Reviews for Harry Potter and the Polka Dot Plague
AniKuri-15 chapter 10 . 12/11/2005
hahaha, funniest fic ever. snape was in character. a story well done
hittocerebattosai chapter 10 . 11/6/2005
*grin* that was interesting to read! really interesting indeed! great job on that!
Steph1215 chapter 1 . 10/13/2005
good storey
SnapeSeraphin chapter 10 . 10/10/2005
Very amusing. well written. snape was very in character, as was Harry. Loved Lucius' little slip-up.

I'll be keeping my eye out for more stories from your pen. well done.
Amaruk Wolfheart chapter 10 . 9/20/2005
*huge grin* I absolutely love this! Brilliant job!
fuzzy-grapes chapter 10 . 7/17/2005
Oh! Good end! I really luv this story!
fuzzy-grapes chapter 7 . 7/17/2005
Oh, very funny! Must read other chapters!
fuzzy-grapes chapter 5 . 7/17/2005
Hey, this is heaps good! V. funny - hehehe, SKITTLES! Snape and Harry stuck in a sickroom together? Interesting idea, totally great story!
seriously strange though chapter 10 . 7/14/2005
i really enjoyed this, i like how snape wasn't a truly nasty guy, just very bad tempered, and the way you managed to save Harry, i would have liked to see what other people were thinking, like Hermione and Ron, but it was REALLY, REALLY good.
TheDeathChamber chapter 10 . 6/21/2005
That was a funny, original story. Nice
Nyghtvision chapter 7 . 5/2/2005
"I guard the boy's life, and he looks at me as if I'm something he scraped from the bottom of a cauldron. I wear a pair of socks, and he decides I'm "decent." Gryffindors."

J'adore this whole chapter.
Nyghtvision chapter 5 . 5/2/2005
I'm adding you to my Author alerts, dear!
etherealizabeth chapter 10 . 4/27/2005
this was a wonderful story that i will pass on to many. normally i read ships, but this was so well written and everyone stayed in character and the plot was fantastic!
kaz2 chapter 10 . 4/18/2005
One of my favourite How to Dispose of Voldemort stories - not to mention wizarding diseases. I've reread this a number of times and enjoyed it more each time. Thanks.

Kiki Cabou chapter 10 . 3/11/2005
This is absolutely brilliant. I laughed, I cried, I was completely delighted. I'm adding it to my favorites list. Fantastic work! Bravo. :D
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