Reviews for Full Circle
AUCO chapter 1 . 7/27/2020
I really enjoyed Full Circle. Your story was aptly named and beautifully done through the eyes of Me. Craig.
Hopefully, Gordon gets the girl.
Elanor-G chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
I have tingles running all over my skin. That is so beautiful, I read both The Lighthouse and Full Circle, it is nice to see a well written Gordon story that isn't all about pranks etc.
JOTRACY123 chapter 1 . 12/6/2011
yeah liked this story xx
Teobi chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
Feeling The Call. Oh, yes- I felt it in the early 2000s when I worked on a boat and sailed out into the Irish Sea. I love lighthouses and stormy oceans and windswept coastlines. (And coming down with mild hypothermia.)

I love the lighthouse curator's memories of the young Gordon and his brothers when they visited all those years ago. He knew that Gordon felt The Call. And then Gordon shows up, having rescued the curator's granddaughter from a cruise ship, and there she is, and they see each other.

At this point I was thinking "Oh, the curator won't find out who Gordon really is, he'll just go on his merry way." But then Sarah tells him! That was the best bit- The Reveal.

And now I'll bet the curator is doing a little matchmaking in his head :)

Don't give up because of lack of reviews. It **is** a nuisance and it can be off-putting, but just keep at it. Even the people who get lots of reviews still worry about every new story that they write.

All the best, Jules xx
mcj chapter 1 . 11/20/2011

This is a lovely story. Very simply told, with every word echoing with the voice of the old man. You helped me get to know him and feel what he felt, especially the gratitude he had for the life of his grand-daughter and the men who saved her. The recognition scene was very sensitively handled and the final sentence...perfect.

Wonderful work. Congratulations

TBMom chapter 1 . 11/16/2011
Loved it - definently on favorites list!