Reviews for Five Loaves of Bread: Capitol Pastries |
lolilo chapter 1 . 6/15/2020 the most beautiful fanfiction i have ever read. ur writing is so haunting and beautiful, perfectly in character with ur own twist. i can easily imagine ur capital and panem. wow what a wonderful story i reread this so many times and i'm now just leaving a review. i love all ur other stories but i think this is my fav. the universe u have created is perfect and believable and the right amount of canon. i hope u r still writing i would love to see more of ur works. thank u! |
lionskitten chapter 1 . 10/21/2017 Wow! You are one of the BEST writers in this fandom! This was so haunting, and such a real possibility in this Panel Snow controlled universe. Anytime I run across a story this original it makes my day. Thank you! Love your style. |
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2016 Awesome bittersweet ending! Love this story! |
Guest chapter 1 . 4/2/2015 That was probably one of the best stories I've ever was like Peeta' s grief was palpable and you were in his situation.I usually shy away from stories like this, but I'm glad I read this was beautifully written! |
frauleina chapter 1 . 11/16/2014 Awesome, heartbreaking story. I don't usually like stories that play with the time line this much, but you made it very believable. |
SaintClaire chapter 1 . 9/9/2014 I did not read your story (sorry) but i wanted to say a big thank you for clearly posting about the mature content of disturbing imagery in this story so i saw it before i could read it. I have had a lot of trouble in the past, when people did not accurately label the content the stories contained. Thankyou! |
TheKritty chapter 1 . 12/23/2013 This was absolutely amazing. Wow. I don't even know what to say... Wow. |
Guest chapter 1 . 12/6/2013 When is the 4 one going to come out? It's been 2 years, not to be mean but please publish the 4 installment! |
Hazelmist chapter 1 . 10/2/2013 Wow, that was dark. Poor Peeta. I guess being forced to go through all of that would turn you into someone who could sacrifice Rue for Katniss but that's the point isn't it, that he's literally still playing the game. I loved the relationship between Peeta and Finnick though and how he had at least one person that truly understood everything that he was going through. Great job once again, I love reading your writing and these alternative universes you're creating. They're lovely! I hope you write more and congrats on the book! |
hpdude-4life chapter 1 . 9/5/2013 Ok, so, WOW. Congratulations man! *hi5* You truly deserve it though, as your fics are amazing. As was this one. It was so dark and depressing, and everything that you didn't want to happen, happened. But it was so raw and pure, and that FIRE that Peeta had to keep Katniss alive was just burning and the way you portrayed his and Finnick's lives was just heart-breaking but I felt that it was highly apt and just. This was a beautiful story. So thank you. :) |
flip fantasia chapter 1 . 7/7/2013 Sad, all of it, so sad |
Guest chapter 1 . 3/25/2013 That was so heartbreaking :( UGH. Beautiful. Even though it was a little dark for my usual tastes, it was so realistic in the HG universe! Are you ever going to write the last 2 installments of this series? If so, you should do it soon! |
LaPlacesDemon chapter 1 . 1/26/2013 oh my lord, this was absolutely heartwrenching. funny coincidence: i actually bought the panem companion today and thought it was fabulous. i guess i was inspired and i went to go read some fanfic and lo and behold i found yours! thanks for being a great writer. C: |
varicose chapter 1 . 1/13/2013 I loved this story. By far my favorite AU. You made great use of rhetoric, not giving us every detail of this world at first and that made it compulsively readable. Amazing dialogue, in particular, the conversation between Peeta and Chaff was so compelling, so wise. What else can I say? It was absolutely beautiful. |
Estoma chapter 1 . 11/13/2012 Amazing! You are definitely deserving to be publishing a book. |