Reviews for Mass Effect: Clash of Civilizations
Years chapter 21 . 8/4
I know it has been years since you posted another chapter, but please continue this story it has been a fascinating story so far. thanks
qwertyuiop123214685 chapter 3 . 6/6
I find it hard to believe the UNSC doesn’t monitor Harvest
Mgl1206 chapter 21 . 5/9
Got dragged on wayyyy too long but certainly interesting
Gregg Lourd Catubo chapter 7 . 5/6
Words of Wisdom HAHAHAHAHAHA
Tri-Edge chapter 21 . 1/24

They're just completely disregarding that one of their service men had his mind breached by an unknown alien, hand-waving it away? Huh? Suspension of disbelief is gone. Scattered to the wind.
Tri-Edge chapter 20 . 1/24
Upon re-reading this, all I have to say is "wow." The behavior here is retarded—in what world would they not assume the worst of aliens after the whole genocide schtick with the Covenant? In what reasonable world, would "Michael" not be immediately removed from duty and arrested for, not one, but multiple flagrant and intentional breaches of confidential information and directly acting against orders?

Forget arrest and a summary courts-martial. At this point it wouldn't be far-fetched to execute him for treason and dereliction of duty. What in the world?

Everyone is acting against their best interests like inhuman idiots, and it's clearly because your plot demands it. That is bad writing.
Fandata chapter 1 . 1/2
No knowledge of mass effect, only video essays for halo, but I still binged this whole story in one night! A shame it never continued
Difdi chapter 18 . 11/21/2023
As xenophobic as Saren is, and given how he considers attacking a Spectre to be a crime, I am surprised je didn’t open fire when the humans drew their weapons. Stopping at a standoff is very unlike him.
Difdi chapter 10 . 11/20/2023
The way you have Tali using the word Keelah is… odd. Especially in the sentence where she says Keelah and homeworld, since Keelah literally means homeworld in Quarian.
Difdi chapter 3 . 11/20/2023
Valern is going to end up eating those words. Eezo tech is a dead end technological path, the Reapers promote it because it makes species predictable in what they can do, and the 50,000 year cycle limits how far they can go. But the former Covenant races and UNSC are not locked into the eezo dead end, the UNSC is a bit more advanced than the Citadel races are as of the 2550s, and the Covenant was FAR beyond that. The Citadel races are in for a truly NASTY shock…

And that ignores what they’ll think of the Flood or Prometheans…
DinoGuy2000 chapter 21 . 8/1/2023
I'm surprised I enjoyed this so much. Basically no knowledge of Mass Effect, and limited knowledge of Halo. I love the world-building, I love the character interactions and relationships so far, and I quite enjoyed what action there was. And I am saddened at the last update date, haha. Still, that doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the fic.

Good work!
Dalriaden chapter 15 . 7/3/2023
Makes no sense shepherd gets mjolnir but not the spartan IV procedure tbh.
Dalriaden chapter 8 . 7/3/2023
I'm honestly baffled why you think the crew would be eating mres and have cold coffee.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2023
Gotta love the idiotic xenophobes and braindead idiots in the review XD
pEmKayS chapter 21 . 4/13/2023
Why are there so many negative reviews? Personally, I liked it. The fusion of universes looks pretty organic. It's just a shame there's no sequel for a long time(
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