Reviews for A Legend is Born
Wulin chapter 11 . 10/19/2021
You know for all the BS you put here, at least make a BS about him having a higher carry limit. It's already full of BS so why not add this little BS to the shit loads of BS. Again BS! Lol
Wulin chapter 3 . 10/19/2021
Is this a fucking 4 move limit fic? The story is stupid enough so please I hope it's not a stupid game fic
The Hallowed Man chapter 17 . 9/26/2021
Nice chapter
Axccel chapter 26 . 9/22/2021
Instead of capturing or killing them you let them run off and endanger everyone around you. Brilliant.
Axccel chapter 24 . 9/21/2021
Why would you have to remove a lemon? Countless fics have them. CriticsUnited is just some troll group.
Axccel chapter 20 . 9/19/2021
The psychic/aura thing makes some sense. Envy becoming a grudge. Psychics are probably mostly viewed with suspicion, discomfort, and kinda like sanctioned witches by the public because of course nothing is so sacred as the sanctity of one's own mind. Plus that they can change reality into what they imagine if strong enough (as we see with Sabrina in the show). Aura users, on the other hand, are the Aura Guardians and basically the revered Jedi of the Pokemon World. That's gotta sting the psychics.
Axccel chapter 16 . 9/18/2021
Lucario with Sword Dance. His boost combined with base stats. The windwave from the move and that he could use it to build a lot of momentum to flow into a Force Palm or something else for the momentum. I wonder if Agility can combine with Sword Dance to enhance the dance's effect or at least speed. Were it real life.
Axccel chapter 15 . 9/17/2021
Good chapter and good way to introduce both Aura and Sabrina. Ignoring the short hair, though. That was a stupid change the devs made and even they realized it and fixed it after Gen 4 if I remember correctly. Her very long hair is a staple of her appearance and fits her perfectly.
Axccel chapter 9 . 9/17/2021
I guess Misty didn't know Mew is a psychic type. Understandable since it's not like anyone had a chance to type it.
Axccel chapter 2 . 9/14/2021
Waaaaay too fast paced and not much detail. And the "my friend(s)" thing is cringe. And used too frequently. From this story and it's sequels' popularity, I assume either you fix the problems or people ignore it for the good aspects.
Axccel chapter 1 . 9/14/2021
Calling it "non-canon" Pokemon is extremely misleading. It sounds like you're saying made up Pokemon that are fanon will be used. Maybe that's what you mean, but from seeing other stories using non-canon as a term, and in videos, I assume you mean Pokemon he didn't catch in canon. So, canon Pokemon, but thoughtlessly referred to as non-canon.
suckstobeacritic chapter 1 . 8/24/2021
*filters out all mentions of lucario using the search algorithm. Clicks most reviewed. Gets lucario fic.
kagenesti chapter 2 . 8/19/2021
This is quite a huge dichotomy here. One second Cynthia is giving away a gible without a fight n the next she claims she's gonna be a champion.
Rhyn3 chapter 2 . 7/3/2021
blaze kick?! from a freshly hatched riolu? is that it's egg move?
ZeroSkills chapter 6 . 6/3/2021
Okay, I just read Mew's voice in a very deep and low pitched sound. Like Corpse Husband's voice.
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