Reviews for A Life of Ramen
dixonjason403 chapter 3 . 12/10/2024
"will he become a ninja again?"...isnt the entire fuckin premise of the story predicated on him NOT being a ninja?
dixonjason403 chapter 2 . 12/10/2024
yikes. like holy fuck that was cringe. story went from good to awful in the span of a paragraph. its almost impressive.
dixonjason403 chapter 1 . 12/10/2024
i feel like theres some pretty critical info missing here. i dont mean that as a criticism, it was obviously done on purpose.
Animeworld2.0 chapter 3 . 10/28/2024
Hello, I hope you're doing well!

This is "Fiction Life" YouTube channel, where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that loves listening to them. I recently came across your story and found it so captivating that I would love to share it with my subscribers.

Channel link: FictionLife-zl3oc

With your permission, I would be honored to create a video of your story. I will give full credit to you as the original author in the video description and provide a link back to your original work. Additionally, I will share the video link in the comments of your story so you can see it for yourself.

I genuinely believe your story deserves to reach an even wider audience. Our channel is supported by the community, allowing us to continue spreading great stories like yours to new fans. If you have any suggestions, such as a preferred "What If" title or any other changes you'd like, I'd be more than happy to accommodate them.

Please let me know if this would be okay with you. Thank you so much for considering my request, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,
Fiction Life...
lukeanimelover chapter 2 . 1/3/2024
Cringe as fuck. Feels like im reading a 13 year olds cheesy romance/smut fanfic-wait you yeah. I am.
The jester chapter 1 . 11/2/2023
Please put it back on Spotify I loved listening to these books while doing my everyday life thank you.
Revanchist117 chapter 44 . 11/1/2022
Besides the accidental pseudo harem, this is one of the more realistic naruto stories on this site. Not sure if it’s been abandoned or just on hiatus but I believe a story like this deserves to be finished or at least the attempt should be made.
XxKonekoLoverxX chapter 16 . 10/13/2022
did he awaken his sharigan from gambling? if so that is hilarious.
Touhara Naoya chapter 7 . 2/19/2022
The Uchiha-Senju rivalry will be hotter than ever before
Praska Cropher chapter 10 . 9/2/2021
Praska Cropher chapter 10 . 9/2/2021




adcampbell1985 chapter 44 . 6/15/2021
is this story dead? or on extremely long hiatus?
it's too good of a story to leave here unfinished.
Kishinaract chapter 44 . 6/4/2021
Any chance of your coming back? This seems awesome and I hope to see more!
Re Lovely Lover chapter 17 . 1/6/2021
Wait. So the description is completely wrong and wasmt updated then?

Sakura is with Ino now as if that somehow means she or they cant be with Naruto too. And though Hinata has only shown interest and had intimate moments with him shes been removed as well to be with someone else?

Why and why was the description not updated?
Re Lovely Lover chapter 15 . 1/6/2021
Since the description says Sakura ends up with him I'm guessing that Ino is simply going to be with her too?
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