Reviews for For Gentlemen Only
CrennyLover101 chapter 8 . 3/13/2024
This was brilliant and I loved every second of itttttt
Thank you for writing this! The story flowed so well and smoothly, with their relationship ups and downs :')
The all mighty and powerfulM chapter 1 . 9/30/2018
Phoenixxxxxxx chapter 8 . 1/21/2016
Finished reading this story twice now. Love it so much.
nixxy chapter 8 . 5/31/2015
Loved it! Read it straight from beginning to end. Stan and Craig are my second otp and you nailed it! Thanks for that.
sophiaflowers chapter 8 . 1/6/2014
I read this entire story in one 5 hour sitting. I adored it very much 3
X59 chapter 8 . 6/14/2013
This was a pure brilliant story and I just love how you ended it with them moving forward but still with questions before them. Not many authors are able to do that successfully like you did.
ThisIsCrappyWork chapter 8 . 12/31/2012
I loved this! It was so sweet!
DragonSapphire chapter 8 . 10/14/2012
There are definitely not enough well-written fics for this pairing that do them justice! This story has such a gorgeous, slow burn and building of tension between Stan and Craig that is completely realistic and true to their characters. I like how they circled around each other all tentative-like, but inevitably became snagged in each other's orbits. It's also interesting (and vaguely terrifying) to observe how so many people can be completely involved in other people's personal lives as if they're entitled. I'm relieved that Craig felt Stan was worth fighting for, since he was definitely the more reluctant of the pair, and didn't give their relationship up as too much effort or drama, even though doing so went completely against his nature. The ending was very sweet and hopeful without being overly sappy, and I love that they got the full high school experience!
MeliLovesYa chapter 8 . 7/30/2012
Beautiful. That was nothing short of beautiful. I don't want to ramble, so I'll leave you with those words. This was pure beauty.
absababs chapter 8 . 5/1/2012
That was awesome! I love your portrayals of the characters. You have a good writing style, too. I appreciate your effort of a love story...I agree that the whole instantaneous love thing is cliched. Whoop, whoop! Thanks for this story! :D
xxUltraVioletxx chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
Love it so much! You are such a narcissist, Craig!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/1/2012
This story was to cute and tooo sweet! I was so sad to see it end! Your a wonderful writer! :)
paperplatephace chapter 8 . 3/19/2012
OMG. That was so fabulous. That was fantastic! This is one of those beautiful stories that don't make it... SEX SEX SEX GAY FAG SEX. I was really happy to read it. It gave me lots of moments to smile, and it wasn't so... drama llama. It was a chill and relaxing relationship that kind of just fell into place by itself. It was definitely worth the read! Although you say it's drawn out, it was only 8 chapters. :)
Feta-Fingers32 chapter 4 . 2/17/2012
This story freaking rocks! It's just so nicely written and you really don't know whats going to happen next, and all the teasing going on between the girls and Craig. Funny as hell :D
FalloutAngel chapter 8 . 1/28/2012
please do a sequel...btw kinda wish they did" it"...:-( kinda disappointed when it came time find out who wrote the letters..she showed up. Cried and left...:'( wasn't really like Craig or anyone care about it once they found out D''X. ... I know I complain but do like the story. Thank for writing it.
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