Reviews for A Hope Renewed
Teamrob2 chapter 38 . 7/7
Cindi Scott chapter 39 . 6/22
This is such a beautiful and beloved story. I just discovered it on a list of favorite fan fiction stories. It was beautifully crafted. The tenderness of Edward and Bella was touching and I felt their love and respect for each other. They are both so brave and an inspiration for others. So many thanks to you for sharing this compelling story. You are very talented!
guineagoo chapter 39 . 5/22
Such a beautiful story! I can’t believe I’ve only now come across this. Thank you for sharing!
Cullen Cousin chapter 39 . 4/28
Enjoyed the story, great job!
Rebadams7 chapter 39 . 3/2
What a lovely tale!
JD Thorn chapter 39 . 12/12/2023
I absolutely loved this story. I can’t wait to read “He Came Along”. Starting it now…
MyladyNancy chapter 39 . 8/20/2022
this was a beautiful story. thank you
Guest chapter 18 . 8/9/2022
Rosalie is being team too much!
Ajfflady chapter 1 . 7/29/2022
I came across this recommendation and I’m so glad I put it on my TBR, I loved it. Such a
Riveting story even a decade later. How fortunate we are as fans we can still discover stories of these two lovers. Best Wishes.
AgoodWITCH chapter 39 . 2/18/2022
Love this story. Thank you for writing it.
BethMasenCullen chapter 39 . 2/12/2022
Beautiful work, Love! Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us!
BethMasenCullen chapter 38 . 2/12/2022
Hooray for safe arrival of Baby Cullen!
BethMasenCullen chapter 37 . 2/12/2022
I loved the surprise celebration that Edward planned for Bella! I love these 2 and am sad the story is nearly finished...
BethMasenCullen chapter 36 . 2/12/2022
I'm not sad to see James gone. I'm so grateful Rosalie saw what was happening and acted to help Bella. I hope Bella can shake this off and find peace...
BethMasenCullen chapter 35 . 2/12/2022
I had a bad feeling James with make an appearance somewhere while Edward was awayugh...
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