Reviews for A Hope Renewed
ChristyWIX chapter 32 . 5/12/2016
I am elated that he is taking her to France. I loved Paris, as it was so amazing to see all those things you hear about. I really do like that Mr. Swan put into words, that he suspected a staff member, thought his brain just would not work for him. With those words in there, it is more proof that he suspected someone and had he been more sound of mind, would've had James arrested. It was wonderful that Bella is the sole owner and heir of Collingsworth, as it must give her much more comfort. I really like that she wants to keep the information between Jasper, Edward and herself. If that somehow gets out, with James still on the loose, I would fear for her life. He could kidnap her and force her to sign it over to him. Although, the constable and Jasper would fight that it was under duress and not legally binding. So, I suppose that worry is for naught.
ChristyWIX chapter 31 . 5/12/2016
I'm so glad that Bella was there for Alice, as Esme was slightly delayed in her arrival. Thankfully, Esme made it time for her daughter to birth her granddaughter. Yay! Oh, I love the name you chose for them, it is wonderful. Anna Grace Whitlock. Bella's concerns about getting pregnant, were understandable. Knowing what we know these days, about how stress can do so much to a body, I was not surprised that she had not gotten pregnant yet. I was actually glad that she didn't. This allowed her time to go through each and every thing that Carlisle mentioned, without the additional worries of being pregnant could bring a woman in those days. Now that everything is rather settled, with the exception of James, I think her body will start to allow her to gear up to become pregnant. I have no doubt. I just really hope that it happens after whatever James has planned for the Cullen's and Collingsworth. It does beg the question as to why, an educated society born, person such as Tanya would even be taken in by James in the first place? He must've promised her Edward, in some way. Again, how could she fall for that? Enough to get pregnant by the man and try to pass it off as Edward's. Sadly, Kate and Garrett have lost their daughter and gained a grandson. Born of a thief, no less. Goodness.
ChristyWIX chapter 30 . 5/12/2016
Would it not make sense for Alice to have her baby and them all leave the manor, until James and Tanya can be found? You wouldn't want to leave now, with Alice so very close to birth. However, I do think they should leave soon. Take that honeymoon they've been discussing. I fear that I can see Emma being thwarted by Tanya, just outside the gardens to snatch her away for ransom. Tanya is that deranged and she is family and familiar to little Emma. Now, with Alice's idea to use Bella's father's cottage to start the school for the farmer's children, I can see an equally deranged James setting flame to it. I do know that you, as a teacher, would never allow even a fictional character to harm fictional children. I do hope that the drama isn't too terribly drawn out though. Bella deserves her happily ever after for once. She most certainly does not need to spend it looking over her shoulder constantly.
ChristyWIX chapter 28 . 5/12/2016
I fear that your classroom of children have overworked your mind so much that it made you fall into a very large cliche in this chapter. Of course James got away. He probably even has Tanya waiting for him, to whisk him away, so they can attack when it suits them both best. It would've been very much more refreshing to have had Tanya caught and James and her both successfully charged. Nope, that did not happen. Bummer.
ChristyWIX chapter 23 . 5/11/2016
Not only did Bella search for and find Emma, she rescued her and had her giggling and not afraid. She was absolutely amazing in this chapter. So selfless and caring. Worried and thoughtful. Wow.
ChristyWIX chapter 21 . 5/11/2016
Reading Edward put Mrs. Mallory in her place, after she knew that he'd heard every bit of vitriol from that rancid mouth of hers, was fabulous! That was fantastic!
ChristyWIX chapter 20 . 5/11/2016
Oh but he was livid pissed at what Tanya had the audacity to say to his wife . . . in their home! I knew Bella was headed down the very wrong path with her thoughts of him throwing her out. He simply moved her things to his room. I love him. Them making love for the very first time, was magical. You have such a way with words. The way you write your loves scenes is so well done. Very beautiful. So romantic. Swoon.
ChristyWIX chapter 17 . 5/11/2016
Finally! She's admitted loves him and wants him, to stay married. Her being pissed at him for not speaking to her, when she's avoided him for the past three days, was funny. I loved that he called her out on that. Really was a fantastic chapter. I also like that he cleared up the Tanya mess tha Rosalie created. I really hope that Edwrad talks to Emmett about it. Better yet, confront Rosalie directly. Really, how dare she. Merely because she favors Tanya, as she is her cousin, does not give her the right to lie to Bella.
ChristyWIX chapter 8 . 5/11/2016
Lurking through this one so far, in lieu of my rather wordy reviews. I am heartbroken that Bella traded her Mother's necklace. I truly hope, that when Mr. Banner learns of what has happened, that he offers every piece to Edward. I do believe that man will be elated to snatch up every last piece of what Isabella has had to give up. What a very interesting tale this is. Again, I am rather enjoying your words.
pepita62 chapter 1 . 5/9/2016
Darling. I am currently reading this beautiful and amazing story.
I am in awe, you are a talented writer and your style is really sweet, georgeous and poethic.
Thank you, thank you so much for sharing your stories with us.
You make me dream!
CoppertopJ chapter 39 . 5/8/2016
Absolutely stunning story. I am in awe.
blb1000 chapter 39 . 5/7/2016
Very nicely done. :)
blb1000 chapter 38 . 5/7/2016
I had guessed Edward Charles. Should have known as Ward never liked his first name that much. :-D
blb1000 chapter 37 . 5/6/2016
Surely once their child is born he will never leave their sides again.
blb1000 chapter 35 . 5/6/2016
Knowing her, she'll take one look at him and rush him to the house to be cared for.
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