Reviews for The Best Night Ever
Antiguo chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
I read it in google from Equestria Daily.

Fantastic Fic. Absolutely brilliant. It was well paced, the character grow incredible and the humor and the drama en perfect balance. One of my favorites fics in the Fandom.

You managed to actually do a proper homage to the Movie, instead of the usual (lopp-character become superpowerful/abuse of the time-stream) that so many fics (including that fanon abomination that is Chunin Exam) do over and over again. It was about the character grow more than anything and you managed to make Blueblood grow without entering in a long filibuster of how much he suck/nobility suck.

But two things:

Why Pinkamena Diane Pie day was bad? She did was what actually logic, considerate and polite, adapting to the nature of the party and the taste of their guests. It always rubbed me wrong that her actions where put to make her look like the victim instead of the perpetrator in the gala, which she ruined for the rest of the guest for what could be called an immature pout. I liked that Pinkamena managed to actually become an actually "premier party pony" and allow others to enjoy that kind of party while she having a new type of fun. That part was among the best in the entire fic and it was a shame that it was erased and left into her "lETS JUST PARTAYYYYY" broken Aesop in the end. While Celestia and Luna actually had more fun in this, I feel that it left a very bad message for the kind of people who could act like Pinkie in new situations (what would you feel if you where in a, say, raven type of party that you created and one guest make a fuss trying to make it country style because she doesn't like raven?).

... why Applejack sold things in the party? I mean, what is the reason you found, in particular, that explain this action? It just seemed so weird in the Canon series that an "invited" pony, only allowed to go thanks to her connections (twilight) would decided to, well, abuse such an oportunity to go and sell her merchandize in an exclusive party, especially things that are offered for free (there was a Fanart with Celestia kindly putting that, since things are free, it would be unbecoming to allow a person to put a stand). Kind of sleazy for my point of view, like a snake oil seller doing business next to an open free farmacy. She had an excuse, and a very good one at the end of the day, but still it's bizarre that she decided to sell (and not to mention to dismiss rudely the input and work of other enterprisers with her elitism "snoobs are lazy" argument) in the single most private, exclusive party in all of Equestria. I took another view of her part in the Gala: that of an stubborn ponie (like in applebuck season) that allow her fantasies to cloud her common sense. Sell food in an open free buffet catered by the most exclusive and efficient cookers in Equestria... it doesn't seem rightly thinked, just saying. I was honestly not surprised that she sold nothing, not so much because Nobles don't appreciate "common food" and more by simply common sense. The fac that in the end she sold to the servants make it look even more abusive: either it was that the effort of other Ponies and companyes was natural inferior to those of her and deserved to be payed as a tributen to enjoy it or as if implying that the servants needed to pay to get a good food by being snubbed in the party where food is aplenty and probably with lots and lots of left overs. I... I just don't see Celestia allowing that kind of foul play regardless of the situation.

This are the only two things that I found disturbing/curious of your fic. The rest I loved it.

Hope you continue writing. Have a terrific day.
iPinkNinja chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
That was really well put together! Good job!
R.T.Stephens chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
It's because of authors like you that I never seem to get things done. Once I started, I couldn't stop reading. It's amazing how you can produce so much work, especially with the gargantuan project you have going on with Lathis, and still have it reach such high quality. Neigh, nigh perfect quality.

I've seen Groundhog Day and thought it was a delightful and thought provoking movie. It's no wonder that some authors take inspiration to use it in this way. Blueblood was the perfect choice as many of the other characters in this series probably wouldn't have been able to grow like he did. I really came to feel for his situation and how he finally came to terms with some of his less than favorable qualities. Even after the events of this story, he's still not perfect, but he's got a lifetime yet to figure the rest out.

I really liked the touch of the "perfect" night for all the mane six. It was a fine example of the old saying, "You might get what you want, but you might not get what you need." Or something like that. It sounded better in my head.

As with many of the stories that you are able to spin, I once again am left in awe and delight. My hat's off to you. Thanks for sharing with us this tale.

