Reviews for Becoming Mrs Malfoy |
![]() ![]() It reads like sexist bullcrap. It's quite gross to see men being turned into glorified saints whilst the women are slandered. Just disgusting really the way the men are hero worshipped as if they've done nothing wrong and all their crimes can be neatly swept under the rug. I can understand being attracted to good looks and a sharp mind but one of the most repellant and relvusive traits you can find in a person is someone who enjoys using people as playthings and being deliberately cruel without provocation. Honestly... I can't read any more. I suspect this was written by a bloke with an enormous ego. Malfoy has not grown up in eight years, all of the men are narcissists with perhaps the slight exception of Neville Longbottom and even Ronald Weasley who funnily enough doesn't appear to be a complete arse, (still an arse but not a complete arse) and the constant female bashing is nauseating especially as the seriousness of what some of the characters experienced in the books is grossly underplayed. Hermione should ditch her "friends" and run. Leave the country. She shouldn't come back. She should surgically remove every single one of those toxic influences from her life. They don't deserve to be there. Who the fuck cares if Hogwarts has to close anyway? There are other equally prestigious magical institutions that exist. New magical schools can be built. If the purebloods and half-bloods are so concerned with preserving their magical lineage they can provide the money to educate their hellspawn. The serious lack of both emotional and any other sort of general intelligence demonstrated by the characters in this fanfic truly astounds and appalls me. Did anybody actually bother to peer review the submitted works under this fanfic category? Because I'm highly beginning to doubt it. The category referenced "Hermione's awesomeness and deserves to be appreciated by more than one character." This fanfic does not support andd is clearly a hollow mockery of the tag it was under. It should be filed under Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson Bashing, or British Wizarding Society is pathetic, blatant sexism and misogyny 101, or CRACK fic. |
![]() ![]() It's not very believable. Hermione feels very OOC, but what makes it worse is the way she's being demonised for very natural and rightful feelings. As a person who grew up in a dysfunctional household, and who has been on the receiving end of bullying and abuse both at home and in external environments, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to justify succumbing to the views and attitudes of manipulative and abusive people. Why do they get a free pass? Why do they get let off the hook? If I believed some of my parent's ideas about Asian people or Islamic people I would never have made friends with people from those backgrounds. As it stands I did make friends with those people. You can be afraid and still not believe in ideology, beliefs, behaviour and treatment that clearly feels wrong. I've had to stand up to friends and risk losing their friendship when they decided to bully someone who was classified as having average, or just slightly below average intelligence, according to the school sorting system, based on academic performance. One friend, who had struggled with her own academic performance and social situations, was quite vicious towards one of my other friends who had the same struggles. I couldn't believe it. I was furious. What right did my friend have to judge my other friend and treat him unkindly? None. Hermione has been known to be on the receiving end of constant, extreme abuse from the Slytherins for years. They have physically harmed her, most grievously, and several of them have tried to kill her or wished her dead, which is just as bad in my opinion. Why shouldn't she repay them the courtesy of their unjustified hostility and abhorrent cruelty? Which, in her case, would actually be more than justified. Being afraid is not a good enough reason, in my opinion, to be abusive towards someone else. If people just tried to make allowances and exceptions for nazis, which let's face it- the death eaters practically were with their ideas of genocide and imprisonment of muggles and muggle-borns for "stealing magic", the same way some (not all) Jewish people had become very wealthy before and after the war had been blamed for the economic woes of working-class people and above in Germany, the world would be in a very terrifying state. You really want Hermione Granger to make nice with bullies, abusers, tormentors and torturers just like that? Without even acknowledging and validating her trauma? None of the Slytherins in your fanfic have attempted apologies or reconciliation with Hermione. Sure, Draco Malfoy might have lived amongst muggles for a year, but he still says awful things about Hermione Granger. Blaise was just as bad for attacking her hair. And Harry and Ron failed to defend her. At least you got their characterisations right. The pair of them have been as obtuse and as selfish as they have always been. They've only ever thought about their own personal wants, their needs and personal goals, and expected Hermione to bail them out of trouble as well as support them every single time. Even when they're complete and utter arseholses. Their attitudes continue to disgust and disappoint me. I don't understand why Hermione is being portrayed as completely out of character. However, given what happened to her in the Chamber of Secrets where not only was she petrified by a basilisk (a state like death), which would never have happened if Draco Malfoy hadn't viciously insulted the trio and the Weasleys in the bookshop- and his father hadn't slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron, but she was also hit by the disengageuo hex which caused her teeth to grow painfully large (because of Draco Malfoy) who continued to mock her, not to mention the rest of the Slytherins but worst of all a fucking professor- I think she's more than entitled to be just a little bit angry. Draco nearly got Buckbeak killed in the third year- if his arrogance and challenge to the hippogriff hadn't provoked the creature into defending itself and its territory, it wouldn't have happened. Instead, Hagrid was blamed for being irresponsible by keeping a dangerous creature on the grounds of Hogwarts, which is ridiculous considering other, much more dangerous creatures roamed the grounds as well with the express permission of Dumbledore. In the fourth year, Draco thought a dementor attack was funny despite the fact it puts a person in a very close state to death. Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson helped spread rumours about the trio to Rita Skeeter, which resulted in Hermione having almost life-threatening injuries from being covered in butter pus. Being covered in Butober Pus is a lot like having acid thrown over you. The emotional and physical trauma, the physical disfiguration, and the seriousness of those life-threatening injuries would be permanent in the muggle world. Rita Skeeter, who published the damning and untrue article about Hermione Granger and her fictitious love life, was a former Slytherin as well. Rita's article led to her being attacked by the anonymous sender with butober pus, which again was very similar to being the victim of an unexpected acid attack in the muggle world. If you don't think that's serious, look at what happened to the model-turned-activist Katie Piper. She's an amazingly strong and beautiful woman to try and heal from that and continue on with her life. So is Hermione Granger. Then in his fifth year he supported Madame Umbridge who used torture devices on students FOR HOURS! Hermione almost died that year because of his father's machinations in the Department of Mysteries and his alliance with Voldemort. Sure, Dolohov cursed her but it was Draco Malfoy's family who were mostly responsible for all six students being there. And they were funnily enough all Slytherins. In their sixth year, he allowed death eaters into the castle, which consisted mostly of former Slytherins who attacked and nearly killed several students. His actions sped up the death of Albus Dumbledore, who, despite knowing and orchestrating when and how his death would happen, was one of the last figures between Voldemort and the safety of Hogwarts School and its students. Yet, if Draco had chosen a different path, perhaps confided his worries in his mother, be truthful about his doubts Voldemort would have led them to a better world, tried to ask for help from trustworthy authority figures, or sought sanctuary or asylum somewhere else those actions could have been prevented and not given the death eaters the advantage. In Hermione's seventh year, not that there was much Draco could have done without endangering his own life, he stood by with his parents (all Slytherins) ruthlessly tortured Hermione in his home on their drawing room floor. His deranged aunt (also a Slytherin) carved into her arm with a fucking cursed knife so that the scar would never fade or heal properly. Add to that all the name calling, the stinging hexes, the mocking laughter etc (Harry never stood up for Hermione by the way- I don't recall him defending her in the books once unlike Ron. Not even sure Harry deserves to be called her friend really. Certainly not a best friend. Anyway...) and it seems to me like Hermione has every bloody right time hate the entirety of Slytherin. Even Professor Slughorn wanted to show off Hermione liked a prized profession and use her because of her exceptional talents. All of Snape's protection and aid was selfishly motivated. That doesn't justify years of cruelty in my opinion even if he protected the students at a distance. Just so you're aware that's seven bloody years of abuse which could understandably result in severe trauma and post traumatic stress disorder. Despite everything Hermione stood by her so-called "friends" throughout all the ups and downs, and fought valiantly in the final battle. Yet you want to force Hermione to be open and accepting of the Slytherins? You want her to put aside 7 years of abuse, pain, torment and neglect for "the- selfish- stupid- moron," and his subjectively pretty blonde headed friend. Is it because she's blonde and pretty we're expected to bow to Harry and Daphne's whims or just because "the boy-who-never-technically-defeat- Voldemort" came back twice from the dead, an unheard of, almost God like feat, says so? He didn't defeat Voldemort when he was one, his mother's love, sacrifice and blood wards protected him as well as Voldemort’s own ineptitude. He didn't defeat Voldemort in the final battle either. Voldemort used a lethal spell with a wand that didn't answer to him. Talk about grossly incompetent. But in Voldemort’s defence he was manipulated into believing things without having all the facts. His own ignorance and hubris resulted in hisnown spell backfiring on him. As Harry wasn't the only one to destroy hoecurxes and it wasn't Harry's own power and spell work which resulted in the death of Voldemort, Harry didn't destroy Voldemort at all, not based on technicalities, and he certainly never had to do it all alone. So many other people played a major role in not only helping Harry survive through the war but also in taking down Voldemorr and his death eaters. All the people that were in the first wizarding war like The Mckinnon's, The Potter's, The Longbottom's, Gideon and Fabian Weasley, Elphias Dodge, Hestia Jones, and several others. Then you have the likes of Sirius Black, Alastair Moody, Remus and Nymphadora Tonks, Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey all of whom played a significant role as fallen heroes in the defeat of Voldemort and his horrible death eaters. Then you have most of the people in Dumbledore's Army- Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and the Patil Twins, Cho Chang, Terry Boot, Ernie Macmillan, Michael Corner, Justin Fintch Fletchley, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan and so many others. You also have the Weasley Parents, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, and Percy Weasley who were quite helpful as well. You have the centaurs. You have Professor Flitwick, Professor Mcgonagall and several other Hogwarts members of staff. Kingsley Shackllebolt was another key player in bringing down the death eaters, as was the sweet house elf- Dobby, bless him and his little cotton socks. There were other house elves who eventually helped- Kreacher, Winky and of course those that remained nameless and faceless. You even have Ron and Hermione themselves. The world should not continue to revolve around Harry Potter. In the end his losses and trauma were just as significant as the rest of any of them. He has no right to force his views and beliefs on Hermione. He shouldn't forsake her as a friend either just because she's not ready to personally let go of SEVEN YEARS OF ABUSE AND TRAUMA! You think 8 years is enough time for her to recover? Are you thinking it should only take one year for her to recover from each year she was traumatised? How about one year for each bloody Slytherin that caused her pain and suffering in addition to each year she had to endure their cruel mocking taunts, their hexes, and the physical trauma she sustained as a result of their behaviour? Seems fair to me... What are we looking at 14-16 years? 