Reviews for To Destroy
YJ22 chapter 52 . 6/9/2016
I'm glad Bella isn't going to let gossip effect her friendship with Edward. Looking forward to the update!
bella0609 chapter 52 . 6/8/2016
bella0609 chapter 51 . 6/8/2016
One more chapter left... Sad
bella0609 chapter 50 . 6/8/2016
Loved the chapter :) Esme is great!
bella0609 chapter 49 . 6/8/2016
Obviously, Esme doesn't get along with her mother in law - hehe!
bella0609 chapter 48 . 6/7/2016
Something tells me Edward and Jasper wouldn't steer her wrong... the pie is a good idea!
bella0609 chapter 47 . 6/7/2016
I love it how they called Esme's visit, an ambush!
bella0609 chapter 46 . 6/7/2016
Too cute :) Love their banter!
bella0609 chapter 45 . 6/7/2016
Don't summarize...! I'll be patient as long as you finish. A story needs to be a story, right?
Nicoconsd chapter 52 . 5/30/2016
I have really loved this story! brings back so many fun memories of my first office job. Rally looking forward to more :)
bella0609 chapter 44 . 5/28/2016
Almost a date... maybe this weekend?
bella0609 chapter 43 . 5/27/2016
All too cute. They are just so sweet!
bella0609 chapter 42 . 5/27/2016
Why is she not letting herself feel things? Is she afraid that Edward might not be feeling the same way?
bella0609 chapter 41 . 5/27/2016
He misses her! She misses him...
bella0609 chapter 40 . 5/27/2016
I'm so glad Bella is so forthcoming with her feelings and able to express them - since Edward is not, but at least he responds well :)
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