One last thing. You dangled Discord and Celestia in front of our nose so I'm left wondering if they had any influence on the repeating day. However, I'm rather glad that the cause was left vague as it lets us readers come to whatever conclusions we want. We don't always have to know all the in's and out's of why things happen. Just that they happen and how we choose to deal with it.

Till next time!
Celestia's Paladin chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
I haven't seen many of these Groundhog Day type stories, and yes I have read some of the Naruto ones. You Cap'n have done a damn good job with one, seeing Blueblood grow as a character makes this so much better than any others that I've seen. I personally think that you have the best version of Blueblood, he ain't the twit that some make him out to be (even in the first chapter), and even with him being a better stallion he still good. Hope to see more ~GraysonPaladin
Goldamon X chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
Alright now that was pretty awesome. I'm not sure how closely it follows the film groundhog day (I know of it but haven't really had a chance to watch it), but even if it is a direct line for line adaptation, with appropriate alterations where required, it's still VERY good writing.

I hope the rest of your writing is this good.
DNull chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
Thank you for writing this.

Seriously, Thank You.

This made me laugh, cringe, smile... So many good feelings came from reading this.

I saw a few spots in the fic where it could, and in other fics have, gone way of track or fallen flat. However, you steered clear of them and ran the story in a coherent manner that made sense but still ended in a positive, feel-good manner that didn't feel like an ass-pull.

I'd like to give CC but I honestly can't find anything that strikes me as bad. I think I might have seen one spelling mistake, but I'm not sure.

Again, thank you.

Multiversity chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
Abso-freakin'-lutely beautiful. Please. Write more. If you don't I'll come to your house and cry. This is worth that, methinks.
Aquaman52 chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
Copy-pasting from Equestria Daily because I'm not any less blown away this morning:

There are so many things this story has redefined for me. The concept of a crossover fic, for one. The concept of a redemption fic. The concepts of world-building and symbolism and plot and character, and above all the concept of what exactly a fan fiction should, in a perfect world, always aspire to be.

Very few published novels have held my attention to the extent that I physically couldn't resist the urge to finish them immediately, without regard to food or sleep or any sort of personal writing project. It is even rarer to find a fan fiction that produces the same effect, let alone one that quite surpasses all others of its kind. This story, fillies and gentlecolts, is exactly the kind of fan fiction I've been hoping to see for years: impeccably plotted, exhaustively researched, and penned with a touch that belies the author's genius even as it becomes increasingly apparent with every page.

You have inspired me, Capn Chryssalid. Not to emulate or plagiarize you or your work, but simply to find within myself even half of the dedication, perspiration, and unbridled emotion you have imbued into this crowning jewel of the FiM fandom. It is patently uncomfortable, I must admit, to imagine my own stories competing against yours, but I suppose the attempt itself is the important thing; as Blueblood has discovered by the end of this tale, our true purposes are often defined not by what we explicitly want, but rather by what we discover about ourselves in the process of pursuing those goals. Perhaps this newfound feeling of inferiority, then, is what's best for me; at the very least, it will drive me to become better in the future.

It would be pure hyperbole to describe this as the greatest fan fiction I've ever read, but considering how late it is at the current moment, I'm having a difficult time coming up with a better way of phrasing my opinion. In any case, I suppose the thought is what counts in the end. Absolutely stunning work, and I hope to see more of the same from you far into the future.
Tallinu chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
This was astonishingly good. I would never have expected Blueblood to become a likable character. And the various ways in which the 'mane' six are dissatisfied with his first attempt at making the gala go perfectly are very well done. I can especially sympathize with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie there - all of them, despite their seeming successes, perhaps feeling as if they'd failed themselves, their core values and talents, or simply weren't being themselves. Making the apple pies fancy and overcharging for them, being led through 'encounters' with no understanding of the reason for the animals' skittishness, and having to restrain herself and dance differently to try to fit in... And the way things worked out in the final version was wonderfully presented.

I haven't seen the movie which inspired this story, and to be honest, it's hard to imagine it being as good as this! Although I'll probably watch it soon just for comparison.