20 years? She should get to decide when she is ready to heal. Nobody else should force that on her. Eventually she'll either get tired of staying angry and be so sad, so depressed, she's ready for a COMPASSIONATE INTERVENTION or she will start trying to heal herself. She shouldn't be forced to love and embrace the Slytherins if she doesn't want to. She should be encouraged to let go of her anger, her hatred, and her pain for her own peace of mind. People need to understand that forgiveness doesn't mean excusing awful behaviour and giving someone else a free pass to treat you like shit and trample all over you. Forgiveness is coming to terms with what's happened. It means accepting it as the past, understanding it makes up part of who you are but deciding not to let it control your future. She might be able to understand that for a lot of the Slytherins it was a difficult situation. It was a choice between a rock and a hard place for many of them- the choice between life and death is never quite so straightforward and easy. However understanding and justification are not the same thing. She may understand but that doesn't excuse or warrant the kind of behaviour the Slytherins carried out towards her. Hermione deserves peace and healing. If she doesn't like the other Slytherins so be it. She shouldn't have to deal with them if she doesn't want to. Hermione and Draco could just be married and never see or deal with each other if that's what Hermione wants and needs. Given what the author has started in her characterizations and description of Hermione I don't care if Hermione and Draco are just married in name only. Hermione can live somewhere else, travel, meet somebody else, have an affair, have more than one partner. Normally I detest romantic affairs outside of marriage but fuck me if Hermione doesn't deserve some happiness and compassion outside of all of this. Her so called friends are fucking awful and so are the Slytherins in this fic. It pains me to say that because most Slytherins (the muggles who get themselves sorted through Pottermore now called Wizarding World) are actually really nice, clever and funny. What Hermione needs is some of that dual natured self preservation the Slytherins are renowned for. Hermione deserves better from her so-called "best friends," so much for Gryffindor loyalty... no...wait... that's Hufflepuff. Harry and the Slytherins in this fic can go f*** themselves with a 10ft pole. |
![]() ![]() I'm a little confused by this fic, especially with how Hermione is portrayed in such a harsh light. why was she expected to forgive, not only the slytherins but also Harry and Ron? The same Harry and Ron who said she was their sister but kept such a large secret from her for years? If they knew she had PTSD why did they not encourage her to see someone when they started seeing someone? Why did they leave her to deal with it by herself and then blame her for the way she coped with her PTSD? |
![]() ![]() ![]() I suspect that there is no curse and that everything is a macabre plan of Minerva McGonagall... |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh no... It's time for the truth LOL |
![]() ![]() ![]() A very funny chapter with the relationship between the Slytherins and the Gryffindors. Love the idea of Draco being in love with Hermione since fourth grade. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yay! She’s recognized that she needs help and that getting help isn’t a sign of weakness. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I’m literally counting down the chapters till Hermione gets over her prejudice. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I have a hate/love relationship with this story. I feel like everyone in this story did Hermione wrong and they didn’t deserve her. Yes, Hermione was annoying but they new something was wrong and didn’t help her. Then forced her to be friends with the person who dragged her. I’m all about forgiveness but on the person who was hurt terms. This was a rough one for me. (You accomplished the task you were given and the writing skills are amazing) I love a story that has me emotionally invested. Lastly, I wanted to hex every character at one point or another. |
![]() ![]() Eu realmente amei essa história por completo. Muito obrigada por escreveria e termina la. Uau Ainda sem palavras |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh god i hate Hermione so much, I’m trying to power through but fuck she’s annoying |
![]() ![]() ![]() you said the first 10 chapters were Hermione's attitude and as always you were right! once past those the story went quite well! thanks for sharing! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Fantastic! |
![]() ![]() ![]() your ENDING I'm DYING |
![]() ![]() I read more than half of this story before I gave up. There was no good reason for Hermione to ever forgive anyone, let alone Pureblood society in general. Draco was an ass and I wanted Hermione to tell them all to remove the library from Hogwarts and f**K everything else. Not everyone heals. The victim was made into the villain. The Jew was vilified for not wanting to forgive the Nazi and the black was vilified for not forgiving the plantation owner. All of Wizarding society marches into the sunset holding hands and singing Kumbaya while Hermione is standing there going "what the F**k? |