Reviews for The Unexplainable Love Confliction
Iagan chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
Krystal Jaymes chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
-tears up and heads to part 2-
texican2436 chapter 1 . 1/2/2012
wow that was a lot to put in one chapter, but in all it was pretty good i read the babyshower story first and you said to read this and another so i am, i do hope that you keep them together i always love shenny stories :)
XoXStrawberryGashesXoX chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
How cute.

I would, however, lke to point out that Sheldon is entirely out of character. Leonard as well, and Penny at points. Not only that, but most of the basis of the fic is inaccurate.

When asked how Penny could be pregnant, I'm completely positive that Sheldon would launch into the explaination of how one becomes impregnated. When confronted with Penny telling him she may be pregnant, he wouldn't react aggressively, but probably more condescendingly as if to tell her that "thinking" she's pregnant isn't reason to tell him, but more just telling him she's pregnant. And obviously he wouldn't have gone to the party in the first place; and if he had, he wouldn't have trusted Raj with his drink if he was slightly suspicious of it being spiked. Now onto Leonard, he would've taken the news in stride, reacted sympathetically while secretly loathing the both of them temporarily. Howard might've just reacted to the fact that Sheldon (a germaphobe) had sexual intercourse with Penny (someone whom by now must have a high alcohol tolerance). Then of course there's the fact that a glass of alcohol mixed with apple juice wouldn't nearly be enough to lower Sheldon's inhabitions.

Still and all, the story was quite enjoyable and for a fanfiction, fairly well written.


Jessi Violet - botdf kitty chapter 1 . 11/26/2011
This was cute. I stumbled across this and was suprised to find myself reading a romance of Sheldon and Penny. I thought I would never see the day... It was sweet of course but some of Sheldon's emotions were a bit hard to believe-no disrespect at all. But I did enjoy this, for what its worth.
Jonis chapter 1 . 11/25/2011
While I like the story, the ending is a bit short and not as believable as the rest.
Lightningbolt81 chapter 1 . 11/25/2011
Loved it, Is there anyway that you'd do a sequel of some sort that deals with penny being pregnant and leading up to the birth of the baby