwork and the creative ways to fight against the enemy once everyone can no longer rely so heavily on ki. You did a great job on this fanfic and I hope you're proud of your hard work!
Kokoroyume chapter 19 . 3/26/2017
Oh ! This was such a wonderful story !
The plot is good and the characters are so IC. It's so well written that you smile and get sad along with them. It's just perfect from the beginning to the end.
Thank you so much for this work :D
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 15 . 3/5/2017
Trunks' hair is purple, not pink.
divineboss2000 chapter 1 . 2/26/2017
Amazing story, can't believe I only found this recently
Guest chapter 19 . 1/24/2016
Screw dragon ball super. This is the post buu adventure that the world needs.
Hiniwalay chapter 19 . 12/17/2015
Hiii! I know you're probably never gonna be reading this but I just have to stay that your story is AWESOME and simply soooo amazing. I read it in one sitting and now I'm facing sleep deprivation before my exams. haha. Anyways this is now one of my all-time favorite fan fictions. I'm no good at reviewing, but heck, you could be a novelist. I love seeing in the characters thoughts, especially Vegeta's. It's wonderful how you played out his relationships with the Z-senshi and especially Goku. The plot and idea is really good too, unique and really deep. The fight scenes were amazing, everything was incredibly detailed and realistic. I also got a ton of laughs. So thank you! I'll probably be using up my time reading your other stories tomorrow.
wthtonibelle chapter 19 . 8/14/2015
I really enjoyed reading this. I enjoyed the dialogues and the fact that the human fighters had really good scenes. I really appreciated all the Pu'ar moments! As a Son family fan though, I wish they had participated more in the plot and that there had been a conclusion that involved them. But I don't say this as a criticism; just stating a personal preference. Thank you for this fic! :)
wthtonibelle chapter 12 . 8/14/2015
Wow, this should REALLY be the next Dragon Ball movie. Sell the plot to Toei. Haha. It's really good!
SLotH4 chapter 19 . 8/4/2015
I found this in the TV Trope recommendation page. I love it. The characters are in character and you've made an illegitimate threat into a world destroying one. Very well done.
Goku-Sa chapter 19 . 6/16/2015
Yo bruh I love this story, especially that vegeta/goku friendship. Best story depicting their relationship by far.
Vegeta chapter 4 . 4/24/2015
Don't die my friend
neverred chapter 19 . 10/27/2014
That... Was... AWESOME! :DDD
Thank you for that EPIC story!
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