Reviews for The Lost Slayers
Hszhslaekkdjs cabclshsjw chapter 15 . 2/7/2016
I loved the story very much, I wish it had been longer. :)
pepsigirl chapter 15 . 3/29/2010
hey, just wanted to say that this was an awesome fic! really enjoyed it! :)
LivinginBedlam chapter 15 . 4/26/2009
haha, their too awsome!

Really great job. D
LivinginBedlam chapter 14 . 4/26/2009
HAHAHA, Go Anya!

Btw totally love this fic, very awsome.

Great job!
parentaladvisory chapter 14 . 3/16/2005
omg...cant wait to read more!
Dirby chapter 15 . 2/13/2005
Andi chapter 15 . 12/11/2004
loved the story

very creative plot line and very nice relationship

but i dont think its Rrated

still an awesome story
ninners chapter 15 . 9/10/2003
wow that was a really awesome fic! It was so funny and cute, loved it! well on to the sequel
vamp chapter 15 . 7/6/2003
awesome ass fic. fai as annie? *shudders* bad bad images.. anya's the best, but out of all of the scoobies, i would of guessed tara would of known she was gay... oh wells. on to the sequel
Monique-chan chapter 14 . 6/5/2003
Wel I really didn't expect to enjoy this fic as much as I did. _~ I believe it was really well written and I like that you switched the POVs from Faith and Buffy. All and all it was good and now I need to read the sequel.
magic-box chapter 3 . 10/22/2002
This is a really cool story, what i've read so far.

It was a gr8 idea to combine the lost boys and Buffy and you've made them go really well together.

I only saw the movie a few weeks ago but i luv it!

Read more 2morow,

Mountain William chapter 14 . 8/2/2002
A truly delightful story! Loved that last giggle when Anya collected on the bet!
Silk chapter 15 . 4/29/2002
Although I wish you'd used a completely unique storyline within the Lost Boys "universe" instead of just inserting Buffy & Faith, I did enjoy your characterizations. You also did a good job in "fleshing" out the story. Description and length of a story always wins my vote.
Angel chapter 15 . 4/28/2002
that was awesome babe.
Victory Thru Tears chapter 1 . 4/28/2002
I'm going to repeat what I just told you a few minutes ago...It doesn't matter that I haven't watched BtVS in years or that I haven't seen The Lost Boys...this was so well written that I'm absolutely hooked. And so many things in here that prove we have the same brain! (resevoir dogs, People are Strange...) Off to read the sequel!