One last thing: I noticed the rating was listed as K, but I'm not sure if some of the themes and events that take place might be a bit on the dubious side for the younger end of that age group? For example, I know there are a number of references to the things he'd done to 'reset' the day, technically acts of suicide...
Kroqgar chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
You know, it has always been a belief of mine that to be a good author, one must read countless books. I therefore feel comfortable in assuming, after having read 'The Best Night Ever', that you have read your fair share of MLP fics.

That being the case, I want you to know that first and foremost, I am a fan of shipping. Most often, if a story doesn't have a shipping tag, I won't even give it the time of day. Probably something I should branch out from, but ponies take enough of my time as is. Within and without that genre, there are perhaps a handful of stories that I hold above and beyond others, as guiding examples for other writers to aspire to. Topping that list would be Connor Cogwork's 'On A Cross And Arrow'. There's also Seattle_Lite's Divergence and by an author I can't recall at this moment, 'It's Always Sunny in Fillydelphia' and its sequels (even though they got real crazy real fast).

I feel that you should know that Cap'n Chryssalid's 'The Best Night Ever' has now joined that list. Some readers have likely criticised you for (and by your own admission) ripping off at least in part 'Groundhog Day'. However, at this point, everything has been done, and remakes are simply remakes of a remake. Your premise was solid, well-written, and did not feel like 'Groundhog Day' at any point, aside from when you clearly intended for it to feel that way (as was the case when Blueblood saved Scootaloo). This story, on my honour, was brilliant, and you should feel incredibly proud of yourself for writing it.

In future, when someone requests help with a story, or an example on how to do something perfectly, I will now suggest one more story as a shining example.

Finally, thank you for putting in the hard work and effort to allow someone like me to enjoy Blueblood's unfortunate tale. My biggest regret is that you won't receive enough reviews like this.
Gotta Buy 'Em All chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
This story was absolutely wonderful. Very well written and a great use of the time loops.

Great Work! :)
Risky chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
Good lord. Its 5 in the god damned morning. I just finished what has to be one of the best stories I've read in a good long time... I just...

How the hell did the show that is silly, playful, innocent, wittily comical, and otherwise just innocuously sweet and cute spawn this? This wasn't just a fan fiction. this was a damned STORY. A well developed, beautifully written, fantastically executed story with unparalleled character depth and insights, natural, pleasantly believable dialogue, engaging plot progression imaginative character interactions, and it all meshed together into one firework of a piece that kept me reading from 11pm until now, over six hours later.

I have no way to describe just how this story got me thinking and feeling without doing anything short of writing an essay.

The bar has been raised ladies and gentlemen. Shoot high. Bravo, author. You did a damn good job dude.

I want an epilogue. I really do. Seeing how the "new" Blueblood is received by everyone he interacted with (essentially everyone in Canterlot and beyond...) and help or saved during the Best Night Ever, and what he does next. He may have al lot of new friends and good deeds to do. I would really love to see that epilogue, just to drive home that wonderful happy ending...
morbus-rus chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
Really good story. Blueblood really became nice pony, interesting and funny. Luna and Celestia here wise, immortal goddeses and I really love to see it, lack of problems with immortality irked me lately. Pinkie Pie.. well, even in her loops she's unpredictable. Wow)
astonished chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
To think I almost left this page without leaving a review.

My mind right now is blown, positively blown. Just saying something like 'great story' or 'awesome job' isn't going to cover it. This is a masterpiece! Magical, heartwarming, and left my mind buzzing with wonder. I actually feel a little dizzy. I can't even imagine the herculean effort that went into creating this story, the flow from one part to the next, each chapter showing a new side of Blueblood that I didn't think could be attached to his character. Ingenious ways of solving the problems at the Gala, solving them in one chapter and then redoing them in an even better way the next.

I'm going to be honest that I expected something simple when I clicked this. A story that would leave me with the feeling of nostalgia from watching the the movie but I was not expecting such a total and all around well rounded story that would delight me with every word.

You have created something wonderful and I only wish that all of the other fans would give this story a chance as well, a story that will forever have a fond spot in my heart.
the good dr chapter 5 . 11/5/2011
I know how he feels about that song, I hate it. I'd still like to see just what would have happened if Discord had been brought in. Just saying it seems like something Q would do.

signed the good dr.
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