Reviews for Stunning Shifts
bologniusgir chapter 18 . 2/4
This is such a well done universe hop fic! The dynamic between Harry and his friends is so sweet, and I really enjoy the alternate universe youve made ️️️
sunsethill chapter 13 . 1/24
I have read many stories of this general genre, but you have managed to do several interesting things with this. I'm enjoying the unusual cast of characters taken to the new world, and now, the intrigue about what is actually going on with Harry and Tom-and isn't that an interesting twist. I'm glad I noticed the update on this story in someone's favorite list.
BookLover186 chapter 18 . 1/22
Bloody hell, this fic is fucking excellent and I'm so glad I found it! Continue updating, please!
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 1 . 1/18
Chapter 1 is a great backfill of canon.
The next few chapters could use some edits.
But I'm glad I stuck it out as the plot and characters evolved nicely. The plot points fit canon well and I'm fully engaged by chapter 18.

This Luna is especially good and I can't help but wonder if all of the "hoppers" might elect to stay in this new 'verse once the big-bad bites it. (Ron being the only one with a possibly compelling reasons to want to go back.)
hjcallipygian chapter 18 . 12/31/2024
This story is so good! Glad to see it's alive and still kicking. Hoping that you can write it in the future without bad things having to befall you first.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2024
So happy to find this updated after all this time! It's one I always came back to to check. Bravo!
You have to keep going, it's too good.
Fuck Names chapter 18 . 12/20/2024
Oh my God, actual progression, a version of Tom killed and two horcruxes destroyed as well. Wow, wow, wow. Read so many stories where it all goes wrong and this is such a breath of fresh air. Fantastic story, looking forward to an update hopefully before the end of next year lol. This was riveting to read.
Fuck Names chapter 14 . 12/20/2024
What a chapter man, absolute cinema.
ShadowNinja45567 chapter 18 . 12/17/2024
So freaking good! This story is now one of my absoulute favorites! so excited to see what happens!
JeanSyrots chapter 17 . 12/10/2024
Yay! I thought this story was abandoned. But I stumbled on it again and saw it was updated! I’m so happy!
Sorry it came at the inconvenience of your knee tho :(
Proxygalaxy2.0 chapter 17 . 12/8/2024
Hello, This is Fiction Life,

May I share your Harry Potter story on YouTube with an audience that prefers listening over reading?

Channel link: FictionLife-zl3oc

I will give proper credit in the description of your story and also share the video link under your story comment for your view. We highly respect authors and their copyright.

This is a better way to spread your story to a larger audience. Not only will you gain more hits on your work, but I will also benefit from increased exposure through my channel (monetized).

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your wishes.

I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

I have received a rating from ‘Project Copy Knight’ — check the link to see our rating: . / FictionLife-zl3oc.

Thank you..!..
NedryOS chapter 15 . 11/28/2024
i need to tell you i have to see the end of this one because im going to cry real tears when other hermione finally gets to see her future self and Move On.
Llrt chapter 18 . 11/28/2024
Loved the chapter! Thank you for updating! I'm so thrilled to be reading more of this story!
suesirg chapter 18 . 11/25/2024
ELinkA chapter 18 . 11/25/2024
Amazing chapter!
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