Reviews for No Light, No Light |
Guest chapter 2 . 8/1/2019 Still brilliant. Wish you were still writing. |
Guest chapter 2 . 6/24/2018 This is a jewel of a M/M story, love reading it so in character, thank you for sharing this! |
sanspeur chapter 1 . 1/18/2017 Can't believe I've never read this before, but I'm so glad I finally did! |
Camilla10 chapter 2 . 2/22/2016 Great story, if a little cryptic. |
dracke chapter 2 . 5/24/2013 this was amazing... man,how am i going to miss them |
Lala Kate chapter 2 . 4/29/2013 I am only sorry that it has taken me this long to discover this jewel! Loved every word, and this could have so very realistically happened in canon. A very well done short story, and I am now looking forward to devouring the rest of your work. (Although it may well be in a few weeks when this elementary school teacher reaches her summer vacation!) |
mixedupfiles chapter 2 . 2/24/2013 Thank you for writing this story in the way you did, with the truth. I write many things, but I wasn't objective enough to write this story the way it needed to be told. I wish Fellowes had used this as canon, instead of the bullshit he chose instead. This is beautifully written, completely in character, and very insightful, thank you. |
positive.potassium chapter 2 . 9/28/2012 lol love the ending or is it an ending? would love to read more but there was definitely a lot up to the imagination in that last section as always a great story thank you for sharing this |
didyouhaveagoodtime chapter 2 . 9/15/2012 Ehhh, perfect end for a wonderful story! I'm so glad you picked it up again :) |
forlovealone chapter 2 . 9/10/2012 I am having a BIG smile on my face... Just the ending. |
forlovealone chapter 1 . 9/10/2012 A wonderful new story...i love your writing and this one is already intriguing ... Love matthew said "thank you " and mary said "for what?" and he said "For you". So happy yu have updated. |
Lily chapter 2 . 9/10/2012 That's cheered us up no end. You're a darling and we love you! We love you, Ms. Chickwriter, I know it's not ladylike to say it, but I'm not a lady, and I don't pretend to be. It is lovely in every way. It is funny and handsome, and it's got such lovely teeth... (?) It seems we must brush up on our powers of fascination now. You are quite a wonderful writer, the way you see room for improvement wherever you look. And of course, Mary chose red: No one wants to kiss a girl in black. |
hillevi chapter 2 . 9/10/2012 So sweet! And so nice to have a good story completed. Thank you |
Pemonynen chapter 2 . 9/11/2012 Aaaahh! Perfect ending is perfect! And I love that it hasn't changed her in Matthew's eyes, and he only loves her more because of how's she dealt with it. And assassination...brilliant! And an awkward proposal...bless Matthew. :D |
R. Grace chapter 2 . 9/11/2012 Wonderful story! Matthew's whole-hearted support of Mary was so perfect and in character for him. I loved that he appreciated how strong she's had to be to bear up under such a secret for all those years. Very well done. Thanks for sharing! |