Reviews for Yes, She's a Girl |
Guest chapter 1 . 5/11/2022 Bf |
Kai chapter 1 . 3/19/2022 I'd bet that Durmstrang doesn't have a house system. Boarding schools are rare in Germany, so I don't know about them, but day schools aren't divided like that. But if they had I'd bet that Draco was not immediately, as soon as the sorting mechanism came in contact with him, sorted into the house of the cunning. There just isn't a headmaster who orders/manipulates the mechanism in advance to facilitate that. And it must have been that way in Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat had barely touched Draco's head before it shouted "Slytherin". Problem is, after Harry, Draco is the least ambitious and cunning student in Hogwarts who has a speaking part in the books. His one ambition is to ride the coattails of daddy's coinpurse until he can kneel down before a halfblood and beg to be cruciatused again. And jumping into altercations with both feet again and again and again, after losing verbally EVERY SINGLE TIME, and have his father buy him out of trouble, or have uncle Severus abuse his authority to bail him out, or have all other teachers show blatant favouritism to get him out of trouble, is NOT cunning. The vanishing cabinet, for example, was one of the stupidest things even among the extremely stupid things in those books. Why not just walk in through the doors like everyone else, for example at the first of September during dinner time? Wards? What wards? Was ever anything dangerous kept out of the school grounds during the six years when Harry was there? Anything at all? Except filthy muggles, of course. During his sorting Draco had no time to persuade the hat to put him into Slytherin despite not having the required character, so the decision must have been taken in advance, and the hat just had to ensure that it was the pre-sorted Malfoy under it at that time. |
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2021 Making Harry start at the Dursley’s proves to me that dumbledor hates Harry. He did to much good to be a dark lord in this story but he still hates Harry. Harry and Sirius had no reason to listen to him and by doing so ruined the epilogue for me. Harry should have never seen the Dursley’s again unless it was in court to send them to jail for child neglect and abuse. Idiot writer. |
Guest chapter 1 . 6/4/2021 Forcing him to go back to his abusive home for what reason? The danger has mostly passed. The wards don’t protect him in the entire neighborhood so they are for the most part useless anyway. So what reason would anyone agree to making Harry stay there, with serious present or not, it’s a fucking stupid decision and if I had been Harry would have flat out refused. The headmaster has no say and I would have told Sirius to go fuck himself if he had tried to force it. Not like Sirius is in any way shape or form a good guardian. Not like Sirius has been there for Harry at all. Not like he broke out for Harry, he broke out to kill worm tail and get revenge. Shitty ending since again nobody cares about Harry except Hr. |
Wise Lion 17 chapter 1 . 5/24/2021 And... Mr Tactless everyone! That should be a category for those prom contests.. hehe, I am sure there is one at least one guy in every year group that has the same level of tactless thinking Ronald has. Yea, she is a girl! And...? |
Itack23 chapter 1 . 4/25/2021 Can't believe myself for not Fav anr review those stories earlier... Thanks for your wonderful fics :) |
polarfoxy3282 chapter 1 . 2/5/2021 It's a great story, but Padma didn't go to Yule Ball with Harry in this time line, did she? |
fangirl743 chapter 1 . 1/8/2021 Amazing story, you have wonderful talent! |
herm chapter 1 . 11/25/2020 wonderful |
K chapter 1 . 11/25/2020 Nice story. |
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2020 Wonderful work! Do you think you'll be writing more? |
K chapter 1 . 9/2/2020 A creditable alternative narrative. |
S chapter 1 . 8/30/2020 Enjoyed this revised version the Yule ball. Harry being less emotionally stunted in taking the hint and asking Hermione to the ball, taking a firm stance with Ron and being more vigilant in terms of the map made all the difference. Thanks for writing. |
UnknownVoid25 chapter 1 . 4/18/2020 Nice story and a fun one to read! |
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16/2020 Fl |