Reviews for The Best Night Ever
The DCG chapter 5 . 11/20/2011
Well this was a great read.

Enjoyed it all.
Sunshine Temple chapter 5 . 11/19/2011
Very cute fic.

You got the tone of both series quite well, and had a few nice nods to Groundhog day and built in the lessons from both series (friendship and growing as a person).

Strong characterization and really good pacing.

You give the impression of how long Blueblood has been doing this without having it drag in the slightest.

Good work.
Magical Trevor chapter 5 . 11/19/2011
Just because One noticed it... Earlier Rares says that he's the 52nd, but Blueblood later says, and quote: "On it, the names of fifty three Bluebloods were engraved..." ... Which is it? Is he the 52nd, or 54th?

~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
Magical Trevor chapter 4 . 11/19/2011
Wow... Trevor was just scrolling along, just skimming it, and STILL found something! XD

"You've put quite a lot of work into keep tonight's Gala on schedule." should be keeping.
Magical Trevor chapter 1 . 11/19/2011

Sorry, but for now, one isn't going to mention any mistakes that one sees, if only because one is sick, and it takes too much energy to think about stuff like grammar. One just wants to read, so... Yeah! Thanks again for such an AWESOME story!

~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
Inumaru12 chapter 5 . 11/18/2011
Wow, I've never found a story where I liked Blueblood, but I really really enjoyed reading this! :) Great job, and very nice ending. :)

weee-man chapter 5 . 11/17/2011
Congratulations, this is one of the best fanfics i've ever read. I couldn't stop reading until I finished it at 1:30 am, so I've been sleepy all morning but it was worth it!
nana chapter 5 . 11/14/2011
I loved this story so much. I'm not a fan of the Blueblood/Rarity pairing but when they finally kissed I couldn't stop my fangirlish squeal of delight. Really awesome and this is the first MLP fanfic i've ever read.
GCOuest chapter 5 . 11/13/2011
Easily one of the most well-written stories I've read here. Bravo, sir. Bravo.
apocalypse penguin chapter 5 . 11/8/2011
I absolutely love this story. It is so well-crafted, so much thought was put into it, and it is touching and funny.

BornIn1142 chapter 5 . 11/8/2011
A pretty damn enjoyable story, I'd say. I liked how well different threads came together, not to mention how you used elements of the original movie fluidly without just copying plot points. You also got the voices of the Mane Six down pretty well, though Twilight barely seemed to appear. The ambiguous ending was fantastic.

That said, there is a bit of a problem with the characterization. While you crafted Blueblood into a very interesting character, he seemed a bit too likable right from the beginning. It felt like he didn't have a very long way to go to reach his "enlightenment." I'd have liked to see him act more like a douchebag and use the time loops to his advantage - though I guess there's not much someone in his high position could do to get even further ahead in life. I could also see how this could have led to a problem keeping the readership's sympathy, considering how much most people hate Blueblood's guts to begin with.

Another problem: I didn't find the romance especially convincing. For one, it never really seemed like Blueblood got over his impression of Rarity as a "gold-digger" of sorts. They just sort of seemed to fall in together in a very indistinct manner.

Still, this was a great read overall.
Elodin chapter 5 . 11/8/2011
My dear, this is incredible. Never actually watched Groundhog Day (I know, such blasphemy!) but honest-to-Celestia, this was brilliantly written, and I commend you for it. As 'Tallinu' mentioned, I would never have expected Blueblood to become a likable character'.

Rrazz chapter 5 . 11/6/2011
I can see why this gained so much positive feedback on amazing story, brilliant and impossible to put down (I just spent about 6 hours straight reading it start to finish.

It was certainly a fun ride, watching Blueblood slowly turn his personality around and the dozens of outcomes as he tries and fails to make the day go *right*.

My only gripe is that I reached the end and have nothing more to read :P Great story mate! Loved it!
QuillandPen chapter 5 . 11/6/2011
This is going on my favorites list. All the way to the very top. It's that good.

I can't clearly recall a time that my mindset about someone (or somepony) had ever been changed so drastically by a single story. I actually cried when he he finally seemed to get everything right, only to wake up right back where he started.

Truly, you've created a masterpiece.
Waypoint chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
I can't think of anything it's missing. Genuine character development. Celestia getting out/counter-trolled. Pinkie being a cosmic uncertainty. The Gala getting completely salvaged in not one but two meticulously complex ways. I mean shit, I think I might actually like Blueblood now.

This story is best and you should feel best.
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