Reviews for Final Fantasy 6: Legacy of Magic |
Draconic chapter 2 . 1/12/2012 Hey, this is really good! Keep in mind that Terra ADORES moogles. I also noticed that you Corrected Vicks to Biggs, but Valigarmanda was still Tritoch. Do you just prefer that name or is it something else? Also, excellent job with Kefka's preliminary introduction. |
Obsessivebookworm14 chapter 2 . 12/13/2011 This, so far, is a wonderful fanfic so that shows a lot of promise. The grammer is good, the writing clear, and the plot a good balance between the game and original plot. I hope to see some more of this soon. |
Wow chapter 1 . 11/18/2011 Sometimes I don't understand why a fanfic has no reviews- sure, there are those which have bad grammar or characterization but yours has none of those- quite the contrary: it has good descriptions and the beginnings of an interesting interpretation and then you'll be giving us such treats like character development and expanding events and relationships. That already makes it better than ~80% of FFVI fanfics which are either romance fics that completely butcher a character's personality (*coughEdgarTerra*) or word-for-word retellings of VI's story (Can you say boring!). So if you aren't bothered by the inexplicable lack of reviews and will continue this story I'll be looking forward to the next chapter. |