Reviews for Harry Potter and the Polka Dot Plague
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 10 . 10/5/2011
~ That hack couldn't brew a decent cup of tea.


~ "The older you are, the worse it is," she'd said. Snape was more than twice Harry's age - just how serious was this for him? Did people actually die from the Skittles? Madam Pomfrey would know, but Harry could hardly ask her with Snape right there to hear. Maybe he could get a note to Hermione…

~ I didn't know!

Harry is too used to handling any illnesses by himself, without ever visiting a hospital, to voluntarily go to the Infirmary.

~ Cedric, too, had died from standing next to Harry at the wrong time. Harry couldn't have predicted it any more than he could've predicted getting the Skittles, but that didn't make Cedric less dead, did it?

~ Harry almost burst out laughing when Snape growled, "Stop crowding me, dammit!" and began pushing them away.

~ I think you're horrible, but I don't. want. you. dead.

~ Skittles must cause insanity in the later stages, Snape realized. That was the only possible explanation for Potter's sudden desire to converse with him. Since it seemed to be a harmless, non-violent sort of lunacy, he resolved to ignore it.

~ I guard the boy's life, and he looks at me as if I'm something he scraped from the bottom of a cauldron. I wear a pair of socks, and he decides I'm "decent." Gryffindors.

~ I have prepared a Portkey

Dumbledore's Portkey fails because of Skittles?

~ He had to put as much distance as possible between himself and Snape before Voldemort decided to kill the spare. Harry turned and ran, ignoring Snape's angry shouts behind him.

Darn! What is Lucius playing at? He couldn't expect that Harry and Severus go by the same Portkey, or could he?

Voldemort will get Skittles! He is also a half-blood, and I doubt he kept up-to-date with vaccines.

~ And I don't suppose that it ever occurred to you to think, in the middle of all that displaced nobility, that I was holding the Portkey that would've instantly taken us both to safety if you'd just stayed around long enough to use it?

The same with Tri-Wizard Cup. If Harry really analysed Cedric's situation, he would have understood, that if they in graveyard grasped the Cup again, they would be whisked back, without any injuries. With this conclusion in mind, it wouldn't be difficult to recall Dumbledore's words that portkey is two-way, reusable.

~ whining and running away

Harry doesn't whine and run away from Voldemort; he just wants to make sure that Harry is so far away from others that when Voldemort attacks him, nobody else will be hit in the crossfire.

Brilliant! Voldemort cannot go to St. Mungo's, Severus is his only Potions Master, so even if he gets the cure, its quality will be questionable. Though he might make Lucius to obtain some cure, it will only strengthen suspicions about purity of his blood: a pureblood cannot not have the vaccine at very early age. And if Severus almost died at Hogwarts, despite Muggle medicine and gem-polish, then Voldemort is much more likely to die, because he wouldn't research the first, and might not know about the second (Hermione is an excellent researcher). Does it count as fulfilling the prophecy? So that Harry wouldn't have to fight anymore?

Good luck to Harry and Severus! Millicent and Albus, too.
bookworm19065 chapter 10 . 8/18/2011
Nice story!
IJustWannaBeMe.DontJudge chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Griffin Raven chapter 10 . 7/23/2011
Absolutely brilliant story, especially how Severus was able to save young Harry, during the chase from Death Eaters. But best of all was when Lucius and Co., brought Harry to Voldemort after he was summoned...especially Voldemort reaction to the fact that Harry had skittles, haha!

I wonder if Wormtail ever managed to brew the cure correctly to cure Voldemort of the skittles? If so, just what revenge would he take against Lucius, as it was him that resulted in him becoming infected with skittles in the first place? How will Harry try to make amends? How will the students of Slytherin house react when Severus returns to them...and how will Draco react?
history chapter 10 . 6/30/2011
The end is so funny!
katesari chapter 10 . 12/30/2010
Lovely! Voldemort with polka dots, LOL! bye
Jane chapter 10 . 10/14/2010
*laughs* what a cute and lovely story- I truly enjoyed this.
Nanuk chapter 10 . 9/26/2010
Hehehehe, ohh, what a fantastic story. You managed to let us see right into the heads of Harry and Snape without one of them ever sounding or appearing off-character. Well done!
Nanuk chapter 3 . 9/26/2010
Uiiiiiiiiiii, I'm absolutely hooked. You've got the characters absolutely right!
Draculella chapter 10 . 1/17/2010
..."Don't scratch it, My Lord," Wormtail whimpered from behind the cauldron. "You'll only make it worse."...

ROTFLMAO! I thought it might be something like that when ol'Voldie made like a scared two year old! 'Course with him being what? 60-80 something years old it must be really bad for him. If Severus had it that bad then Voldie...Wormtail better finish the potion fast or his boss might poof out eh? Fun story, I liked the multi-colored part of the Skittles. Sounded like the measles and chicken pox mixed with a five year olds idea of a 'get-out-of-school-I'm-sick' trick. Off to see what other goodies you might have. Ta'!
Peregrinate chapter 10 . 11/21/2009
LOL. LOVE the ending. :)
deletingaccounttt chapter 8 . 11/7/2009
Heh heh, Voldy has the Skittles! lol!
Amaq Iraluq chapter 10 . 7/26/2009
Great story! Poor Harry getting ill due to an oversight :( Loved the ending as well! If Severus made a bad patient, Voldemort would be a billion times worse!
CaptainDeloris chapter 10 . 7/12/2009
Splendid piece of work! the characters are beautifully in character and I adore that last bit.
yolen chapter 10 . 6/23/2009
Oh my. That was simply incredible.

Hilarious from start to finish, and the characters as you've portrayed them are wonderful.

Love it. :)
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